The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 204 The new routine of the Internet, the "lose money first and then make money" mo

Chapter 204 The new routine of the Internet, the "lose money first and then make money" model

"Perhaps there will be new technology and product breakthroughs this year?" Chen Daojun replied with a smile. No one would have thought that it was such an "Internet concept stock". In 2000, before the Internet bubble burst, its market value reached [-] billion. The astonishing size of the U.S. dollar!
Chen Daojun is planning to gradually withdraw funds from the financial war in Xiangjiang to invest in the Internet industry with more "money prospects". This is comparable to shorting the currency of a region/country, with less risk and greater returns.

"I think Yahoo's market value is too inflated! Amazon, for example, has started online sales, making good profits, and the rise in stock prices is justified." George's idea is completely opposite to Chen Daojun's. In his impression Although the Yahoo company has many registered users, it has not yet developed an epoch-making product or a profitable project. The company's market value and stock price have been artificially high.

"Hahaha! You are so honest, it hurts so much! If Jerry Yang and Fei Luo (the founder of Yahoo) hear you belittle their masterpieces like this, they will be mad!" Chen Daojun laughed He said that the Internet is now an emerging industry, and it is the general trend to be sought after and enthusiastic about capital.

In the past two years, companies in the beautiful country have successively launched an unprecedented transformation of "Show Operation".They add ".com" to the suffix of their company name or mix an "I" and "E" in the name, just to be able to hook up with the Internet.By changing the name of a traditional company, you can claim that you are an Internet company, and then open a new round of financing (you can fool the investment with just a name).

In this investment craze with new things and new ways of playing, at that time, everyone still didn’t understand what the Internet meant, and they didn’t know why they had to “lose money first and then make money.” They only knew that the Internet was the most profitable thing at the moment. With the prefix "e-", you can make waves in the stock market.

There are even many unscrupulous media advocating that "the Internet does not need to make money in the early stage, as long as the number of users increases, it will happen in the future" has gradually spread on Wall Street and even beautiful countries.


"By the way, we have made a lot of money in the Hong Kong stock market in the past two months! Eric mentioned yesterday that they have made more than 70 billion Hong Kong dollars!" George remembered the news he had heard before and moved toward Chen Daojun said excitedly, "We have to thank Soros and his Quantum Fund team. They have attracted most of the attention of Hong Kong officials. They have no time to manage the stock market."

"Hahaha! I have to thank Soros! If it weren't for him, we might have been so successful!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "But don't take it lightly, maybe there will be action in Xiangjiang soon. They can't just sit back and watch the stock market. The plunge will affect the finance and economy of the entire region!"

"...I will remind Eric and James." George said with some embarrassment, "But I suggest you come to the beautiful country, after all, your words are much more useful than mine!"

At this moment, Mou Xianmin, who finished washing from the bathroom, came over in a white nightgown. While wiping her wet long hair with a towel, she asked Chen Daojun, "Who are you talking on the phone with? Talking for so long? Hurry up!" Go take a shower!"

"Chen, do you have any beauties here? Oh~, besides that hot model, have you found other beauties? This is an enviable blessing!" George laughed and teased when he heard Mou Xianmin's voice road.

Chen Daojun didn't expect that George would suddenly talk about this matter. Seeing something wrong in Mou Xianmin's eyes, Chen Daojun coughed twice and said, "You are slandering, don't talk nonsense! I have something else to do first!" Wait until next week when I go to Beautiful Country to settle the score with you!"

"Who was talking to you just now? Why did you mention models? Hurry up and tell the truth!" Although Chen Daojun communicated with the other party in English, she was an elite who studied in John Country for three years. How could she not understand what they were saying? What?

Moreover, although George spoke very fast with a loud voice, Mou Xianmin still sensed the trickiness in it. He looked at Chen Daojun with a bad expression, and before he could speak, he pushed him down on the bed and rode on Chen Daojun in a menacing manner. said threateningly.

"I'm innocent! Do you believe what George said?" Chen Daojun said aggrievedly. Although what George said was true, he and Ambrosio did have an affair.But admitting it now, isn't it the same as asking for trouble?Seeing that Chen Daojun still refused to admit it, Mou Xianmin was relentless and pinched Chen Daojun's waist.

"Hey! Sister Xianmin, you are trying to murder your husband!" Chen Daojun felt the pain in his waist and quickly resisted. ...After a while, Mou Xianmin was restrained by Chen Daojun. He rubbed his waist that had just been attacked with his hands. Chen Daojun still felt waves of pain.

"Sister Xianmin, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, have you gained weight?" Chen Daojun asked curiously while rubbing his waist.

"You're just fat!" When Mou Xianmin heard what Chen Daojun said, he immediately became unhappy. Taking advantage of Chen Daojun's unpreparedness, he punched Chen Daojun's arm. The pain made Chen Daojun grin and he wanted to resist, but he was afraid of hurting Mou Xianmin, so he had to be beaten. She bit it like this.It took a while before Mou Xianmin let go.

Chen Daojun looked at the deep tooth marks on his arm, and said to Mou Xianmin, "You left such a big mark on me, I have to leave one for you too!" Before he finished speaking, he grabbed Mou Xianmin.

"Ah? You bad guy, don't come here!" Mou Xianmin panicked. She wanted to teach Chen Daojun a lesson and tell him not to mess around outside, but she obviously overestimated her own strength and was caught by Chen Daojun after a while. , he grabbed her arm and bit her hard. Mou Xianmin was so painful that she almost burst into tears!


------Dividing line------

Miracle Group.

"President Wu, Seoul's new plan is now out. The original Bundang area will be officially included in the Seoul metropolitan area. However, according to documents, the land in this area was sold at a low price before. Now the official side We plan to take this area back.”

"According to our investigation, in addition to the land in this area that has been developed into Disneyland and some residential areas, there is still a large amount of land in the hands of the Miracle Group and my nephew Chen Daojun..." Cui Changji said with some embarrassment. He also thought that he could use the official land development project to strengthen cooperation with the Miracle Group, so that he could not only gain a lot of political achievements but also deepen his friendship with Wu Shixian.

(End of this chapter)

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