Chapter 190 Xinghao’s response
When Xin Gehao, who was still a god, saw the head of the planning department of his own group, he was a little puzzled, "Why did you come here? Could it be that they brought you here for questioning?"

"President, they didn't call me here for questioning. It's the group that has a problem!" Minister Hui of the planning department reported, "Now the stock prices of the group's subsidiaries have plummeted, such as Yuetian Food, Yuetian Products and Yuetian Construction, etc. The stocks of many subsidiaries are abnormal, and it seems that some institutions are buying a large number of stocks of these companies! I came here to report to you, what should we do next?"

"What?!" Xin Gehao couldn't sit still at all, and he was summoned by the procuratorate for questioning. In less than 24 hours, such a thing happened. This... this is definitely someone playing tricks! "Have you found out who is behind the scenes?" Xin Gehao said angrily.

"Not yet! There are many accounts for purchasing the company's stocks, dozens of them, too many, and we haven't investigated them for a while." The head of the planning department was a little embarrassed. The other party obviously came prepared, so why not will be easily found by them.

"Axi, you trash, you can't even handle this!" Xinghao scolded, "Now you don't even know who your opponent is, how can you win this battle?!"

Seeing Xin Gehao's anger, the head of the Planning Department didn't say anything, but just stood aside obediently and listened to Xin Gehao's reprimand.


Sensing the silence of his subordinates, Singh Hao didn't curse any more, "After you go back, immediately contact Mitsubishi Bank in Sun Country for me, and urge the other party to quickly accept the 700 billion yen loan I applied for last month (approx. $5 million) to the account, and now count on that money to put these troubles to rest!"

The son-in-law of the most senior official in the Sun Country, he successfully inherited the contacts and connections of the Yue family, which also allowed him to have a huge network in the Sun Country, which is also the main reason why he was able to flourish in both the Sun Country and the Bangzi Country. .

"Yes, president!" The head of the planning department replied respectfully.


The prosecutors who were observing the situation in the room did not expect that Xin Gehao would be so hot-tempered. When his subordinates reported the situation, they were severely criticized by the other party because they had not investigated the matter clearly. "However, there are still so many ways for Xin Gehao. He even has a relationship with the bank in the Sun Kingdom, and he can apply for a loan from there." A young prosecutor said with some emotion.

"It's natural. This guy almost changed his nationality to the Kingdom of the Sun!" An elderly prosecutor said from the side. Maybe these young people didn't know.But a middle-aged man like him is familiar with the president of Yuetian Group!
Relying on currying favor with the people of the Sun Kingdom, successfully marrying the daughter of a high-ranking official of the Sun Kingdom, and relying on the contacts and relationships of the Yue family, the acquired Yuetian Group was established.It's just that this guy probably forgot how Sun Nation bullied their Bangzi Nation during World War II, a proper Han traitor!

Hearing what the senior said, they had a bad impression of the chairman of the Yuetian Group, and they didn't understand why a guy with such a low character has such a powerful power and status?This world is really unfair!


Miracle Group.

"President Wu, we have successfully acquired 8% of the shares of Yuetian Food. As for the shares of Yuetian Products and Yuetian Construction, which are more, we have already received 11%. "It's just that we are purchasing aggressively. These companies may I have noticed some changes in the company's stock. "The assistant Su Canping on the side reported to Wu Shixian.

"It seems that these ministers have done a good job. I didn't expect to be able to acquire so many stocks in such a short period of time. It's really amazing!" Wu Shixian praised without hesitation, "Even if they notice it now, it won't help. Not to mention that Xin Gehao and Xin Dongbin have not yet come out of the prosecution agency, even if they come out, Yuetian Group will not be able to spend much money to support these subsidiaries."

Wu Shixian acted very confident. In his opinion, Bangzi Country was now bankrupt, and the banks that originally had a large amount of funds were also very poor. In the past, whenever these chaebols had problems with capital turnover, they would go back to the basic operations of bank loans. That doesn't work anymore.Without a large loan, what would the Yuetian Group do to fight the Miracle Group?
"President Wu, I don't understand. Do mergers and acquisitions need to be so complicated now?" Su Canping asked. In her opinion, since Miracle Group has sufficient funds, it can completely overwhelm it with a crushing force. , directly press the Yuetian Group to the ground and rub it, and then take away the core subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group, wouldn't it be over?

"Singhao must have the means and ability to grow Yuetian Group and become the top chaebol in Bangzi Country. Although after a round of testing (Baihu Society annexed Yuetian Department Store), it was determined that Yuetian Group's financial situation is not optimistic , but we still have to prevent outsiders and initiate the acquisition while they are being asked by the prosecutor's office for questioning. We can also take more advantages and greatly increase the success rate this time!"

Su Canping nodded thoughtfully, no wonder that Ma Jiachang from the White Tiger Club went to borrow a huge loan from the company, and grandma agreed without saying a word. fast!

In the evening, Seoul Airport.

After more than three hours of flight, Chen Daojun and Rachel arrived in Seoul smoothly.Seeing that the sky outside had already darkened, Chen Daojun also contacted his exclusive driver Jin Yongren immediately, asking the other party to rush to the airport to pick him up as soon as possible.

Chen Daojun looked at the tired Rachel, and suggested with a smile, "Let's go, let's have something to eat at a nearby restaurant first, so we can fill our stomachs!" Then, without waiting for Rachel to refuse, he took her luggage and walked quickly in one direction go. Seeing this, Rachel had no choice but to quickly follow Chen Daojun, secretly complaining about Chen Daojun's domineering, and did not ask for her opinion.


By the time Chen Daojun returned to the villa in Jiangnan District, it was already past 7 p.m. However, Chen Daojun looked at Mou Xianmin who had returned and couldn't help but joked, "Sister Xianmin, didn't you say you are busy at work today and may have to work overtime?" ?Why are you back so soon?"

"I was afraid that you would faint from hunger when you came back too late, so I specially finished work early and came back to cook you a big meal!" Mou Xianmin looked at Chen Daojun and said, then grabbed Chen Daojun's arm and came to the living room beside him, looking at There were several delicacies prepared on the table, Chen Daojun was a little moved, and he hugged Mou Xianmin into his arms, "Thank you, my sister Xianmin is really virtuous!"

"Come on! Let me go, I still have materials to prepare. After dinner, remember to pack them up!" Although he left work early, Mou Xianmin still has two materials to be revised, so he can only wait I work overtime.

(End of this chapter)

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