The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 188 The panicked top management of Yuetian Group

Chapter 188 The panicked top management of Yuetian Group

"President Li, has something big happened? There has been a lot of dirty information about the Yuetian Group in the past two days. It seems that someone wants to deal with the Yuetian Group." Mou Xianmin curiously asked Li Huanwen after the meeting.

"I don't know the details, but President Wu Shixian asked us to cooperate well. Otherwise, if you ask the boss, he will definitely know the inside story!" Li Huanwen replied with a smile, for this vice president with "a very tough background" , he has never dared to neglect, if Mou Xianmin blows the pillow wind, then his life as the president will not be easy!

"Okay." Mou Xianmin was a little helpless. Since Chen Daojun went to Xiangjiang on a business trip, he hadn't contacted her for several days, which made her very dissatisfied.

But out of curiosity, she finally called Chen Daojun, intending to find out.

"Hey, are you Miss Xianmin? You called me suddenly, what's the matter?" Chen Daojun's question came from the opposite side, which made Mou Xianmin a little unhappy and said, "You bastard! If I have nothing to do, I can't call Give it to you?"

"No way? It's just that Sister Xianmin hasn't taken the initiative to contact me. I thought something happened when she called suddenly?" Chen Daojun noticed that Mou Xianmin's tone was not right, and explained quickly.

"It's nothing important. It's just that President Li told us to get ready, and there will be major news coming out. I'm a little curious, is there any big move that Miracle Group will make next?" Mou Xianmin expressed the doubt in his heart Speak up.

"Next, we should launch an acquisition case for the core subsidiary of Yuetian Group!" Chen Daojun said calmly, "It's the same as the acquisition of Hanjin Shipping and Hanjin Land Transport!"

"It's no wonder the rumors about the Yuetian Group have been continuously exposed since the day before yesterday. It turns out that these are all the work of the master!" Mou Xianmin seemed to have discovered the truth behind the scenes, and said to Chen Daojun, when the Miracle Group acquired Hanjin Shipping, wasn't it? Is it very similar to the current situation? !
"Sister Xianmin, look at what you said. I'm your fiance. The more I earn, the more it proves that your vision is right?" Chen Daojun joked with a smile, "I'm packing my luggage now. I'm going to the airport, I guess I will arrive in Seoul by this evening, why don't you come and pick me up!"

"I still have to go to work, I can't leave!" Mou Xianmin rejected Chen Daojun's proposal. Then a subordinate came to her to report something. Mou Xianmin said hello and hung up the phone in a hurry.This made Chen Daojun on the other end feel a little depressed, "Mou Xianmin's career ambition is still as strong as ever, and my fiancé's job is not important yet, alas -!"

Seeing Chen Daojun's deflated appearance, Rachel couldn't help laughing out loud. She didn't expect that the strong Chen Daojun would be "crippled" by Mou Xianmin. This aggrieved expression is so interesting!Seeing Rachel laughing at himself, Chen Daojun stretched out his hand and patted her buttocks heavily, and said calmly, "Are you still laughing? If you laugh again, I won't lend you the $500 million!"

"Boss, don't! You can't go back on your word!" Rachel quickly slimmed her face and smiled, saying with some regret. She almost forgot that she was still begging him, and for the "loan" of 500 million US dollars, she could only wrong herself. Got it! "Then it depends on your performance~!" Chen Daojun said calmly. Even the little secretary wants to see his jokes, how can it be so easy!


The situation on the Yuetian Group's side was quite embarrassing. After the two top leaders of the group, Xing Hao and Xin Dongbin, were taken away by the prosecutor's office, a group of senior executives within the company quickly discovered that something was wrong!The subsidiaries of their group are still making all kinds of negative news, and some people even deliberately come to the door to "make trouble". There are even reports from the heads of several core subsidiaries that it seems that someone is buying up their company in the stock market. stock, and asked the group whether there is a countermeasure.

This made them very embarrassed, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.You must know that in order to maintain the normal operation of the group, the chairman Xin Gehao took more than half of the remaining cash from these subsidiaries of the group to maintain the operation of the group.Now that something like this has happened, even if they want to support, they can't come up with any good way.

"Why don't you go to the Prosecutor's Office and ask the president for instructions?" The head of the planning department struggled for a while and said.As the leader of the Yuetian Group, Xin Gehao has a high prestige within the group. According to the past practice, Xin Gehao's consent is required before the group's funds can be mobilized for such a decision involving major issues.

"The prosecutor's office, can we enter if we want?" The head of the business department retorted. How could the Seoul prosecutor's office agree to allow them to visit Xin Gehao, Xin Dongbin and his son at this critical juncture?If they were suspected of colluding confessions and destroying evidence, they would probably be invited to drink tea by the prosecutors too!

"...If President Xin Gehao returns safely from the prosecutor's office and he knows that we did not report these matters to him immediately, do you think you can bear the consequences of these matters?" The finance minister beside him said coldly.As Xin Gehao's confidant, seeing how these guys don't want to interfere, how can they not understand their little thoughts?
The words of the Minister of Finance caused several people to change their faces instantly. You must know that the ministers of the previous departments made some small mistakes, and they were fired immediately after being discovered by Xin Gehao.

"I'd better go to the prosecutor's office and see if I can see the president." In the end, the director of the planning department decided to take photos of Xinghao's former majesty and did not dare to hide it.

Seeing that the head of the planning department had said that, the others didn't say anything more, and now we'll wait for the news from the chairman Xin Gehao.


Different from the panic situation of Yuetian Group, Nexon Game Entertainment Company is busy.The staff of the R&D department are busy, and the staff of the marketing department are working hard to summarize the data. The staff of the sales department have not stopped calling. Many sharp-eyed manufacturers and enterprises have called to inquire about advertising on the OICQ software. .

In the president's office, Kim Jong-joo is listening to the report from the head of the marketing department, "At present, the number of registered users of the OICQ we launched continues to increase, reaching 60, and Sun Country Nintendo has also timely fed back the user registration data, which is about 25. .According to the current situation, coupled with Yanxia’s open registration and use of OICQ, next month, our total number of user registrations will exceed 100 million!"

"This is really good news!" Kim Jong-ju said happily. Although their OICQ started a few months later than the ICQ in the beautiful country, their software performance and quality have completely surpassed ICQ. With the current marketing department There is continuous promotion and publicity here, and the number of registered users continues to rise.

(End of this chapter)

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