The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 183 Chen Xingjun's Reminder

Chapter 183 Chen Xingjun's Reminder
"That's the best! Recognize your identity and don't cause trouble for the Shunyang Group!" Chen Yangji didn't expect that Cui Changji would be so kind today, he changed his obsequious appearance in the past, and dared to be tough on himself!But since this guy said so, then naturally he won't help if something happens in the future. He wants to see what kind of support this son-in-law has!

After coming out of the study, Chen Dongji and Chen Yongji on the first floor naturally saw Chen Huarong who looked unhappy.Chen Dongji gloated and said, "Could it be possible that you two were reprimanded by your father again? Thinking about it, you are right. Son-in-law Cui is a good prosecutor, so he has to run for mayor? Isn't this just looking for trouble?"

Although Chen Yongji on the side didn't make any sarcasm, he still looked like he was watching a play.When Chen Huarong saw his second brother Chen Dongji being so provocative, he immediately said angrily, "Even if son-in-law Cui fails to run for mayor, it's better than someone betraying the group, cooperating with the Daying Group, and cheating his family!"

Chen Huarong's angry remarks instantly broke Chen Dongji's guard. Even Chen Yongji, who was sitting aside, looked ugly.When it acquired Hando Steel before, it might have cost only 3-4000 billion won to acquire Hando Steel, which was heavily in debt.As a result, Chen Dongji, a bastard, colluded with Daying Group and manipulated him so hard that he spent 7500 billion won to win Hando Steel!
As a result, Han Dao Steel did not bring more help to Shunyang Group. After the outbreak of the financial crisis this year, it became the most difficult hot potato. He, the vice chairman, also received Chen Yangji's eyes.And in the final analysis, isn't it the good deeds of the second oldest brother, Chen Dongji?
Chen Dongji noticed that Chen Huarong and Chen Yongji were staring at him with unfriendly expressions, and realizing that he was wrong, he stopped making a sound to avoid causing public anger.


After leaving Zhengxinzhai, Cui Changji, who had been suppressed all the time, turned ugly. He knew that he was the son-in-law of the Chen family in Shunyang, so he had always been cautious.And this time he was running for mayor, he didn't expect Shunyang Group to help him. As a result, it was just a slogan of his campaign, which caused Chen Yangji to be furious. pause!This is simply a great shame!

Seeing her husband's ugly face, Chen Huarong said angrily, "This time, you have to fight me up! Let them take a good look at how good my Chen Huarong's man is! Tomorrow we will go to Wu Shixian, as long as we get With the help of Miracle Group, we will definitely get the seat of mayor of Seoul!"

Hearing his wife's encouragement, Cui Changji said in a low voice, "Got it, my lord!" Although his tone was calm, there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.


In Chen Yongji's room, Chen Xingjun said with some regret, "Dad, you should have spoken for my aunt just now. If my uncle really wins the election and gets the mayor of Seoul City, it will be a great thing for our Shunyang Group! We You can get more land development projects through your uncle's relationship. At that time, the stock price of Shunyang Properties will definitely rise a lot!"

"...But your grandpa has already reprimanded them both. If I go to speak for them again, won't I disobey your grandpa?" Chen Yongji said with some hesitation. In his opinion, Shunyang Group is the voice of the old man Chen Yangji, even if it is As the chairman, he can only obey orders. If Chen Yangji is angered by making decisions without authorization, he will be in a difficult situation.

"Dad, no matter how much my aunt is your own sister, it's impossible for grandpa to hand over the Shunyang Group to aunt! It's the second uncle who is ambitious, so we still have to guard against him! Let's say something fair for aunt now, grandpa I can't find any problems!" Chen Xingjun continued to analyze. In his opinion, grandpa Chen Yangji is quite happy to see the "brother and sister love" drama!

"Okay, I will pay attention next time." Chen Yongji looked at his confident son, with a certain decision in his heart.


T-shirt department store.

In the vice president's office, Liang Meihua, who is good at calculating, was furious at the moment, "How can that yellow-haired girl stabilize the situation? Obviously, so many creditors came to collect debts before, where did the Song family get the money to pay back so many debts?"

The confidant on the side, Section Chief Jin, quickly explained, "Could it be that Song Cailin found some big backers and got funds from them, so she was able to pay off all the debts she had accumulated so quickly?"

"That's more than 2000 billion won! Which company can get so much money at once... She, she must have found Miracle Group, right?" Liang Meihua, who was still confused at first, soon thought of something different. It’s a very likely guess that the company with the most funds in Bangzi Country right now must be Miracle Group.

Not long ago, Miracle Group purchased the shares of subsidiaries of Shunyang Group and Daying Group. Some people said it was a leak. He actually spent 12 billion US dollars to buy a large number of company stocks from the two big chaebols, and he didn't hurt his bones at all.

This has caused many desperate companies to approach Miracle Group, hoping that the other party can extend a helping hand and lend them loans to save companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy.But their vice president Wu Shixian didn't pay any attention to these unlucky people who came to ask for help.


"I don't think it's possible! If the Miracle Group was willing to help Song Cailin, why didn't they help Song Jae-hwan to tide over the difficulties? I remember that Song Jae-hwan had cooperated with the Miracle Group back then. But something happened later, The cooperation between the two parties was terminated suddenly." Section Chief Jin thought about it carefully, and quickly denied Liang Meihua's guess.

"...Could it be that the yellow-haired girl Song Cailin got the aid from the Zhongyu Group behind her boyfriend Cui Chengyou?" Liang Meihua soon had a new guess. Around 20, the strength is also much stronger than that of Shanshang Department Store.

"President Liang, don't worry, Song Cailin is a girl after all, and her father, Song Jaihuan, is no match for you, let alone her! Even if Zhongyu Group is willing to give her aid, Shirtshang Department Store is still under your control after all. Exit!" Section Chief Jin said flatteringly, having seen Liang Meihua's methods before, he didn't think Song Cailin, a little girl, would be Liang Meihua's opponent.

Hearing what his close subordinate said, Liang Meihua, who was originally angry, calmed down and regained his usual calmness. Then he said to Section Chief Jin beside him, "It's girl Song Cailin's birthday in two days. Go prepare a birthday party for me." I’ll give it to her as a gift when the time comes! It’s my meeting gift to her! I want to see how long this stinky girl can last? Hmph——!”

"Yes, President!" Section Chief Jin said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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