The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 199 Xin Dongbin is in trouble

Chapter 199 Xin Dongbin is in trouble

Office of the president of Yuetian Department Store.

Chen Daojun took the coffee handed over by his assistant, and said with emotion, "Last night, I was really terrified! The headquarters of the Miracle Group was invaded by a group of murderers. If it wasn't for the powerful bodyguards arranged by President Ma, I am afraid that President Wu I’m afraid I’m already in the hospital today!”

"Boss, the Yuetian Group is so crazy now, it is obvious that they want to drag us to be buried with them. Moreover, the previous reports are clearly proven, but the Public Security Bureau and the procuratorate still haven't done anything about the Xin family and his son. Should we ..." Ma Jiachang said with some dissatisfaction, and wiped his neck towards Chen Daojun.

"...It's time to teach them a lesson! Otherwise, you would really think that we are easy to bully! Since they did it in the first grade, don't blame me for doing it in the fifteenth grade! President Ma, please call 200 brothers here. As long as they are more than The management of Tian Group, as soon as I step out of the building of their Yuetian Group, they will find an opportunity to punish me severely. I will definitely beat him until he goes to the hospital and has to stay in bed for a month or two, especially It's the Xin family father and son! Since the law can't control them, let's fight violence with violence!"

"I will take out 600 billion Korean won for this time! All injured brothers, double the medical expenses and nutrition expenses!" Chen Daojun said sharply.

Chen Daojun was obviously irritated, and this time he threatened to send all the management of Yuetian Group to the hospital.Ma Jiachang was a little shocked when he heard this, but after hesitating for a moment, he still agreed to Chen Daojun's proposal. After all, if the Yuetian Group hadn't carried out such attacks again and again, they would not have adopted such an extreme counterattack.


In the next few days, the senior managers of Yuetian Group were attacked by unidentified people soon after they got off work. Not only the car they were riding in was smashed up, but they were also seriously injured.In just one night, 7-8 high-level personnel were attacked. Early the next morning, the Yuetian Group's office received news one after another that high-level officials were injured and hospitalized.

When his subordinates reported these situations to Chairman Xing Hao, Xing Hao's originally calm face couldn't help but reveal a trace of panic. He soon realized that this was probably revenge from the Miracle Group, but he didn't. Thinking that the other party's revenge was so violent, almost half of their group's top executives were sent to the hospital!

If the other party still doesn't give up, then the next one is likely to be group executives like them who were lucky enough not to be targeted. "Contact the Security Department and ask them to send more bodyguards as soon as possible. In the future, high-level executives will always bring two bodyguards with them when they go out!" Xin Gehao quickly made a decision. Before, he instructed Xin Dongbin to find criminals to attack Wu Shixian, although he considered that there would be a miracle The group's revenge, but did not expect to come so soon.

"Yes, President!" After hearing Xinghao's instructions, his subordinates left the office and went to contact the security department.


On a certain road, the car of Xin Dongbin, the vice chairman of Yuetian Group, was stopped on the road. In front of him were three cars, and more than a dozen young men with strong physiques and baseball bats got out of the cars one after another.

When the driver saw that something was wrong, he immediately wanted to turn around and evacuate, but he was also surrounded by three cars from behind, and there was no chance of escape.

"Vice President Xin Dongbin, it's all here, let's take the initiative!" Lei Bao, the leader of the White Tiger Club, stood by the car and knocked on the window glass with a stick a few times, only to see a black man appearing on the window. a huge crack.

"Axiba! Who are you! How dare you attack our Yuetian Group?!" Seeing this, Xin Dongbin had no choice but to get out of the car. In this situation, he obviously couldn't escape. Instead of being in the car Instead of waiting for death, it would be better to use the name of Yuetian Group to scare these people and make them retreat in spite of the difficulties!

"It's because I know you are the vice president of Yuetian Group that I am so polite. I also give you a chance to choose! Let you choose for yourself, which leg shall we break of yours?! When you have made your choice, brothers will do it again!" Seeing Xin Dongbin who was still pretending to be powerful at this moment, Lei Bao directly exposed him without giving him any face!

This made Xin Dongbin a little panicked. If he revealed his identity when encountering such things in the past, others might struggle with whether or not to offend the Yuetian Group. Unexpectedly, these guys really didn't take the Yuetian Group seriously. Son, I am determined to fuck him!
Seeming to see through Xin Dongbin's intention to escape, Lei Bao directly surrounded him with his brothers.The bodyguards on the side tried to protect Xin Dongbin, but they were no match for four hands. He was quickly greeted "enthusiastically" by a group of thugs from the Baihu club with baseball bats. After a while, he was beaten and screamed!
"Okay, now it's your turn, my baseball bat is big, bear with it!" Lei Bao said jokingly, swung the baseball bat in his hand and threw it at Xin Dongbin's right leg!

"Ah——!" A heart-piercing howl came from the crowd, and the vehicles and pedestrians not far away also noticed the "siege" scene here, but these guys, one by one, held Weapons are obviously not a good thing, and no one dares to step forward to find out, let alone speak out to stop them, for fear of setting themselves on fire!

Soon, the news that Xin Dongbin, the vice chairman of Yuetian Group, was attacked and seriously injured, and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment spread quickly.Many dignitaries and chaebols also hold that eating melons and watching the excitement is not a big deal, and curious onlookers are watching the next development.Many of them speculated that this was the Miracle Group's revenge!

After all, Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group, was attacked not long ago, and according to the captured assailants, they were ordered by Cui Yongjian, assistant to vice president Xin Dongbin of Yuetian Group, but this guy seemed to have received the news early. He has already escaped in advance, and the Public Security Bureau has not caught this person yet.

If the Yuetian Group doesn't follow the rules, it's no wonder that Miracle Group's fierce revenge has been provoked, and the Miracle Group is also ruthless enough, making it clear that all the senior management of the Yuetian Group will be blamed.Many careful people have discovered that these hands-on personnel seem to be members of the White Tiger Society. Is there a relationship between the Miracle Group and the White Tiger Society?

His own vice-president was fucked by the other party and sent to the hospital. Others were even more panicked. Some simply stayed at the headquarters of the group company and stayed up until night several times without daring to leave the group.Chairman Xing Hao also had the same idea. Although his son was seriously injured, he did not dare to visit him in the hospital for fear of encountering the same thing.

Forced into helplessness, he tried to ask his subordinates to train the Seoul Public Security Bureau to seek help and let them catch the gangsters.But the reply I received was quite speechless, "Your report has been registered and we will process it as soon as possible. Please wait patiently for the result..."

(End of this chapter)

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