Chapter 191 Chen Yangji’s views
Although Chen Daojun ate something at the airport, but Mou Xianmin specially cooked a big meal for him, how could Chen Daojun not appreciate his face?Facing a sumptuous dinner, he still ate with gusto.

"You bought the core subsidiary of Yuetian Group this time, why didn't you contact me? I can also ask my father to use the relationship of Xiancheng Daily to help you!" Mou Xianmin sat aside and asked Chen Daojun who was working hard to cook.

"Didn't you say that the situation of Xiancheng Daily is not good? It's better not to trouble your father-in-law. With the current strength of the Miracle Group, it can be done!" Chen Daojun explained, except for the Miracle Group, the Qingwatai As Chen Daojun's last trump card, the new president is enough to solve the unexpected problems for Miracle Group.

"By the way, I went to Xiangjiang this time to bring you a gift. It's in the suitcase. I'll get it." Chen Daojun thought of the treasure in the suitcase, stopped eating, and turned towards the suitcase at the door.

Seeing Chen Daojun's actions, Mou Xianmin was a little moved. This guy still has his own heart!

"It's okay to take it after eating, do you need to be in such a hurry?" Mou Xianmin complained, but his eyes kept on looking at Chen Daojun. Seeing Chen Daojun take out 5-6 gift bags, Mou Xianmin was a little stunned up.

"This set of crystal jewelry and this evening dress must look beautiful on you, try it on later." Chen Daojun handed over two of the gift bags.

"These are for my mother, mother-in-law and your sister. If we are free this weekend, how about we go visit them?" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

Mou Xianmin nodded, "Okay, there should be nothing going on this weekend." Mou Xianmin opened one of the gift bags and looked at the diamond necklace, earrings and brooch in the gift box, which looked dazzling under the light.Mou Xianmin was immediately fascinated by these sparkling jewelry.

Seeing this, Chen Daojun took the opportunity to suggest, "Sister Xianmin, go try it on, it will definitely look good on you!" Seeing Chen Daojun's encouragement, Mou Xianmin, who was already a little excited, didn't refuse, got up and went to the room to try it on. .


The next morning, the well-informed chaebols also noticed the abnormality of the Yuetian Group.There were so many scandals and scandals in the Yuetian Group, even the president and vice president of the group were summoned by the procuratorate for questioning.The stocks of its subsidiaries should continue to plummet, but the stock prices of the three core subsidiaries of Yuetian Group, Yuetian Food, Yuetian Products, and Yuetian Construction, not only did not plummet, but showed signs of turning red.


Shunyang Group.

"Chairman, the stocks of these three companies under the Yuetian Group have changed. According to our analysis, there should be some organization that has taken action against the Yuetian Group. And the amount of money used is huge. It seems that they want to annex these three companies." Mr. Li Said to Chen Yangji in front of him.

"Haha! Did this old fellow Xin Gehao offend the Miracle Group? This Wu Shixian is very scheming. The black material about the Yuetian Group that was revealed before probably came from the Miracle Group!" Regarding the many forces in Bangzi Kingdom Chen Yangji, who knew everything well, quickly guessed who was behind the scenes. At the same time, he gloated a little at what happened to the Yuetian Group.

Hearing what Chen Yangji said, Chen Yongji and Chen Dongji on the side were a little panicked. They didn't expect Miracle Group to attack the top chaebols in China after a few years after annexing Hanjin Shipping and Hanjin Land!Fortunately, the target this time is the Yuetian Group. If they were replaced by the Shunyang Group, they would definitely suffer heavy losses!

"If Miracle Group continues to grow, it may not be a good thing for our Shunyang Group." Chen Dongji on the side said with some dissatisfaction.In his view, the giant Miracle Group will attack Shunyang Group one day sooner or later. If they can't take precautions in advance, they will easily be caught by the opponent, and their Shunyang Group will be in a dangerous situation at that time. , just like the former Hanjin Group and the current Yuetian Group.

"Dongji, please don't be alarmist, okay?" Chen Yongji on the side retorted, "I have contacted Chairman Wu several times, and he is not the kind of person you said would attack allies! Huarong's Shunyang Department Store After cooperating with Miracle Group, hasn’t it developed very well? Now it is almost becoming the number one retail giant in the country!”

"Besides, our Shunyang Group and Daying Group were in trouble due to lack of funds before. If Miracle Group was really ambitious, they could have taken action against us at that time, so why bother to sit down and negotiate with us to buy the stocks of those companies? ?”

Chen Yongji's rebuttal made Chen Dongji speechless for a moment. He only thought about the possible dangers of Miracle Group and forgot the fact that Miracle Group had helped Shunyang Group.

Chen Yangji recognized the words of his eldest son Chen Yongji even more. He said, "We are businessmen, and only profit is the ultimate goal we pursue! As for who we cooperate with and the purpose of the other party, we don't need to focus on it. At present, it is smooth The most important thing is for the Yang Group to break out of this quagmire as soon as possible and get on the right track."

Chen Yangji's words made the three people present understand that the weakened Shunyang Group was like fish on a sticky plate and could only be slaughtered by others.At present, they can only use Miracle Group, a powerful partner, to get them out of trouble.

"President, according to feedback from Shunyang Automobile, Hanjin Shipping has shipped the Audi cars produced jointly by us and the Volkswagen Group to Europe. At present, 1000% of the second batch of 45 Audi cars has been sold. It is estimated that It will all be sold out in another half month!" Seeing this, Director Li on the side took advantage of the opportunity to bring up another piece of news that had not yet been reported.

"Oh? So, does the car produced by our Shunyang Group have opened up the overseas market?" Chen Yangji said excitedly. As the "treasure" in Chen Yangji's heart - Shunyang Automobile, a lot of financial, material and manpower was spent. Now he can turn losses into profits, and even earn euros and pounds, which is really gratifying to him!
Chen Yongji and Chen Dongji on the side were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the Shunyang Automobile at the end of the Wannian crane would still be so beautiful. It was Europe!Even now, the No. [-] Automobile in Bangzi Country is frequently frustrated when it develops overseas markets, and those foreigners don't buy it at all.This is why Chen Yangji dared to ridicule Zhu Yirong at the Blue House. Even if Daying Motors became the number one in Bangzi Country, it would only be the boss on the one-acre-three-point land in Bangzi Country, and had no enterprising heart to develop overseas!

"Next, we can let Shunyang Auto increase the production line and increase the production capacity of Mercedes-Benz! By the way, please contact the senior management of Volkswagen Group for me. I plan to cooperate with them again and strive to win the joint venture production qualification of other models! "

(End of this chapter)

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