Chapter 195 The Plan to Enter Europe

"It's just that the problem of insufficient manpower is becoming more and more obvious now. As we launch more and more projects, each person in the game R&D department has to take care of two or three pieces of content, and it is easy to make mistakes while busy. President, are you Can't we recruit a new group of people?" Section Chief Park said with some embarrassment.

"Ahem... I will ask the personnel department to recruit people tomorrow." Jin Zhengzhou replied with some embarrassment, and then glanced at Chen Daojun beside him. He was relieved to see that the other party was not angry.At first, I thought I could show a good performance in front of Chen Daojun, but I didn't expect that the upright Section Chief Park actually reported the problem to him, almost self-defeating.


After the meeting, Chen Daojun asked Jin Zhengzhou, "By the way, how is the promotion of OICQ now? How many registered users have there been?"

"We have continued to place advertisements in the Kingdom of the Sun and the Kingdom of Bangzi, and currently have more than 60 registered users. The engineers sent to the hot summer side have also set off. It is expected that in another month, the number of registered users will exceed 100 million! "When mentioning the situation of OICQ, Kim Jong-joo seemed very excited. You must know that this is in Asia where computer penetration is not high. With this number of registered users, they have already crushed 99% of the Internet companies in Asia!
"Good job! Next, we can continue to optimize, and we can consider making an English version of OICQ!" Chen Daojun quickly put forward a new suggestion. There is no rival in the field of instant messaging software, and their OICQ will soon It can occupy the markets of the three countries of Sun Country, Bangzi Country and Yanxia Country.

Although ICQ occupies most of the market in the beautiful country, its founder obviously has no vision and pattern, and has never registered ICQ patent copyright in regions and countries other than the beautiful country. Chen Daojun intends to acquire an Internet company in Europe, and at the same time Arrange the staff of Nexon to go there and put the English version of OICQ on the European market as soon as possible.

In this way, even if ICQ aggressively enters the European and Asian markets in the future, they will find out in despair that the market has been occupied by OICQ, a "rising star". Even if they are the earliest instant messaging software, they are in vain!
Regarding Chen Daojun's proposal, Jin Zhengzhou was a little worried, "Boss, what if ICQ sues us for plagiarism? After all, we also made OICQ according to ICQ as a template."

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "There is an old saying in Yanxia, ​​'The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, and the new ones replace the old ones'! As long as your optimized versions 2.0 and 3.0 are better than ICQ and attract users, no matter how hard they try Bai Xia, after all, the patent copyright of the beautiful country can only be used in the beautiful country!"

Chen Daojun's words made Jin Zhengzhou's eyes brighten, "Isn't it just like what the boss said, although this kind of practice is immoral, it is indeed not illegal!"

Different countries have their own patent laws. If you do not register in this country, you will naturally not get the protection of this country.They themselves were confused and did not register the ICQ patent and copyright abroad, and let others register it first. They can only be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis, thinking that they are unlucky!
"Don't worry, boss, I will ask them to make the 2.0 version of the English version of ICQ in the next two days!" Jin Zhengzhou said happily. He was very happy to be able to defeat the original ICQ.


Yuetian Department Store.

Wu Shixian was sitting in the president's office, looking at Xu Zaitian who had returned from the prosecutor's office in front of him, and said with a smile, "How about President Xu, you have been detained for several days, are you not suffering in there?"

"Thanks to you, I didn't suffer any crime inside. You just asked me to take the initiative to confess the facts of the crime. Hehe, what do I have to explain? All the money was taken away by the Xin family and his son. I can't be greedy even if I want to. !" Xu Zaitian said mockingly. This time he was reported anonymously. Xu Zaitian thought about it for a while, and finally pinned the culprit on the Xin family and his son.

Only they will be able to understand the internal situation of Yuetian Department Store and produce the so-called "criminal evidence".It's just that Xin Gehao obviously didn't expect that Xu Zaitian, an old subordinate, did not violate the rules at all. On the contrary, he, the chairman of the group, usually did dirty things, so Wu Shixian took the opportunity to turn against the army !
"That's good. The good days of the Yuetian Group are coming to an end! Someone will help us deal with the Xin family and his son!" Ma Jiachang said with a smile, "Do you really think that our Baihu Club is easy to bully? They also If you don’t want to think about it, if our Baihu Society has no reliance, why should we buy department stores?”

Xu Zaitian was obviously stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively, "President Ma, what do you mean...?"

"The Miracle Group has already taken action against the Yuetian Group, and perhaps in the near future, the subsidiaries under the Yuetian Group will change their surnames!" Ma Jiachang sneered, "Our Baihu Society borrowed funds from the Miracle Group for the acquisition of Yuetian Department Store! If I was successfully attacked by them and the acquisition of Yuetian Department Store failed, then the money borrowed by Miracle Group would have been in vain!"

"It turned out to be the Miracle Group! No wonder they have such strong financial resources, and they were able to take over half of the department store's shares in such a short period of time." Xu Zaitian suddenly realized that they did not lose to the White Tiger Club, but to the The Miracle Group behind it.

Thinking of the ungrateful and ungrateful behavior of the Xin family father and son before, Xu Zaitian is also full of resentment towards the two fathers and sons. Now they are about to face the "counterattack and revenge" of the Miracle Group, and they are likely to become the second chaebol to fall from the altar. Thinking of this, an inexplicable joy arose in his heart!

"President Xu, if you have evidence that the Xin family and his son committed a crime, I hope you can show it. I will send these materials to the prosecutorial agency. As long as we mess up the Yuetian Group, the chance of Miracle Group's success will be greater." Big." Ma Jiachang encouraged him from the side.In his opinion, Xu Zaitian, as an old man who followed Xin Gehao to expand the territory, must have some black information about Xin Gehao in his hands.

Xu Zaitian thought about it for a while, and agreed to Ma Jiachang's proposal. After all, the two sides have completely torn their faces apart now, and there is no need to have any more scruples. The only thing to do is to completely defeat the Yuetian Group, take away the core subsidiary of Yuetian, and severely damage their strength. , they can live in peace!


Yuetian Group.

"President, we contacted KB Bank and Woori Bank before, but they both replied that the president is on a business trip for a meeting and cannot arrange a meeting for the time being."

Listening to his subordinate's report, Xinghao was so angry that he smashed the tea cup in his hand, "Assi! These bastards saw that our Yue Tian Group was in trouble and wanted to see a joke, right?!"

 Today Chapter 3 will be released later, I wish you all a happy weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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