The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 211 Chen Hengjun Was Urged To Marry

Chapter 211 Chen Hengjun Was Urged To Marry

"My suggestion is to let Chen come over as soon as possible. With him in charge, we can relax a lot." George suggested from the side. As the initiator of the financial sniper war, Chen Daojun must have a deeper understanding of these countries than they do. They are also more at ease when he gives specific operations.

"I already contacted him yesterday, and it is estimated that he will be on Wall Street next week." James then replied, "Now that something is wrong, I should call again and ask him to come as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" George nodded in response, then remembered the culprit this time, and couldn't help asking, "But what about Soros?"

"I will contact the Quantum Fund. But this old guy probably won't admit betraying his teammates!" James was a little angry. It was Soros who came to seek cooperation, but it turned out that the old fox was the first one to run away. Now I really want to beat this guy up!
"However, there will be a long time to come. Since this guy dares to plot against us Goldman Sachs, he will pay the price sooner or later!" James said solemnly.


Villa in Jiangnan District.Today is Li Hairen's birthday, Chen Daojun took Mou Xianmin to the nearby villa, which is the new home of Chen Runji and Li Hairen.

"Yigu, you are finally here. Your mother was still talking about it, when will you two come over?" Chen Runji, who was in the living room, saw his youngest son and daughter-in-law who had arrived late, and said with a smile.

"Sister Xianmin was still having a meeting in the afternoon, and it wasn't over yet when I went to pick her up." Mou Xianmin rolled her eyes at Chen Daojun when she heard what he said. Although she didn't say anything, the threat between her eyebrows was very obvious. .

It's just that when Chen Daojun approached, Chen Runji noticed the bruises on his younger son's eye sockets, and asked with concern, "Why did your eyes hurt?" Chen Daojun glanced at Mou Xianmin who was on the side, and found that her face was as usual, not half strange. "It's nothing. I accidentally bruised it two days ago. It has been dealt with. There is no problem. It will be fine in two days."

Chen Daojun was a little helpless. Now Mou Xianmin's aura as a strong woman is becoming more and more obvious, and her attitude towards his fiancé has gradually become stronger. This is not a good thing for Chen Daojun. He must suppress it if there is a chance in the future. Check out her arrogance.


At the dining table, five people gathered around the table, enjoying the freshly cooked food.Looking at his youngest son and daughter-in-law in front of him, Li Hairen quickly turned his attention to Chen Hengjun, but this guy was just busy cooking and didn't pay attention to the change in his mother's eyes.

"Hengjun, now your brother has a fiancée, when will you bring your girlfriend back and show it to your mother?" Li Hairen suddenly sighed and said quietly.

Hearing his wife's emotion, Chen Runji subconsciously looked at his eldest son Chen Hengjun, "Your mother is right. Now that you are working, it's time to find a girlfriend!"

"Ahem—!" Facing the sudden double urging of marriage by his parents, Chen Hengjun instantly broke his defenses. He said this as if he was willing to be single.He looks average, and his personality is a bit dull, and he is not as smooth-tongued as Chen Daojun, who can make people happy.Where can I get the girl I like?
Chen Daojun, who was watching the excitement on the side, didn't think it was a big deal and said with a smile, "Why don't you let grandpa help find one? After all, ordinary girls are not worthy of Brother Hengjun."

Hearing what their youngest son said, Chen Runji and Li Hairen nodded in agreement. After all, they were direct members of the Chen family in Shunyang. If Chen Hengjun were to find a girl from an ordinary family, he would probably become one of the other big families and powerful people in the future. A casual joke (just like when Chen Runji married a female star and was kicked out of the Chen family in Shunyang).

"Daojun is right. When Zhengxinzhai has a party this weekend, I will go and talk to my father and ask him to help find someone for Hengjun." Chen Runji nodded in agreement. If he had a choice, he would definitely not want him The eldest son repeated his own mistakes and experienced the pain he had suffered.

Hearing what Chen Daojun and Chen Runji said, Chen Hengjun's heart exploded. These two guys really went too far!I am looking for people I like, so why do I have to arrange a partner for him when I get here? This is too bullying of an honest person!
Seeing his eldest son's aggrieved look, Li Hairen comforted him, "Hengjun, we are mainly afraid that you will fall in love with a girl from an ordinary family. Your grandfather will not agree easily when the time comes. Your father married me, but I have suffered a lot!”

While talking, Li Hairen looked at Chen Runji next to him. She was very moved by being able to give up the family inheritance rights for the one she loves, or even being kicked out of the family, losing a good life without worrying about food and clothing, but she didn't want her If the child repeats such a "tragedy", simply explain the stakes to him directly.

Hearing Li Hairen's words, Chen Hengjun also nodded helplessly. Now he is a little envious of his younger brother Chen Daojun. He "hooked up" with Mou Xianmin when he was 8 years old. The two played together since they were young, and their relationship is very deep.Isn't this more reliable than accepting the blind date and marriage arranged by the family after adulthood?

Back at the residence at night, Mou Xianmin was hugged directly from behind by Chen Daojun as soon as he walked to the entrance, and then he was held in the corner by Bidong. "Okay, don't be angry! Look, the bruises you hit haven't faded yet." Chen Daojun pointed to his eye sockets and said with a smile.

"Hmph—! That's what you deserve, who told you to bite me!" When mentioning this matter, Mou Xianmin was still aggrieved. Before, he wanted to teach Chen Daojun a lesson, but Chen Daojun bit him back on the arm, and he suffered from pain Suddenly, a fist hit Chen Daojun's face directly.Fortunately, he didn't hit the eye, otherwise Chen Daojun would probably be a "one-eyed dragon" for a while.

"..." Chen Daojun didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, he just smacked and kissed him fiercely.Mou Xianmin who was "surprised" tried to resist, but was hugged tightly by Chen Daojun, unable to break free at all.After a long time, Chen Daojun let go of the person in his arms, and said softly, "Okay, it's my fault, don't be angry, you're going to get wrinkles!"

"It's not too bad! Let's go, I'll apply medicine to you." Seeing Chen Daojun admitting his mistake, Mou Xianmin also came down the steps.She accidentally injured Chen Daojun before, and seeing the bruise on her originally handsome face, she still felt a little guilty, but she was still a little angry when she remembered that Chen Daojun also bit her.

Seeing that Mou Xianmin's attitude had softened, Chen Daojun took advantage of the situation and took Mou Xianmin's hand, happily walking to the living room.

 Chapter 3 will be uploaded later~

(End of this chapter)

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