Chapter 206 The Stubborn Cui Changji
The words of her husband Cui Changji made Chen Huarong stunned for a moment, and then he said with some uncertainty, "Is this really okay? I don't know what company to acquire!"

"This is simple! Didn't Chen Dongji point out the direction for us in Zhengxinzhai before? Yuetian Hotel is a good target! And even if there are problems, we can also ask President Wu for help!" Cui Changji said with a smile. Although the second uncle is good at calculation, it is undeniable that his investment vision has always been good.And now that Yuetian Group has shown signs of "falling Hu Shunsan down", it will not be difficult for them to acquire Yuetian Hotel!
Cui Changji's analysis quickly convinced Chen Huarong that he would have the opportunity to expand his company and power, so why hesitate?As Cui Changji said, even if it doesn't work, you can still ask Wu Shixian for help.With their current partnership and the support of the Miracle Group, won't it be easy to win the Yuetian Hotel?

While Cui Changji and Chen Huarong were thinking about a bright future, Chen Huarong's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hi, I'm Li Hengcai. The president ordered me to notify President Chen Huarong and Mayor Cui to come to Zhengxinzhai." Chief Li's voice came through the phone.

"Okay, I understand." Chen Huarong said calmly, but his mood became worse. It seemed that his father Chen Yangji had probably received the news. He called them over this time, probably because of the new urban development project. of.

"Father asked us to go to Zhengxinzhai! If you mention the new urban development project, you must not back down! This is the capital of our cooperation with Miracle Group. If it is gone, you will not be the mayor Steady!" Chen Huarong reminded Cui Changji repeatedly as he remembered how submissive his husband was in the past.

"I understand!" Cui Changji lifted his glasses frame and said calmly.

-------Dividing line-------

Zheng Xin Zhai.

After Cui Changji and Chen Huarong came to Zhengxinzhai, they saw Chen Yangji on the lawn outside who was feeding feed into the pool.Hearing Cui Changji's voice, Chen Yangji turned around and looked at the son-in-law in front of him who was no longer as obedient as before and dared to look directly at him. Chen Yangji felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

"Our Mayor Cui is here. Of course I, an old man, have to come out to greet you personally. Come in." Chen Yangji said calmly.

"Let's talk here!" Cui Changji did not follow Chen Yangji into the room, but replied loudly on the spot, "Dad, I am busy with work, if you have nothing to do, Huarong and I will leave first! "

Chen Yangji looked at the son-in-law in front of him in surprise, his eyes were full of astonishment and disbelief.After all, before this, this Cui Changji didn't even dare to take a breath in front of him. How could there be such a big change in such a short period of time?

"Who is it? Who is your backer that makes you dare to talk to me so arrogantly?" Chen Yangji asked with an ugly face, "Is it Miracle Group? The new city development project in Seoul is handed over to Yuetian Construction also means Miracle Group?"

Looking at Chen Yangji who was pressing closer in front of him, Chen Huarong on the side wanted to argue, but was held down by Cui Changji. Then Cui Changji said sternly, "It seems you don't quite understand! There are more than 1000 million people behind me." Citizens of Seoul! As mayor, it is necessary for me, for the better future of Seoul, to hand over the development project of the new city to the most powerful Yuetian Construction!"

"Based on the current financial situation of Shunyang Group, can it support the initial land purchase cost? Most of the land in the Bundang area has been bought by Miracle Group. Even if Shunyang Group wants to build, it must first start with Just buy the land from Miracle Group!" Thinking of the news he had received before, the expression on Cui Changji's face became even calmer!
Now it's not that Cui Changji doesn't miss his old friendship and doesn't hand over the project to Shunyang Group, but that Shunyang Group itself doesn't have the ability!If there is no land and no sufficient funds for development and construction, how can this project be completed?loan?The bank is about to go bankrupt, how can it be possible to approve a loan? !

Listening to Cui Changji's heart-wrenching "truths", Chen Yangji's face became even more ugly. He didn't expect that Cui Changji had such ability. Everything listed here is a very real problem, Shunyang The group simply cannot resolve it at the moment.Even if they do get the project, they may not be able to complete it.

"President, if you have other matters related to Seoul City's politics to discuss, you can come to the municipal building to see me next time." Cui Changji said very forcefully.After saying that, he bowed to Chen Yangji, then pulled Chen Huarong beside him and left.

After getting into the car and leaving Zhengxinzhai, Chen Huarong gradually realized that she had never expected that her "bullying" husband would become so tough at this moment, and she would silence Chen Yangji, the president of Shunyang Group.It's like a dream, it's unbelievable!
"Husband, your performance today was great! I thought you would be frightened by him and give up today!" Chen Huarong, who was sitting next to Cui Changji, said with a smile. Today, her husband Cui Changji was tough and Chen Yangji was not afraid at all. , it’s so embarrassing!
It's just that Cui Changji's trembling legs fully showed his heart, and he didn't want to be so calm on the outside.Cui Changji took a breath and said with lingering fear, "My father-in-law has such a strong aura! Seeing his angry look just now, I almost thought he was going to hit me!"

"It's just that now I have completely fallen out with my father-in-law. From now on, I can only rely on Miracle Group!" Cui Changji said with some regret. If Chen Yangji hadn't pushed too hard, he wouldn't have wanted to fall out.

"So what if I don't fall out? In my father's heart, only his two sons are important. My daughter and you, my son-in-law, are just tools that can be used by him!" Thinking of what her husband Cui Changji said in the Chen family over the years Wasn't the ridicule and belittlement she received a slap in Chen Huarong's face?

"Okay, there's no need to mention the past things. Tomorrow we'll go to Miracle Group to talk to Chairman Wu about the next thing." Cui Changji doesn't want to mention the past things again. He is now more concerned about whether the company run by his wife can expand. ?I can give him more help in the future!


Saehan Company.

The director of the R&D department came to President Moon's office with a newly developed sample machine.

"President, we have developed the MP3 you mentioned!" the R&D director said happily, and then he introduced the specific functions and operation methods of this MP3 to Moon.

Moon on the side nodded repeatedly, and finally used it himself. As a result, the sound quality of the songs in the player was quite good, even better than the mini CDs on the market.

(End of this chapter)

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