The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 207 The Research and Development Department Still Short of People

Chapter 207 The Research and Development Department Still Short of People
"The production of the next song should be done quickly! I will contact President Wu and ask him to contact StarMuseum to get the music source as soon as possible." Moon said to the R&D director.

"Yes, President!"


Wu Shixian soon received a good news call from Saehan's company, and asked him to obtain more music sources.Wu Shixian agreed immediately.

Then Wu Shixian called Rachel and said, "Rachel, please contact the president of StarMuseum Li Xiuwen for me, let them prepare in the next two days, copy a copy of the sound source, and send it to Saehan Company. They have already sent it to Saehan Company. The mini music player is ready, we can’t hold back.”

"Okay!" Rachel nodded in surprise.Previously, Chen Daojun advocated the acquisition of Saehan Company and the acquisition of audio sources in Sun Country, Xiangjiang and other places in order to be able to monopolize this "cake" as much as possible after the development of this mini music player. Unexpectedly, the research and development progress of Saehan Company would be so fast. quick!

Shuguang Law Firm.

After returning from abroad, Chen Daojun came to work in the law firm as usual.It's just that many employees of the law firm almost couldn't help laughing when they saw the "special" Chen Daojun today.Chen Daojun cheekily pretended not to notice the changes in other people, coughed twice, and walked quickly into his office.

After a while, Wu Luomin came in with a stack of materials.He just saw the obvious bruise beside Chen Daojun's eye bag, so he pointed to his right eye, made a gesture, and then asked, "Boss, what's the matter with your injury? Is there any problem?"

"...Ahem, I accidentally knocked it before." Chen Daojun explained awkwardly, but Wu Luomin quickly guessed it, "It doesn't look like it, boss, you must have been injured, right?" ?”

"...Lawyer Wu, what do you need me for?" Chen Daojun didn't answer, but tried to change the subject. After all, when he bit Mou Xianmin's arm, she counterattacked and injured his eye socket. It's a bit embarrassing to say it.

Hearing Chen Daojun mention the serious matter, Wu Luomin came back to his senses, "Oh, that's right. We have received an entrustment from the Miracle Group, and they plan to deal with the acquired Yuetian Foods, Yuetian Products and Yuetian Construction. Management went through a round of layoffs, firing some of them.

"Oh? President Wu, are they still going to purge the top executives of these companies?" Chen Daojun asked with some surprise. In his opinion, they had already purged Xing Hao's cronies one after another in the previous month. Cleared out, what are you going to do this time?
"I heard that the executives of these companies are suspected of embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds. Chairman Wu has already arranged for detectives to investigate. It is estimated that there will be results soon." Wu Luomin recounted what Wu Shixian said before. , and passed it on to Chen Daojun in detail.

"So that's it. It seems that the Yuetian Group is not of the same mind!" Chen Daojun thought of Xing Hao, who had an arrogant attitude before. He didn't expect that those guys under him also have such "worms"?It seems that this old guy's management ability is average!

"Well, since President Wu has said so, of course our law firm must deal with these 'worms' for them!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "The remuneration offered by President Wu is okay, right?"

"Ahem, it's about 12 billion Korean won (more than 60 US dollars according to the current exchange rate)." Wu Luomin rubbed his hands and said with a smile. Although the Korean won has depreciated sharply, even so, it is still a waste of money to convert it into US dollars. An astonishing amount!If they can make this order, their law firm's expenses for more than half a year will be covered!

Nexon Gaming Entertainment Inc.

The person in charge of the marketing department is making a report in the conference room, "According to the data collected from China, Sun Country, and Yanxia Country, the total number of OICQ registrations has exceeded 100 million, reaching an astonishing 105 million! Domestic registration 50 people, 37 in Sun Country, and 18 in Yanxia!"

Hearing this data, Kim Jong-joo and the heads of other departments showed smiles on their faces. Although there are not many Internet users in their country, the population base of Sun Country and Yanxia Country next door is large, and the number of Internet users is also quite large.As long as they firmly occupy the market share of these Asian countries, their OICQ can also rise rapidly.

"The overseas sales of the two games we previously developed, "The Kingdom of the Winds" and "The Kingdom of the Winds", have been quite impressive. We have sold a total of 280 million copies and generated revenue of more than 1000 million US dollars!" said the sales department. The person in charge slowly read out the data in the report, making everyone happy.Today’s PC games are so profitable.As long as it is well-made and highly playable, the revenue from this game is often more than 10 times the development cost!

"Currently we are promoting the research and development of two pieces of content, one is the English version 3.0 of OICQ, and the other is "The Legend of Zelda", "Pokémon: Red/Green" and "Mario Kart". The PC-side games that Nintendo cooperated with are currently 80% complete, and it is estimated that the research and development will be completed in the middle of next month and enter the testing stage."

"President, you promised to recruit new people, but only five people came! Can you recruit a few more?" After reporting the work progress, the person in charge of the R&D department hesitated for a while, and then turned to Kim Jong-joo, the company's employee. It's time to "fire"!

Jin Zhengzhou was a little embarrassed. He looked at the person in charge of the Human Resources Department and then defended, "I have asked the Human Resources Department to recruit new people as soon as possible. How about you contact the Human Resources Department?"

Seeing that this "black pot" suddenly fell on his head, the head of the personnel department explained a little aggrieved, "It's not that we didn't continue to recruit, but that there are too few qualified R&D personnel. Teaching in school, or even going abroad to work, I don’t want to come to us at all!”

The answer from the head of the personnel department made everyone present feel embarrassed. You must know that the salary of their Nexon game and entertainment company can almost catch up with those big chaebols.And when these chaebols were still paying less, they still paid the full amount, not even the bonus.Even with such favorable conditions, they are not willing to come?

"President, why don't we go to universities to recruit? Now that enterprises are closed and a large number of people are unemployed, the students of those universities are also very anxious about their employment problems. If we can hold job fairs in those universities, maybe we can recruit A lot of outstanding talents!" The head of the marketing department suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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