The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 203 Intrigue, Chen Xingjun’s counterattack

Chapter 203 Intrigue, Chen Xingjun’s counterattack

Under Chen Daojun's series of "fools", Chen Hengjun could only watch helplessly as Chen Daojun and his wife rushed to the airport with their luggage and went on vacation overseas, while he had to go to the company to continue working and deal with a bunch of messy things, my giao!


During Zhengxinzhai's weekend gathering, Chen Yangji curiously asked Chen Runji about Chen Daojun's whereabouts, and learned that he had gone abroad with his fiancée. Although he was a little disappointed, he soon let go.On the contrary, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong, the two elders who didn't deal with Chen Daojun very much, turned their attention to the boss, Chen Yongji's family, after they had no "easy to bully" targets.

"Speaking of which, our nephew Xingjun has been married for some time. It seems that he and his wife haven't gone on a trip yet, right?" Liu Zhina said to several people on the side.

This made Chen Yongji and Sun Zhenglai feel uncomfortable, and Chen Xingjun's originally smiling face froze for a moment.Originally, their daughter-in-law was the daughter of the chairman of the Daewoo Group. Although she was a few years older than their son Chen Xingjun, she was also the daughter of a super chaebol, so she was well-matched.

As a result, when the financial turmoil came, the Daewoo Group was hit by thunder. The appalling debt shocked everyone. Insolvency was not enough to describe this exaggerated huge debt. Now Daewoo Group is selling the company's assets and trying to save itself, but with little success.The identity of the chaebol's daughter was also shattered in an instant, and Jin Xiuzhu's position in the Chen family in Shunyang became embarrassing.


Seeing the ugly faces of the eldest family, Chen Dongji and Liu Zhina gloated over their misfortune, and Chen Huarong and his wife on the side were also happy to watch the fun.The old lady Li Biyu saw the ugly faces of her eldest son and daughter-in-law, so she stood up and said, "This is a couple's business, what does it have to do with you?"

Seeing that the old lady stood up for Chen Yongji's family, Chen Dongji and Liu Zhina smiled awkwardly and did not continue this topic.


"Dad, now that the Yuetian Group has been hit hard, it is no longer able to revive. Shall we take the opportunity to deal with the Yuetian Group? In this case, we may be able to annex one or two subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group!" Chen Dongji said at the moment Bringing it up again, I set my sights on the Yuetian Group again.

Three core subsidiaries were poached by the Miracle Group, and half of the top executives were beaten into the hospital. Chairman Singh Hao, who has not yet been discharged from the hospital, is called to talk by the procuratorate every now and then.At the moment, there is almost no one in the Yuetian Group to "take care of" them. If they attack now, there is a high probability that they will succeed in one blow!
Chen Dongji's words made Chen Yangji on the side fall into deep thought. Although many of Yuetian Group's core subsidiaries have been taken away and their vitality has been severely damaged, there are still many outstanding companies, such as Yuetian Hotel, Yuetian Beverage, and Lotte Logistics... Although it is not the leader in the industry, it is still a good company.

If they can win over one or two of these companies, Shunyang Group can indeed use this to enter new industries, and according to the current situation, they should be able to do it without spending too much effort!


Perhaps because of the previous ridicule of Chen Dongji and Liu Zhina, Chen Xingjun was quite moved when he saw his grandfather Chen Yangji. He was somewhat unwilling to persuade him, "Grandpa, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Although our Shunyang Group currently has sufficient funds, the domestic situation has obviously not improved yet. If we only care about immediate interests and rashly use the group's available funds to acquire other companies. If any changes occur in the future, we are likely to We are once again faced with the embarrassing scenario of a broken capital chain!" Chen Xingjun's words were obviously a suggestion directed at Chen Dongji.

This made Chen Dongji's face look a little ugly. He didn't expect that his nephew, who had never taken the initiative to express his position before and seemed to be smiling, could be so ruthless and directly defined himself as a short-sighted person who "overwhelms success" and "only cares about immediate interests." The boy is more difficult than his father!

When Chen Yangji heard what his eldest grandson said, his face froze, and then he pondered for a moment, and said with a smile, "Haha! This kid Xingjun studied in the beautiful country and has grown up a lot! He can think so far! That's right, good!"

Chen Yangji's praise made Chen Yongji and his wife, who felt dull before, happy.Sun Zhenglai even flaunted towards Liu Zhina next to him, the smug look in his eyes made Liu Zhina very annoyed.Although she is the daughter of the former Minister of Finance, her family background and status are much stronger than that of Sun Zhenglai, who was born as a loan shark, but her stomach is not up to date, and Chen Ruijun has only one daughter these years.

In the Shunyang Group under the primogeniture system, Liu Zhina, who has no sons under her knees, is obviously not as popular as Sun Zhenglai, a sister-in-law whose mother is expensive because of her son.The mother-in-law would also often favor Sun Zhenglai, the eldest daughter-in-law, which made her very uncomfortable.

------Dividing line------

Chen Daojun, who was lying on a bench enjoying the gentle sea breeze by the beach, saw the tall and tall Mou Xianmin walking towards him in short sleeves and hot pants, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Miss Xianmin, would you like to apply sunscreen for you?" ah?"

"I don't want you to help me apply it!" Mou Xianmin said arrogantly, Chen Daojun is not honest at all, he used the pretext of helping her apply sunscreen, he ate her tofu and even tickled her, which made her almost Make a fool of yourself!
Seeing that Mou Xianmin didn't buy it, Chen Daojun didn't feel embarrassed either. He looked into the distance and enjoyed a beautiful beach volleyball match.


"Dear Chen, the two things you paid attention to before have changed!" After returning to the hotel, Chen Daojun's cell phone rang again. It was George, a senior manager of Goldman Sachs Group in a beautiful country. News came from the side that Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed an online search engine in school, and it has already passed preliminary testing."

"These two students seem to be very confident in their product and are currently looking for someone to raise funds to open an Internet company!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Daojun said excitedly, "They want to raise funds, so we will give them funds! You must not miss this investment opportunity! This online search engine is definitely an epoch-making product in the Internet field!"

"Okay! Then I'll ask someone to go to Stanford tomorrow and talk to these two students." George continued, "It's just that this Yahoo company makes me a little confused!"

It turned out that on April 96, 4, YAHOO (Yahoo) had been officially listed on Wall Street.The total stock price on the first day of listing reached 12 million U.S. dollars, but this YAHOO's turnover in 5 was only 95 million U.S. dollars, and the actual loss was 130 U.S. dollars. It was not until the end of 63 that it made a mere 96 U.S. dollars.Such a poor revenue, but also such a high market valuation, is simply a miracle!

(End of this chapter)

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