The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 189 The Arrogant Xin Family Father and Son

Chapter 189 The Arrogant Xin Family Father and Son

Don’t look at the fact that in just one year, the number of registered users of ICQ in the beautiful country has reached several million. Behind that, the number of Internet users in the beautiful country is close to 1300 million, and the computer penetration rate in the Bangzi country is not high. There are currently only about 100 million Internet users, and their registered users in Bangzi Country have exceeded 60, which means their market share has reached 60%, which is much stronger than ICQ!
As for the Yanxia Kingdom next door, there are only 60 netizens, and the Internet is only in its infancy, and the computer penetration rate is extremely low.On the other side of the sea, the country of the sun has more netizens, with nearly 300 million.However, with the continuous upgrading of computer research and development technology, the price of computers will only become more affordable, and the penetration rate of computers will definitely show explosive growth in a few years. Even hundreds of millions of Internet users.At that time, OICQ, which has three populous countries in Asia and even the entire Asian market, will definitely surpass ICQ in the number of registered users!

"Continue to advertise and promote our OICQ, I want to make this instant messaging software one of the must-have applications for every computer user!" Kim Jong-joo said firmly.

"Yes, President!" The head of the marketing department said excitedly, if such a day really happened, the name of their Nexon game and entertainment company would definitely spread throughout the entire Bangzi Kingdom!

In an office of the prosecutor's office.

Facing the prosecutor's constant questioning, Xin Gehao still closed his eyes and rested his mind, not intending to answer at all. "President Xin Gehao, I advise you to cooperate with our work and take the initiative to explain your criminal facts. We can apply to the judge to reduce your punishment!" Scalp said.

Xin Gehao opened his eyes, and said calmly, "Even your chief executive dare not talk to me like that, what kind of shit are you! Hmph!"

Seeing Xin Gehao being so provocative, the young prosecutor was very angry, and was about to give the other party some flair, but was quickly stopped by his colleagues!At the same time, he reminded the other party in a low voice, "He is the president of Yuetian Group, if you do something, your future will be over!"

After hearing this reminder from his colleague, the young prosecutor realized that the reason why the old man in front of him was so arrogant and did not take them seriously was because he was the chairman of the top chaebol in Bangzi Country, with extraordinary status and power. beyond their imagination.Even their commander-in-chief would not dare to offend easily.

"There is less than an hour left before 24 hours. If you have no other excuses, I can leave later." Xinghao said calmly. He did not pay attention to these young prosecutors in front of him at all. inside.Even if they get some dirty information about the Yuetian Group, so what?
Even the Blue House dare not take action against a large chaebol like the Yuetian Group at will.Otherwise, once the Yuetian Group suddenly collapsed, many of its subsidiaries would close down suddenly, and tens of thousands of employees would lose their jobs, which would be a huge trouble for the Blue House.Didn't the Daewoo Group use tens of thousands of employees and tens of trillions of huge debts to coerce the Cheong Wa Dae to make concessions?

Seeing the helpless Xinghao, these young prosecutors were also very depressed and angry. If they were other criminals, they would have used certain methods to force them to submit.But the other party is the president of Yuetian Group, they can only stare blankly at this deadlock.

The prosecutors who did not get any information from Xin Gehao could only report to their superiors reluctantly.As for the other side, Xin Dongbin's attitude was much worse.Looking at the prosecutor who was interrogating him, Xin Dongbin looked haughty, and waited for the other party to shout loudly, "Do you know who I am? The vice president of Tangtang Yuetian Group, do you need to act according to your face? Call your boss over!" "

Seeing this scene, the prosecutor in the room couldn't hold back, although he knew that these chaebols acted arrogantly and did not take officials seriously.But now after experiencing it for themselves, they realize that these are all true.

"Vice President Xin Dongbin, I hope you can recognize the reality. Now that the evidence is solid, it doesn't make any sense for you to continue to fight like this!" A young prosecutor said sternly. He had only been a prosecutor for a few years, and he still I believe that everyone is equal before the laws of the Bangzi Kingdom, even the chaebols like them must abide by it!

"Pfft! You're so naive. Have you never thought about why your boss didn't come forward? What do you think is the reason?" Xin Dongbin said with a sneer, "It's because he is afraid of offending our Yuetian Group! He can't offend him That’s why I avoided seeing you! Boy, don’t think that just because you are a prosecutor, you can scare me. I have seen many officials who are older than you, who do you think you are?!”

It was a headache for them to see Xin Dongbin's attitude so bad, even insulting him.As Xin Dongbin said, their superiors knew that this was a hot potato, so they entrusted this matter to their juniors.It's just that the other party is so uncooperative, they really have nothing to do with him for a while.


In the Attorney General's Office, a young subordinate came in and reported, "Procurator General, the Yuetian Group has come and said they have something important to report to Xin Gehao. What do you think we should do? Do you agree to let them meet?" ?”

"Huh? Someone from the Yuetian Group is here?...How long has it been since we brought Xing Hao and Xin Dongbin back for questioning?" The prosecutor general looked calm and asked his subordinates.

"23 hours and 28 minutes, 32 minutes left, it will be 24 hours!" The subordinate replied respectfully, "But the father and son didn't say anything, especially Xin Dongbin's attitude was extremely bad."

"Forget it, since there is still more than an hour, let them meet. Lest that guy Xin Gehao bear a grudge against our Seoul Prosecutor's Office." After weighing the pros and cons, the chief prosecutor finally planned to leave some leeway, and did not intend to Tear face off with each other.

The subordinate was a little puzzled by his boss's behavior and asked, "Prosecutor, we clearly have the criminal facts of the Yuetian Group. It is useless even if they deny it. Why haven't we arrested them yet? Just a normal question?" "

The prosecutor general looked at the young subordinate in front of him, sighed, and said quietly, "Because this is the country of sticks! The rules are jointly formulated by the plutocrats and powerful people. How can they allow themselves to be restricted by these rules? The law is only used to restrict Those of ordinary people."

Hearing what his boss said, the young subordinate was stunned. He didn't expect that such words would be said by the prosecutor general of Bangzi Country, who represents justice. It almost shattered his outlook on life!
(End of this chapter)

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