Chapter 194 Woori Bank’s Choice
As for bodyguards, Chen Daojun really has no shortage of them.Since the sneak attack on Majiachang, the elite bodyguards previously trained by Baihu Club have accelerated their training progress. Currently, the first batch of bodyguards have completed the training subjects and officially joined the White Tiger Security Company.Ma Jiachang also specially arranged two bodyguards for Chen Daojun, but Chen Daojun has been abroad these days, and these two bodyguards are still on standby at Shuguang Law Firm.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Yangji also smiled knowingly. This grandson is really naughty!As a third-generation core member of the Chen family in Shunyang, he does not hold any position within the group. Even if others notice him, they will subconsciously think that Chen Daojun, the grandson, has an average status in the Chen family.

"Speaking of which, Grandpa would like to thank you! Before you suggested that Shunyang Automobile should cooperate with foreign automobile brands to produce joint venture automobiles, and it has already achieved results! The Audi automobile we jointly produced with Volkswagen has opened the market in Europe! The sales volume is much better than that of Daying Automobile!" Speaking of the cooperation with Volkswagen, Chen Yangji showed a smug smile, that is, he resisted all opinions and adopted Chen Daojun's proposal, and the sales of the Mercedes-Benz produced by him continued to grow overseas , but it's too embarrassing for him!
"I just made a suggestion and turned it into reality. It was my grandfather who made Shunyang Automobile develop!" Chen Daojun behaved very modestly and did not take credit for himself.Hearing Chen Daojun's tactful "praise", Chen Yangji's mood improved a lot.

------Dividing line------

Woori Bank Conference Room.

Wu Shixian looked at the obviously older bank president with a playful expression, "President Yin, I didn't expect you have changed so much after not contacting me for more than a year!"

"President Wu, stop joking! Our Woori Bank almost went bankrupt. If it hadn't been for the help from the Blue House, I might be unemployed now." President Yin said with some embarrassment. He has been in office for less than three years. The president of the year, can be regarded as bad luck!

The previous presidents approved more than ten trillion Korean won in loans, although they won many customers for Woori Bank.However, during his tenure, a financial turmoil broke out, and those loans at the beginning became bad debts, and even many companies that received loans had gone bankrupt and could not repay the previous loans at all.The cruel reality gave President Yin a headache.

"President Yin, you are lucky today! Our Miracle Group is very willing to help Woori Bank out of the predicament." Wu Shixian said with a smile, "Those company stocks mortgaged in Woori Bank have become waste paper, right? Our Miracle Group Willing to buy part of it. I wonder what President Yin wants?"

"Is Miracle Group willing to take over?" President Yin was stunned for a moment. He thought he was hallucinating, but when he saw Wu Shixian smiling and nodding, President Yin said excitedly, "Of course you are willing! President Wu, what do you want to acquire?" Company stock?”

"The stocks of Yuetian Food, Yuetian Products and Yuetian Construction under the Yuetian Group." Wu Shixian looked at President Yin and said calmly.

"Stocks of companies under Yuetian Group?... President Wu, your Miracle Group...could it be that you want to annex Yuetian Group?" President Yin was somewhat shocked by this shocking news.In his opinion, Miracle Group has amazing financial resources, but Yuetian Group is also the top chaebol in the country. Could it be that there was some dispute between the two parties that made President Wu think this way?

Wu Shixian did not answer directly, but continued to say to President Yin, "Everyone knows some things. Our Miracle Group has the desire to expand, and Woori Bank also needs funds. If the cooperation is reached, both parties will benefit."

"As for the Yuetian Group? After they lost the cash cow of the Yuetian Department Store, the problem of insufficient funds has been exposed. Even with the help of the Blue House, it may be a long way off before they want to return to their peak state!"

Wu Shixian's words made President Yin realize that this vice president of Miracle Group was forcing him to take sides!Should we support Miracle Group, which is at its peak, or Yuetian Group, which has been hit hard by the financial crisis?

Thinking of Woori Bank's current difficult situation, President Yin finally made a decision that is more beneficial to the bank and sold these stocks to Miracle Group with the mentality of "dead friends will not die poor people".Just like what Wu Shixian said, the Yuetian Group is now half-dead, and it's hard to say when it will "turn over", and he can't afford to offend the even more powerful Miracle Group now!

He smiled and said to Wu Shixian, "Chairman Wu is willing to help us Woori Bank, of course we wish for it! As for the shares of the three companies of the Yuetian Group, I will ask someone to bring over the relevant materials!"


After the two parties signed the transaction contract, Wu Shixian smiled and said, "The bank manager is a wise leader. I believe that under your leadership, I will be able to take Woori Bank to a higher level!"

"President Wu is polite. This transaction is thanks to President Wu, who is willing to buy it at a premium of 6%. I can easily explain it to the bank!" If you sell at the market price, even if others within the bank have objections, they won't be able to find any flaws!After all, he was able to cash out these shares that no one wanted and used part of the funds to save the bank. He was a big contributor!

After sending Wu Shixian away, a subordinate hurried over, "President, the representative of Yuetian Group called again, saying that they want to meet with you to discuss the redemption of their mortgaged stocks in the bank."

Hearing this, President Yin showed a sneer, "If you don't see me, just say that I went to a meeting and I'm not here! Huh! These guys from Yuetian Group didn't think of discussing with us until the matter was over. We asked them to buy back part of the company's stocks." , so that we can replenish our funds, but how do they deal with us?"

Hearing what his boss said, his subordinates were also filled with indignation, "President, then I will reject them right now!"


In Nexon Game Entertainment Company, Chen Daojun and Kim Jongju are listening to the report from the head of the game development department.

"Currently, our R&D department has reproduced the three games provided by Nintendo. At present, the three games "Legend of Zelda", "Pokémon: Red/Green" and "Mario Kart" have been completed. With a progress of 30%, it is estimated that the production of the PC version of the game will be completed in November according to the original game settings, and then there will be another 11-1 months of game debugging before it can be officially put on the shelves!" Director Park held it in his hand The most recent data report, said to the two of them.

"Is it November this year?" Chen Daojun said thoughtfully. It takes 11-4 months to adapt three handheld games into PC games. This development progress is still quite good.

(End of this chapter)

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