The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 205 Prediction of the future, early layout

Chapter 205 Prediction of the future, early layout
As a result, the Miracle Group has already hoarded a large amount of land here, but has not started construction for a long time. It seems that it is up for sale and has been waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Wu Shixian looked at Cui Changji in front of him and said with a smile, "It seems that Miracle Group has a really good vision. The land purchased a few years ago happened to be in this area. It seems that this urban development plan is destined to be developed by us. The Miracle Group is here to implement it!"

Cui Changji smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and then said, "It's just that my nephew Chen Daojun still owns a lot of land in the Bundang area. We have to find a way to get the land from him and develop it together!"

"Chen Daojun? Is it the one from Shuguang Law Firm?" Wu Shixian pretended to be ignorant and said with some doubts.

"Yes, it's him! At the beginning, he got a large piece of land in the Bundang area from President Chen Yangji. That's how the land for the construction of Disneyland came from!" Cui Changji's tone was a little excited. Chang Chen Yangji was very dissatisfied with getting so much land in his hands.Although the land value in the Bundang area was not high at that time.

"Then the matter will be much easier. The law firm that Mr. Chen works for also has business dealings with our Miracle Group. If you want to persuade the other party to transfer the land to us, there should be no problem." Wu Shixian is confident Said.

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, I was still thinking of provoking Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun to have a conflict, but I didn't expect that their friendship is also good. It seems that my little plan has come to nothing.

"...Chairman Wu, could it be that your previous acquisition of Yuetian Construction was to prepare for the subsequent development of the Bundang area?" Seeing Wu Shixian's appearance of knowing the pearls of wisdom, Cui Changji quickly thought of the Miracle Group's previous experience. Could it be that Yuetian Group's poaching of Yuetian Construction Company was premeditated?The planning started months in advance and the final result seemed to have been anticipated. Such foresight is a bit frightening!

"Just like Pasteur said 'opportunities always belong to those who are prepared', Miracle Group has been able to continue to succeed and expand without being caught in the financial turmoil like other companies, relying on speculation and prediction of the future , and make effective preparations!" Wu Shixian said with a smile.

Although Wu Shixian didn't answer directly, Cui Changji was even more shocked by the question reflected from the side.You know, even the Shunyang Group can't predict the future and never make a mistake, just like the previous acquisition of Hando Iron and Steel, which used up the working capital of the group, but it turned out to be a tasteless one.But the Miracle Group did it. Relying on correct predictions and preparations for the future, they have expanded and grown to the terrifying scale they are now!This... this is simply unbelievable!

In the following days, Seoul officials announced plans to develop a new city. They placed the new city development zone in the Bundang area near Seoul. At the same time, officials also promised to recruit a large number of experienced workers in the construction of the new city.At the same time, after the construction of the new city, a large number of new enterprises will be introduced to provide a large number of jobs for Seoul.

As soon as the news came out, the decadent people seemed to see hope and paid close attention to the follow-up process of the development of the new urban area.Many people even hope that this new urban development will allow them to return to work and get a job.

The Daying Group, Shunyang Group, and Daewoo Group that received the news are all trying to get a share of this new urban development project or even take it all to themselves.It's just that when their confidants found out that the planner who presided over and promoted this matter was the newly appointed mayor of Seoul, Cui Changji, Daying Group and Daewoo Group had to give up.

After all, in their eyes, Cui Changji's other identity is the son-in-law of Chen Yangji, the chairman of Shunyang Group. This new urban development project will probably fall into the hands of Shunyang Group.But something unexpected happened soon. In less than a week, Mayor Cui publicly announced that the new urban development project would be developed by Yuetian Construction, a subsidiary of Miracle Group.

As soon as the news came out, all the chaebols were surprised, and Chen Yangji, who was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, couldn't hold back anymore.The eldest son Chen Yongji was also a little anxious at the moment, "Dad, what is going on with this son-in-law Cui? Why did he hand over the development project of this new city to the Miracle Group? This kind of behavior is too much!"

As the person in charge of Shunyang Property and Shunyang Construction, the duck in his mouth was robbed like this, and it was a development project of an entire new urban area. This entry and exit would cost hundreds of billions (Korean won)!

Hearing Chen Yongji's complaints, Chen Yangji was also a little angry. He also thought that after Cui Changji became the mayor, he should hand over important projects to Shunyang Group. How could he hand over the project to Miracle Group?Didn't he have been provided by Shunyang Group for food and use all these years?

"Director Li, go and call Cui Changji and Chen Huarong over here!" Chen Yangji suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to Chief Li who was at the side.

"Yes, President!" Mr. Li replied respectfully.


Chen Huarong's residence.

"Husband, your performance in front of the camera during the day is very good! Your approval rate will further increase!" Chen Huarong said happily to Cui Changji. Since he took the position of mayor, Cui Changji is no longer as submissive as before. , the whole person's aura has changed significantly, and he has become more rigid when talking to people.

"Of course! When Chairman Wu starts the construction smoothly as agreed before, then I will be able to gain more political achievements and public support through the new urban development project!" Cui Changji said proudly, compared to all the humiliation at Shunyang Group Only in exchange for a certain amount of help can it be possible to negotiate with Miracle Group. It is very simple and easy. Both parties clearly mark the price and exchange benefits, each getting what they need.

Chen Huarong was also very happy when he heard what Cui Changji said.As the darling of the Shunyang Group, although Chen Yangji doted on her, the things he gave her were simply not comparable to those of his two brothers.

The eldest brother, Chen Yongji, is the vice chairman of the group. He controls several companies including Shunyang Property, Shunyang Construction and Shunyang Automobile. The second brother, Chen Dongji, is also the president of several companies including Shunyang Fire Insurance and Shunyang Chemical.Only his daughter, with only one Shunyang Department Store in her hands, made her very unwilling.

"Do you still remember President Wu's previous proposal?" Cui Changji looked at his wife beside him, a light of ambition flashed in his eyes, and said with some excitement, "If you can't get more from Shunyang Group, then you will simply give up." If Shunyang Department Store becomes bigger and stronger, we can annex other companies, strengthen Shunyang Department Store, and become a new group! When the time comes when we combine politics and business, we will definitely be able to obtain more benefits!"

(End of this chapter)

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