The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 196 Yin Xuanyou’s Little Trouble

Chapter 196 Yin Xuanyou’s Little Trouble

"President, maybe KB Bank and Woori Bank have already contacted Miracle Group, so they don't meet with us. If this is the case, our situation will be troublesome." The confidant assistant reminded in a low voice, "... ...If the shares in the hands of these two banks are all taken over by Miracle Group, the three subsidiaries are likely to be taken away by Miracle Group."

"..." Xin Gehao glared at the assistant angrily, then forcibly restrained the anger in his heart and calmed himself down.After a while, Xin Gehao said, "Contact Miracle Group for me, I want to talk to Wu Shixian."

"Yes, President!" The assistant on the side looked at Xing Hao who wanted to tear him apart just now, and was filled with fear in his heart. He was quick to speak and said what was in his heart. If this had been done before, he would probably be angry at Xin Hao. Ge Hao punished him, but he was lucky and escaped this time.


Shuguang Law Firm.

Chen Daojun watched the current affairs news at home and abroad in his office, thinking about the next plan in his mind.At this moment, Wu Luomin led Yin Xuanyou in and said with a smile, "Boss, this kid wants to tell you something."

Hearing this, Chen Daojun looked at Yin Xuanyou curiously, "Do you have anything to ask me?" The actor in the original play, during the time he was working in Rousseau, was very hardworking and studious.Although he is not a law-related major, he will humbly ask others for advice when encountering problems he does not understand.

Perhaps other people knew that the big boss Chen Daojun took special care of this young man, and they all patiently answered his questions, making Yin Xuanyou very happy to "work" here.But when he took the salary he had received in the past two months and brought it back to his mother, his mother, who was originally kind to him, thought he had done something illegal.

Although he finally explained it clearly to his mother, Yin's mother still thinks that he should go to school in his grade, and the adults should figure out how to make money.

Yin Xuanyou couldn't resist his mother, so he had to come to the law firm to explain the situation to Chen Daojun and say goodbye to Chen Daojun, his "benefactor".

"Sir, I want to say goodbye to you. My mother won't let me practice at the law firm anymore. She wants me to go back and concentrate on studying." Yin Xuanyou looked at Chen Daojun and said hesitantly.

"Oh, Xiao Xuanyou, the situation in your family has improved? Has your father found a job?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised, and subconsciously asked, but facing Chen Daojun's inquiry, Yin Xuanyou's face became stiff, and he said hesitantly ,"……No."

"Then Xiao Xuanyou, do you think going back to school can help your mother and father?" Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Although your mother loves you very much, she thinks that you are still young and should not bear the burden of earning money to support the family. But I want to tell you that a man needs to work hard and practice in adversity in order to make himself stronger, and only in this way can he protect his family.”

"With me, you can get a generous subsidy, and you can also study hard from these seniors outside, and get in touch with legal knowledge and skills in advance. This is an opportunity that many college students in Seoul University dream of! Are you sure you want to give up? ?”

Chen Daojun's words were like a sledgehammer waking up Yin Xuanyou who was still a little confused.Wasn't it because the business of the small restaurant run by his family was bleak and his father was unemployed and became decadent. He wanted to help his family share the pressure through his own efforts.Now his mother asks him to go back and concentrate on studying, but the situation at home is still not improving. Is reading useful?
Maybe, but definitely not now!During the more than two months of training at the law firm, as Chen Daojun said, he received more than 1000 million won in "subsidy", which was almost higher than the monthly revenue of their restaurant!
Moreover, Yin Xuanyou has a general understanding of the laws and regulations of Bangziguo under the influence of his ears and eyes, and even saw how these seniors of the law firm use this legal knowledge to solve a lot of troublesome things for the client and earn a lot of money. remuneration.This made the young Yin Xuanyou firm in his future direction, and he became a lawyer when he grew up!
Seeing Yin Xuanyou's hesitation, Chen Daojun patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I think you already have a plan in mind now? If your mother doesn't know how to deal with it, you can call her Give it to me, and I'll help you convince her."


Originally, Yin's mother received a call from Chen Daojun and thought that the other party had made a wrong call.Until Chen Daojun told her that he was the boss of Shuguang Law Firm, and he was the one who agreed with Yin Xuanyou to exercise in the law firm.Yin's mother didn't hang up the phone, but she tactfully suggested that Yin Xuanyou was too young to do much work, so she should let Yin Xuanyou go back to study hard and strive to be admitted to university.

"Then what kind of job do you think Yin Xuanyou can find after graduating from university? Become a prosecutor or work in a chaebol or a large enterprise? Does he have this background and ability?" Chen Daojun asked Yin's mother so persistently. , directly stunned Yin's mother, she had never thought about such a distant problem, she just focused on her eyes, let her son study hard, and don't go astray.

"I am the grandson of Chairman Chen Yangji of Shunyang Group. Our law firm also has business contacts with Miracle Group. I am very optimistic about Yin Xuanyou. If he stays with me, he will be well trained. When he finishes his studies, no matter what Whether he is going to work in Shunyang Group or Miracle Group, I can say hello for him. Ma'am, what do you think?" Chen Daojun then revealed a part of his identity and huge network to the mother.

When Mother Yin heard what Chen Daojun said, she didn't understand that her son had met a real nobleman!I didn't say anything about asking Yin Xuanyou to go back to study, but just said politely, "Then I will trouble you, Mr. Xuanyou!"


After taking care of Yin's mother, Yin Xuanyou regained his usual smile, left the office happily, and went outside to get busy.I, Wu Luomin, witnessed all this, and said with a smile, "The boss is really kind-hearted. He even called Xuanyou's mother himself to make such a generous promise. This kid is really lucky!"

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Since this little guy is talented and willing to endure hardships, of course I don't mind giving him a hand. When he completes his studies and becomes a man, he can also share a lot of things for me. I won't lose money on this deal. !”

"If Lawyer Wu is envious, you can also find a girl to marry quickly, so that you can take over your class after giving birth to a child!" Chen Daojun couldn't help teasing, remembering that Wu Luomin was still single.Chen Daojun's words made Wu Luomin look very embarrassed, "Ahem, I'm still young, less than 30 years old, and the marriage can be slowed down!"

(End of this chapter)

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