The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 165: With just such a small amount of money, why would you risk your life!

Chapter 165: With just such a small amount of money, why would you risk your life!
The two club bosses, Seven Star Club and New World, who had received the news of the failed sneak attack of their younger brother in advance, were gathering in a club to discuss the next plan.

"Axiba, we've all made it this far, and we've all been spared by that fellow Ma Jiachang! It's too abominable!" Du Xing, the boss of the Seven Stars Club, was feeling angry at the younger brothers for their ineffectiveness.

"Old Du, what is difficult now is not this problem, but the revenge from behind the White Tiger Club! Since Ma Jiachang is not dead, their White Tiger social security is not complete, and they will take revenge for the boss and settle accounts with us!" He smoked a cigar and said with some regret.

Different from Du Xing's toughness and cruelty, the New World Society, like the White Tiger Society, has begun to get involved in corporate development and plans to transform the society.However, their funds are limited and there is no strong support behind them. Compared with Baihu Club, they are not only smaller in scale but also have less funds.If it weren't for someone from the chaebol offering a huge reward this time, he wouldn't have taken such a big risk to get involved!

"Hmph——! Everything has been done, what else can we do? The soldiers will stop it, and the water will cover it up! Besides, if our two families join forces, we may not be afraid of their White Tiger Society!" Du Xing was a little dissatisfied with the cautious Chen Xi Said.

"...You guy, you really have a simple mind and well-developed limbs! You never thought about how Ma Jiachang was able to expand the scale of the White Tiger Club to the number one in Bangzi Country in such a short period of time! His There must be a big financial backer behind him!" Chen Xi looked at the "reckless" teammate in front of him, and could only explain patiently, "Now that something happened to Ma Jiachang, do you think the other party can tolerate us moving his flag?"

"...Then what should we do? The matter of offering a reward for the assassination of Ma Jiachang was initiated by the Yuetian Group, and we only used money to do things. Didn't the guy who came to us say that? If we can't stand it anymore, they The Yuetian Group will cover us up!" Du Xing said a little unconvinced, they are the top ten chaebols in the Bangzi Kingdom, if they don't give face, will they still want to hang out in the Bangzi Kingdom?Hehe!
"...I'm just afraid that they will refuse to admit their debt when trouble comes! Sigh...if it weren't for the club's lack of funds, I wouldn't want to be involved in this matter!" When the cigar burned out, Chen Xi was a little annoyed. He shouldn't have agreed to this in the first place. Son.

Out of caution, he had asked his younger brother to investigate whether there was any conflict between Yuetian Group and Baihu Society.However, the younger brother's investigation was very slow. The results of the investigation were not reported to him until a few hours ago, which shocked Chen Xi.

It turned out that during this period of time, the White Tiger Club obtained a large amount of funds from nowhere, which seemed to be hundreds of billions of Korean won, and swept up the shares of Lotte Department Store in the stock market. It also negotiated with the bank, and it seemed that some kind of agreement had been reached.Moreover, Xu Zaitian, the president of Lotte Department Store, even had a special talk with Ma Jiachang.

"Baihu Club wants to acquire Lotte Department Store?!" Chen Xi quickly guessed the plan of Baihu Club based on the sporadic content reported by his younger brother, and quickly realized that this is probably the reason why Yuetian Group wanted to kill Ma Jiachang !

However, the White Tiger Club was able to spend so much money, nine times out of ten, it was their behind-the-scenes bosses' instigation, otherwise, how could it be possible to spend so much money based on the strength of the White Tiger Club?
This also gave Chen Xi a bad premonition. Their New World and the Seven Star Club seemed to be involved in the game between the two big forces. If they were not careful, the club would be destroyed, and there would be no place to die!

It's just that when the two were discussing, thousands of people had already rushed towards the enemy where they were!Due to the fact that there were too many people, so many people gathered in one place, and the nearby passers-by felt inexplicably panicked, and hurriedly took their friends and family away from these guys!

The Seoul Public Security Bureau quickly received an alarm call from the public. After listening to the caller's description, the operator realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly reported it to his superiors.

It's just that when their director heard that the other party had dispatched thousands of people, he quickly changed his attitude, "Such a large-scale gathering like this is likely to be a fight between clubs. It's not that we can act rashly, but we still have to Just wait and see what happens!”

"But... what if something bad happens? Those people will blame us!" the subordinate said hesitantly.

"You only get more than 100 million Korean won a month (according to the current exchange rate close to 1:2000, about 700 U.S. dollars), what are you doing? They have thousands of people, and our entire Public Security Bureau adds up to less than 100 people, what do you use to stop them? Take your elm head?!" The director said with a bit of hatred.

The director's words instantly chilled the hearts of the young subordinates who were extremely righteous. Yes, they have so many people to maintain order, but if something goes wrong, they might suffer heavy losses. Who dares to bear this responsibility?It is better to wait and see how the situation changes, come forward to deal with the aftermath, and minimize the impact of the incident!

"Here it is! Our younger brothers have found out clearly that the bosses of the Seven Stars Club and the New World have an appointment to meet here today, and we can just take them down together!" The person who spoke was one of the top executives of the White Tiger Club. Ma Jiadong, Ma Jiachang’s cousin, said.

Originally, their boss, Ma Jiachangdu, had proposed to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, intending to formally annex Lotte Department Store through voting.At that time, people like them can also be promoted to the management of the department store. As a result, such and such a thing happened, not only the holding of the shareholders meeting may be a mess, but also the "Xiang Momo" that is about to be obtained is also stuck there up!
At the beginning, Ma Jiachang promised that after taking over Lotte Department Store, 400 jobs would be created in the department store to accommodate club members.Members who get the quota can transfer it to their family members if they don't need it, it's also valid!

Now Ma Jiachang is still lying in the hospital, and the boss who wants to lead them to live a good life together is almost kicked!Isn't this TM a way of breaking people's fortunes!With such a "deep hatred", they can't wait to tear apart each other's bones and smash their bones into ashes!

Following Ma Jiadong's order, thousands of members of the White Tiger Club headed towards the Seven Star Society in the distance like tigers coming out of their cages!The security personnel of the Seven Stars Club who spotted the enemy hurriedly called the nearby members to come to help, but before the other members of the Seven Stars Club came over, these guys were beaten to the ground by the members of the White Tiger Club with baseball bats, and they screamed loudly. !


"Boss, it's bad! There are large-scale enemies outside! The brothers outside can't hold it anymore! Boss, let the other brothers cover you and retreat quickly!" A close subordinate hurriedly ran in from outside. shouted towards Du Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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