The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 178 Arriving at Pengcheng (3rd update, please subscribe)

Chapter 178 Arriving in Pengcheng (third update, please subscribe)

As Huang Lin, Chen Ming and Hong Guidong came on stage to donate money, nearby reporters showed their cameras to these three representatives. The good people in the audience also applauded. They obviously recognized Huang Lin and others. identity.


"Boss, why don't you go there yourself?" Rachel asked curiously.

Li Wenlin and Hong Zhiqing beside them also stared at Chen Daojun curiously, as if they didn't understand Chen Daojun's operation.I saw Chen Daojun smiling and said, "I don't want to be famous, and I don't need other people's attention. What am I going to do? Donate money, don't you just need to get what you want?"

"..." The three girls were all choked up by Chen Daojun's words, and the young people from the big families were also donating money on stage, wishing to have a close-up and help him become famous.Even the representatives of these big companies have many thoughts like this, only Chen Daojun, a "wonderful man", would think so, right?
Hong Zhiqing didn't expect that Chen Daojun's ideas were so special. No wonder this guy would praise himself as "heroic" before!Normal men would probably have the impression that this woman looks like a man when they see her!Her curiosity about Chen Daojun became even more intense.


When the party was about to end, Hong Zhiqing hesitated for a while, took the initiative to put one of her business cards into Chen Daojun's hand, and said in a low voice, "You are very interesting, if you have a chance on the weekend, you can come out and play together!"

Afterwards, Hong Zhiqing held her father Hong Guidong's arm and left talking and laughing, "It's really interesting! I was actually teased by a woman!" Chen Daojun was a little bit dumbfounded, he didn't expect to personally experience a "female teasing a man" today , this feeling is really special!
Chen Daojun put away his business card, Huang Lin and Li Wenlin who were on the side didn't seem to see it, and after greeting Chen Daojun, they also left.Chen Daojun took Rachel back to the hotel.On the way, Rachel hesitated for a while, but still asked the doubts in her heart, "Boss, you can't be gay, are you? Why are you interested in that Miss Hong?"

"...What nonsense are you talking about! Don't you know the most about whether I'm gay or not?" Chen Daojun was a little speechless, what the hell is Rachel thinking?Although that Hong Zhiqing has short hair and a more neutral style, but looking at the essence from the outside, she is indeed a beautiful beauty!Cough cough, isn't it natural to like beautiful women?
"..." Facing Chen Daojun's rhetorical question, Rachel couldn't stand it anymore. The boss Chen Daojun is becoming more and more dishonest now. At this time, he can still drive recklessly and get himself involved!


------Dividing line------

On the fourth day, Chen Daojun took Rachel to Pengcheng.After returning to the hotel last night, Chen Daojun called Li Taiyong, who was in the Mainland. The two chatted for a while about the situation of Miracle of Hot Summer. Li Taiyong also happened to mention that the Internet cafe had officially opened, and the staff of Miracle of Hot Summer had been looking for and recruiting outstanding people in Pengcheng. Internet talents, it seems that two or three suitable targets have been searched and preliminary contacts are being made.

Especially when I heard Li Taiyong mention a young man named Tony Ma, who was previously the director of the R&D department of Runxun Communication Development Co., Ltd. in Pengcheng, and recently had the idea of ​​leaving his job to start a business.This made Chen Daojun very shocked, "This...isn't this the little Ma brother who later founded Goose Factory, built a huge game empire, and became the richest man in Yanxia for several times?" up!

In order to ensure that this future Internet tycoon is under his command, Chen Daojun took Rachel to buy a bus ticket in a hurry early in the morning, and hurried to Pengcheng.He needs to go to Pengcheng to confirm whether this Tony Ma is the future pony brother, and he must not miss such a top "potential stock"!

For this reason, Rachel said with some dissatisfaction, "Boss, it's only 7 o'clock, why don't you pull me out so early!" Chen Daojun said, "When I brought you here, I didn't say that I brought you on vacation. Now there is an important matter in Pengcheng, we need to go there as soon as possible. If you don't go, part of this month's bonus will be deducted!"

"Boss, why do you have the heart to withhold my bonus?!" Rachel immediately lost her composure. If there was no bonus, her income this month would probably shrink a lot, and the comfortable life in the past would probably be compromised.

"If you don't want to be deducted from the bonus, then go to Pengcheng with me. Here, these are the meat buns and tea eggs you bought at the breakfast stand just now. You can eat them!" Chen Daojun bought them outside the station and handed them over early. He also took a big bite.

Seeing Chen Daojun eating with gusto, Rachel could only vent her dissatisfaction on the meat bun in her hand, and followed Chen Daojun's appearance, gnawing on it. "Huh? This tastes so good?" Rachel unexpectedly found that this ordinary-looking bun tasted like the kimchi from Bangziguo, which made her unable to resist taking a few more bites.


It was already 11 noon when Chen Daojun and Chen Daojun arrived in Pengcheng. They also met Li Bin, the director of the personnel department of Yanxia Miracle Group, at the bus station.

Li Bin said respectfully, "Mr. Chen, we have already arranged the hotel and reception banquet, why don't we go there now?"

When Chen Daojun heard this, he nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Then I'll trouble Minister Li!"

After arriving at the hotel and putting away their luggage, Chen Daojun and Rachel came to the private room of the hotel restaurant led by Li Bin.The personnel staff who had been waiting here for a long time also greeted Chen Daojun warmly.


Since he still wanted to meet the Internet talents they were looking for in the afternoon, Chen Daojun pushed the drinking session to the evening on the grounds of keeping a clear head.

"Minister Li, I heard from Dong Li (Li Taiyong) that the candidate you are currently in contact with is Tony Ma? How did you get in touch?" Chen Daojun asked Li Bin on the side.

"To tell the truth, Mr. Chen, we were also at a loss at the time. We were unfamiliar with the place here, so we didn't know where to start?" Thinking of Mo Yang who was embarrassed when they first came to Pengcheng, Li Bin was very emotional, "Later, it was still Xiao Fang suggested that we can start with those universities and communication companies that offer computer majors, and this opened up the situation!"

"Later, when we visited universities in Pengcheng, we accidentally learned that students who had graduated from the computer department of Pengcheng University for a few years seemed to be doing well and seemed to be engaged in the Internet industry. After getting the contact information from the school, we Get in touch with him soon."

Li Bin paused and continued, "At first the other party thought we were liars, but after we revealed our identities and met with the other party, the other party believed it, but he was not satisfied with the employment treatment we gave. , I feel that the treatment given is too low. There is no agreement yet.”

(End of this chapter)

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