The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 177 Hong Guidong's Youngest Daughter

Chapter 177 Hong Guidong's Youngest Daughter

Hearing this, Rachel happily took the evening gown handed over by the waiter and walked towards the fitting room.

"This one is pretty good, I want it, she will try on the other ones later, let's check out together!" Chen Daojun said to the saleswoman at the side.

"Of course, no problem!" the female saleswoman said happily. Looking at this attitude, Chen Daojun, a wealthy young man, is probably going to spend a lot of money in their store. Her bonus this month is probably going to take off!

After trying several evening dresses in a row, Chen Daojun was very satisfied, so he simply asked the salesmen around him to pack them up and buy them all!
"Sir, the lady next to you is really beautiful. All the evening dresses look particularly beautiful on her!" the waiter said with a smile, "It's just that a few evening dresses paired with some jewelry will make it even more beautiful." It looks great! We also have exquisite jewelry for sale in the jewelry exhibition area on the second floor! Would you like to go upstairs and have a look?"

Hearing what the salesperson said, Rachel was obviously ready to make a move, but she knew very well that she did not have the financial resources, so she looked at Chen Daojun longingly.Chen Daojun glanced at the talkative female salesperson, didn't pay attention to her words, but said indifferently, "No, check out!", Chen Daojun was very disgusted with this feeling of being calculated by others, even a mere female salesperson wanted to influence him Practices and ideas, ha ha!

Chen Daojun and Rachel then went shopping at the nearby Chow Tai Fook Jewelry store and bought a diamond necklace for Rachel.Thinking of Mou Xianmin and Song Yuner who were far away in Bangzi Country, Chen Daojun bought two more diamond necklaces and bracelets. Even the counter attendants who had seen the big scene were stunned by Chen Daojun's operation.

"Sir, are you sure you want to buy so many?" The counter sister couldn't help but remind her, after all, there is no need to buy so many similar ones!
Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Yes, I want all of these!"


------Dividing line------

At 5 o'clock in the evening on the third day, Li Wenlin came to the hotel to pick up Chen Daojun and the two to go to the charity party.Looking at Rachel who was sitting beside her wearing a white dress and a diamond necklace, Li Wenlin subconsciously cast envious eyes, "Miss Rachel's outfit is really amazing!"

"Ms. Li is overly praised." Rachel replied modestly, but the continuous smile on her face undoubtedly revealed her innermost feelings.

By the time the three of them arrived at the party, many celebrities and guests had already arrived.Li Wenlin and Chen Daojun soon met Huang Lin.Huang Lin, who was still talking to his friends on the side, saw Chen Daojun and quickly said hello to him, and then introduced to the people around him, "This Mr. Chen is a big shot at our Goldman Sachs Group headquarters. He came from Bangzi Country." Come over here!"

"Mr. Chen, this is Chen Ming, the general manager of Standard Chartered Bank, and this is Hong Guidong, the general manager of Hong Group!" Huang Lin introduced the two men in front of Chen Daojun one by one.

"Mr. Chen is young and promising! At your age, I was still working for others in the factory!" Hong Guidong looked at Chen Daojun in front of him and said with some emotion.

"That's right! It's really surprising! Goldman Sachs is really talented!" Chen Ming also joked aside.

"You two are being polite! I'm just lucky!" Chen Daojun said modestly, not at all proud of the compliments from the two great figures.


While Chen Daojun and the others were chatting, other guests also arrived one after another.Seeing this, Huang Lin at the side also whispered to Chen Daojun the information about some important figures who were slowly entering the arena.Younger family members such as the Xu family, Whampoa Li family, Haojiang He family, Sun Hung Kai Li family, New World Zheng family, and Dongxing Huo family all participated, and a number of corporate executives also arrived one after another to participate in this event. charity gala.

Chen Daojun saw many familiar faces among these people, such as Xu Jinheng from the Xu family, Li Zekai from the Huangpu Li family, Lin Jianyue from the Lixin Group... By the way, there was also Liu Ruanxiong, a romantic and wealthy man whose girlfriends were all over the entertainment industry.

At this moment, a tall woman with short hair and a black dress walked towards Chen Daojun and others. "Daddy, I'm coming!" This heroic androgynous beauty came behind Hong Guidong and smiled at him.

"You girl, you came so late, I thought you wouldn't even come here!" Hong Guidong had nothing to do with this disobedient little daughter Hong Zhiqing, so he could only pat her on the arm and motioned her to sit aside. "This girl is my youngest daughter, Hong Zhiqing. She works in Minsheng Bank and often works overtime at the unit. Fortunately, I reminded her to arrive early yesterday!" Hong Guidong explained to several people.

His eldest daughter, Hong Zhixin, was married. Although his shrewd and capable youngest daughter, Hong Zhiqing, was not yet married, she had a strong personality and was very assertive. She often didn't care about what his father said.This made Hong Guidong both proud and worried. After all, girls who are quiet and educated these days are more likely to be liked by boys. A girl like Hong Zhiqing who looks like a man is worried about getting married!
Chen Daojun looked curiously at Hong Zhiqing who was nearby. This familiar big back and a face very similar to Miss Hong Kong's Chen Farong made Chen Daojun a little distracted, because he remembered that Hong Zhiqing was a character in a TV series he had watched before time travel. ? ... Could it be that he traveled through not only the world of "The Youngest Son of the Chaebol Family", but a comprehensive world that mixed multiple movies and TV series?
Seeing Chen Daojun in a daze, Rachel at the side quickly poked Chen Daojun in the audience. "Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you?" Huang Lin who was on the side asked with concern. He thought that Chen Daojun was feeling unwell somewhere.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just felt a little distracted when I saw Miss Hong's heroic appearance. It's the first time I've seen such a unique lady!" Chen Daojun replied with a smile.

The few people on the side were very surprised. You must know that although Xiangjiang's customs are biased towards John's country, and the style and aesthetics of the European and American routes when walking, but in European and American countries, the image of strong women with short hair is rare and attractive.What Chen Daojun said was beyond their expectation, and it made Hong Zhiqing beside him a lot of interested in Chen Daojun, the same age. After all, how many women can resist a handsome guy who can make people happy?


On the stage, popular Hong Kong celebrities and singers performed on stage one after another, and many guests in the audience applauded and praised from time to time.When the host came to the stage to explain the reasons for holding this charity gala and hoped that the guests would donate as much as possible, many representatives of big families and companies responded, taking out the checks they had prepared in advance and delivering them to the donation box on the stage. middle.Someone took the lead, and others came on stage to donate.Huang Lin asked Chen Daojun if he wanted to make a donation on stage. Chen Daojun thought about it for a while, then took out a checkbook from his suit pocket and quickly filled it out.After a while, Chen Daojun tore off the top check of 30 US dollars, handed it to Huang Lin and said with a smile, "I won't go up, you can donate the money for me!" "

 There have been a lot of things these past two days, and the code wording has been delayed. Chapter 3 will be sent out in the morning.
(End of this chapter)

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