The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 182 The frustrated Cui Changji

Chapter 182 The frustrated Cui Changji
Under the offensive of money, Ma Jiachang quickly got the information of the person who reported to the prosecutor's office. The person who reported was an ordinary unemployed and laid-off person.

Naturally, Ma Jiachang would not believe this. If he hadn't been instigated by someone, how could this guy know the internal situation of Yuetian Department Store, and he could still produce the report materials?

After some torture, they successfully got the person behind the scenes from the other party. It turned out that the person behind the scenes was a middle-level manager of Yuetian Group!
After Ma Jiachang heard the news, he was directly annoyed, "I knew that the group of dogs from the Yuetian Group would not let it go. Xin Dongbin, a bastard, dares to plot against us. Do you really think that our White Tiger Club is made of mud?"

"Brother, don't they like to report? Let's report too! I don't believe that their Yuetian Group's butts are clean!" Ma Jiadong suggested on the side. He was indeed annoyed by these guys from the Yuetian Group. .

Before the Yuetian Group hired murderers to kill people, Ma Jiachang and the others failed to let the other party succeed. As revenge, their Baihu Club directly destroyed the Seven Star Club and the New World Club, and at the same time launched a "Pengci "And public opinion war.I didn't expect the other party to start making trouble again so soon!

"First go and arrest the guy who hired him to report us! As for how to deal with the Yuetian Group, I'll contact President Wu first and see what he says!" Ma Jiachang pondered for a moment and quickly figured out response measures.

Now the big boss Chen Daojun went to Yanxia next door to handle errands, and it was impossible to help him for a while, so it would be more straightforward to find President Wu Shixian of Miracle Group and ask him for help.


"President Wu, I have something to trouble you about!" Ma Jiachang quickly dialed Wu Shixian's phone number, his words a little awkward.

"Haha, we're all a family, so there's no need to be so polite! President Ma may as well just say it." Wu Shixian didn't expect that Ma Jiachang from the White Tiger Society would contact him suddenly, and seemed to have encountered some problems.

"It's like this. The prosecutor's office received a report and sent people to Yuetian Department Store to search yesterday and took away all the important information. Our people have investigated it, and it is the hands of the Yuetian Group. It seems that The other party is not going to die with us. I want to ask President Wu to help us deal with the Yuetian Group together!" Since the other party has already torn his face and repeatedly attacked the black hand, he will naturally not sit still and gather strength. , It is their consistent style to maim and kill the opponent at once.

Ma Jiachang's words quickly made Wu Shixian realize that Yuetian Group's actions were probably because losing Yuetian Department Store was too much, and they were trying to get the department store back, right? !
Wu Shixian urged, "President Ma, stabilize the situation first! I have asked the detective agency to investigate the illegal evidence and various scandals of Yuetian Department Store. I believe there will be results soon. When the time comes, we will You can also use those materials to report the Yuetian Group. At that time, I will let SBS TV, Xiancheng Daily and all the media join forces! When the stock price of the Yuetian Group continues to plummet, our Miracle Group will follow up and acquire the Yuetian Group The core subsidiary under it. As for Yuetian who has no support and has fallen from the top chaebol, President Ma should be able to deal with it easily, right?"

"Yuetian Group has fallen from the top chaebol? Okay, then I will wait for the good news from President Wu!" Ma Jiachang was a little unbelievable, and then he was ecstatic. If Yuetian is the same as the Hanjin Group a few years ago , so if the White Tiger Club wants to take revenge on each other, isn't it easy to handle?


At the end of the call, Ma Jiachang said to the brother next to him, "President Wu has already made arrangements, let's just wait and see what happens. When the time is right, deal a heavy blow to the Yuetian Group! I want the Xin family and his son to help Pay for what you did before!"

"Yes, boss!" The senior executives of the White Tiger Club said respectfully.

------Dividing line------

After Bangziguo started the general election ahead of schedule, with the support of many officials, the local elections also started ahead of schedule.Cui Changji, who had been prepared for a long time, decisively shouted "revitalize the economy and reduce the unemployed population" when he was running for the mayor of Seoul. Even the big chaebols such as Daying Group and Shunyang Group can’t stand the bad situation, and the IMF organization didn’t apply for the relief fund. What can they do to revive the economy? !
However, after seeing Cui Changji’s campaign slogans on TV, those unemployed people and small businesses with nowhere to go can’t help feeling hopeful in their hearts. If this strange guy really has the ability to lead them out of the predicament, why not support him? !For a while, many people took the initiative to support Cui Changji!
This made Cui Changji and Chen Huarong very excited. They did not expect that the campaign slogan proposed by Wu Shixian was so effective. Cui Changji, who had no political achievements in the first place, quickly gathered a group of people to support him!This has surprised many competitors and industry insiders.However, they all think that Cui Changji is "bragging and trying to spread the pie". Even if Cui Changji succeeds in the election and becomes the mayor of Seoul, he will soon be ousted because he cannot fulfill his previous campaign promises!

Zheng Xin Zhai.

Chen Yangji, who was watching the news in his study, accidentally saw the slogan Cui Changji shouted when he ran for mayor, which was very bluffing.This made Chen Yangji, who has always disliked politics, very dissatisfied.In his opinion, Cui Changji is just a married son-in-law of their Shunyang Group, without much strength and background.Now this bastard is campaigning with such big words, once the campaign is successful, what ability does he have to achieve this?Didn't they want Shunyang Group to wipe his ass for him? !

A somewhat angry Chen Yangji called Chen Huarong and Cui Changji to Zhengxinzhai.Originally, the couple thought that Chen Yangji wanted to help when he saw Cui Changji's campaign, but they didn't expect that when they arrived in the study, they would be scolded fiercely!
"Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to say that you want to revive the economy? And reduce the number of unemployed people? Even the guy from the Blue House dare not say that!" Chen Yangji mercilessly scolded Cui Changji.

"Dad, didn't you support Son-in-law Cui's election for mayor back then? He also wanted to use loud slogans to gain the support of the people!" Chen Huarong couldn't help explaining when he saw Chen Yangji belittle his husband.

"Get the support of the people? Even if he is the mayor of Seoul, is he capable of realizing the things he said? In the end, don't we want our Shunyang Group to solve these shitty things for him!" Chen Yangji quickly said He said what he was worried about. After all, Shunyang Group's funds are tight now, and it is lucky to be able to maintain the operation of the group. How can there be extra funds to support this son-in-law to do other things?

Cui Changji did not expect that it was because of one of his campaign slogans that he would be so belittled by Chen Yangji, "Don't worry, father-in-law, I have already planned this matter, and I will not implicate Shunyang Group!" Cui Changji, who belittled and belittled, said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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