The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 198 It’s Yuetian Group again!Cheong Wa Dae expresses its position

Chapter 198 It’s Yuetian Group again!Cheong Wa Dae expresses its position

"Axi! You really think that I, Wu Shixian, am easy to bully! Bah——!"

After Wu Shixian used a stick to knock the two temporarily blind assailants to the ground, he then hit the opponent's hands and feet several times with a "bang bang bang" sound. The two gangsters howled in pain!

The other five gangsters who were beating up with the bodyguards in the distance, when they were about to finish off the bodyguards, they suddenly heard the painful wailing of their companions, and they quickly panicked. They thought the two guys had come across the Miracle Group of the rescuers.

"The situation is not right, hurry up!" In the crowd, the leading elder brother shouted to the younger brother beside him.When the others heard this, they no longer wanted to fight with the bodyguards, they hurriedly withdrew, turned around and ran away.It's just that they soon discovered that more than a dozen uniformed security personnel rushed over from the direction they were fleeing from!
"Run separately, one who can run is one!" The leading brother shouted, and quickly turned around and ran in other directions.Seeing this, several of his little ones followed suit and ran away from different directions.

"Chase! Two people are chasing each other. We must catch these bastards! The others follow me to save the president!" The leader of the security department shouted and ordered his subordinates to continue the pursuit. He led the remaining people forward. Go support Wu Shixian.


In a short time, all seven criminals were captured, especially the leading brother, who was still stubbornly resisting, but was caught by the security personnel of Miracle Group, and beat him several times, and soon became bruised and swollen .

Wu Shixian helped up the bodyguard who was injured in many places while covering his retreat just now, and said excitedly, "If you weren't here this time, I, Wu, would have been killed by them today! Don't worry, I will never treat you badly. Yours! Hurry up and send this brother to the hospital for treatment!"

"It's okay, President." The bodyguard said weakly. He was able to withstand all the attacks of the gangsters fighting just now. Even though he was injured in several places, he was still strong. down.

"Brother, all of our people are here now, and we are already safe. You need to receive treatment now, and you can't suffer any sequelae!" Wu Shixian said again, he didn't want the bodyguard to put himself in to save him!
"Send someone to take him to the hospital." Wu Shixian ordered to the security personnel on the side.


"How did you become the Minister of Security? You don't even know how these criminals got into the group's underground garage. What are you doing?" Wu Shixian yelled at his subordinates in the conference room, with a very bad tone.

It would be fine if this attack happened outside. As a result, Wu Shixian was attacked in the underground garage of the group. If word got out, Miracle Group would probably become the laughing stock of others!
"I'm sorry, President, it's our fault that something like this happened. I'm willing to accept your punishment." The Minister of Security didn't make excuses for himself at this moment, and Bi shifted the responsibility to his subordinates.

"Your year-end bonus at the end of the year is temporarily halved, which is your punishment." Wu Shixian said with a look of hatred, "Those murderers must interrogate their mastermind behind the scenes! Things will be done well." Already, it can be considered that you have made up for it.”

"Yes, President!" the security minister said excitedly.


Near 8:[-] p.m., the Miracle Group's alarm call attracted the attention of the Seoul Public Security Bureau.According to the operator's report, it was Wu Shixian, the vice chairman of Miracle Group, who was attacked by a group of murderers in the underground parking garage of his own group building.

Then the Public Security Bureau sent people to take the murderers caught by the Miracle Group back for strict interrogation. This shocking news spread quickly.

Chen Daojun, who was enjoying dinner with Mou Xianmin in the villa, suddenly received a call from Rachel.

Chen Daojun hesitated for a while, and finally got through the phone under Mou Xianmin's reminder, "Boss, two hours ago, a big incident happened in the group! A group of guys attacked the teacher in the group's underground garage."

"What?! Is Wu Shixian okay now?" Chen Daojun was shocked by the sudden news and stood up from the stool.

"President Wu is fine, but the bodyguard who protected him was seriously injured and has already been sent to the hospital." Rachel replied.

"Have the perpetrators of the attack been caught? Have you ever asked who did it?" Chen Daojun asked with an ugly face.

Mou Xianmin on the side saw that Chen Daojun's face was very ugly, and he quickly asked with concern, "Daojun, what's wrong with you? What happened?" Chen Daojun did not answer Mou Xianmin, but listened carefully to Rachel's answer.


"Wu Shixian was attacked by a group of people in the underground garage of the group building. Fortunately, he brought bodyguards with him and escaped." Chen Daojun briefly told the news he had just received, and then continued, "Where did they go from there?" The murderer asked the man behind the scenes, who was Cui Yongjian, assistant to Xin Dongbin, vice chairman of Yuetian Group!"

"How brave is the Yuetian Group? Attacking President Wu at the group headquarters? Are they crazy?" Mou Xianmin was also shocked by the news. The other party was too brave, and even if the attack was successful, Wu Shixian would suffer If he was seriously injured or killed, wouldn't Miracle Group strike back and retaliate?

"I guess I was pushed too hard and jumped over the wall, right?... I plan to go to the group to have a look and understand the situation. Do you want to come with me?" Chen Daojun looked at Mou Xianmin, thought for a while and asked.

"Well, I'll go too!" Mou Xianmin agreed without hesitation.


Early the next morning, the Miracle Group sent representatives to the procuratorate and the Public Security Bureau to report together. They reported that the Yuetian Group was suspected of hiring murderers, and the target was their vice president Wu Shixian!
For a moment, the entire top management of Bangzi Country was shocked by the news. They did not expect that the Yuetian Group could do such a thing. This was simply a conspiracy to kill someone!

If everyone is like the Yuetian Group, and they can't beat each other in business competition, they will find someone to sneak attack and kill the competitor.Then the heads of the chaebols and big companies in Bangzi Country are probably going to die!
After the President Kim at the Blue House heard the news, he immediately ordered his subordinates to say that this matter should be handled properly, and the Miracle Group, which has a Wall Street background, must not take advantage of it to get mad!The current situation of their Bangzi country cannot withstand the second financial "nuclear bomb" of the beautiful country!
The procuratorial agency also immediately dispatched prosecutors to the Yuetian Group to arrest Cui Yongjian who was involved.But what surprised them was that this guy seemed to have received the message and ran away in advance, which made the prosecutors very angry.

Groups and companies that have in-depth cooperation with Miracle Group, such as Daying Group and Shunyang Group, have spoken out, calling for severe punishment of the murderer and an end to such despicable and bad behavior.

 There are two changes today, and yesterday I went out on something, so the code word was delayed.Three shifts will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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