The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 200 Proposal to establish an Internet shopping platform

Chapter 200 Proposal to establish an Internet shopping platform
Xing Hao felt a little regretful at this moment. At first, he just wanted Xin Dongbin to send someone to teach the arrogant Wu Shixian a lesson, but he didn't expect the other party's revenge to be so violent.And according to the news received by the office, three days later is the time for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders requested by Miracle Group. The senior leaders of their Yuetian Group have been staying at the group headquarters and not attending because they are afraid of being attacked?If this spreads out, their Yue Tian Group will probably become the laughing stock of the entire Bangzi Kingdom, right?
At that time, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will definitely be completely controlled by Miracle Group. He can only watch the three core subsidiaries being taken away by Miracle Group!How abominable!Xinghao could only be helpless and furious at the moment. He was trapped in the group building, and now it was a problem for him to even leave the group building safely.

"Contact the largest security company in the country for me! Let them arrange more bodyguards!" He can no longer count on the company's security department. Only by getting more professional bodyguards from a professional security company can this be possible. Protect these people and attend the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders three days later.


It's a pity that those security companies also got the news in advance. No security company had the courage to get involved in the dispute between the two major groups and directly refused the cooperation of Yuetian Group.This makes the people of Yuetian Group even more insecure.If the gang of thugs outside burst into the building of their Yuetian Group, only those losers in the security department can resist it!
But if it keeps going on like this, living in a flat every day is not an option!Many people had the idea of ​​quitting the Yuetian Group. If it weren't for the current downturn in the domestic environment, they might have handed in their resignations directly and prepared to run away from this troubled place.


------Dividing line------

Three days later, the shareholders' meeting was held as scheduled. Wu Shixian appeared in the conference room of Yuetian Food Company with Rachel, Su Canping and several group executives, accompanied by four bodyguards.Looking at the somewhat ugly-looking president of Yuetian Food and several company executives, Wu Shixian smiled and joked, "Why don't you see the representatives of Yuetian Group? Could it be that something is wrong and can't come?"

"Ahem, President Xin has been unwell for the past few days, so he may not be able to attend this shareholders' meeting." The president of Yuetian Food Company said in embarrassment. I have heard.He really didn't expect that the smiling middle-aged man in front of him would be so ruthless. He directly abolished half of the senior management of the Yuetian Group, and the other half of the senior management who survived stayed in the headquarters of the group, not daring to step out of the building.

"In that case, let's start today's shareholders' meeting! Anyway, our Miracle Group currently holds more than 50% of the company's shares. Even if Chairman Xin is not present, there will be no problem." Wu Shixian heard this and answered with a smile Dao said that he had expected this situation before.

Before Chen Daojun issued a reward to the White Tiger Society to avenge him, Wu Shixian was moved, but he quickly realized that this probably had the meaning of killing chickens and monkeys.It's just that he didn't expect that in the face of threats, the previously arrogant Xin Gehao and the senior management of Yuetian Group really acted like turtles, just watching their subsidiaries being taken away!

Since the top management of the Yuetian Group has not appeared, the extraordinary general meeting of the three companies was held very smoothly. As the major shareholder, the Miracle Group officially took over the control of the three companies, and at the same time kicked out all the cronies that the original Yuetian Group had placed in the company. out.

With the loss of the four core subsidiaries of Yuetian Group's business territory, its strength quickly declined a lot.In line with the excellent spirit of "the wall falls and everyone pushes", many forces that were still on the sidelines no longer waited, and entered the stage one after another, launching attacks on other subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group.

SBS TV station and various media continued to report many scandals and black materials about the management of Yuetian Group and its subsidiaries. The prosecutors once again took away senior members of Yuetian Group for questioning... Suddenly, the situation of Yuetian Group became Extremely embarrassed.The middle- and lower-level personnel who sensed something was wrong finally decided to cut off their courage, submit their resignations and run away, lest the Yuetian Group would suffer another thunderstorm later and bury "innocents" like them together!

As the three companies of Yuetian Food, Yuetian Products and Yuetian Construction were merged into Miracle Group, Wu Shixian and other senior managers were very excited. After many years, Miracle Group had expanded again, touching the food industry and construction industry. .

Although there have been a lot of negative news about Yuetian Food recently, many of them are the result of "accidents" among members of the Baihu Club. As long as some adjustments are made and funds are injected, the company can start operations across the board and continuously produce a variety of foods.

Cooperating with Yuetian Department Store, Shunyang Department Store and Shanshang Department Store, the three giants in the department store industry, Hanjin land transportation and Hanjin sea transportation channels, an industrial chain from production and processing to store sales and long-distance transportation has been formed.After the Miracle Group integrates these resources, they will definitely be able to further reduce costs and obtain more considerable benefits!

In the office of the vice president of Miracle Group, Chen Daojun smiled at Wu Shixian and said, "Congratulations to Chairman Wu for winning three companies! ... Then we can make new plans!"

"Boss, do you have any new plans?" Wu Shixian was a little curious. In his opinion, hadn't they achieved their ultimate goal now?With a more complete industrial chain, the profits generated will be higher than before.

"Amazon over in the beautiful country has seen its stock price increase 9 times in just a few months since it went public. This made me realize that the Internet can also be used for sales! We can build a dedicated online shopping website. Then we put various products on the website. After the customer places an order and pays on the website, we can pick up the goods at the nearest department store and then deliver the products to the customer via Hanjin land transportation!"

"You can have items purchased online within one day without leaving home!" Chen Daojun recalled that in his previous life, Internet shopping platforms such as Ali Baba and relied on similar models to successfully rise. In just ten years, Earn a lot of profits, expand rapidly, and become an Internet giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars!

Chen Daojun's suggestion made Wu Shixian fall into deep thought. He had heard Chen Daojun mention Amazon before, and he had also paid attention to the company's unique operating model and development philosophy.But it was somewhat beyond his expectation that the other party's market value could increase by nine times in such a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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