The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 212 Chen Xingjun Wants a Divorce

Chapter 212 Chen Xingjun Wants a Divorce

Chen Xingjun's residence.

Looking at the older and ordinary-looking wife Jin Xiuzhu in front of him, Chen Xingjun always felt angry in his heart, feeling that he had been greatly deceived and insulted!At the beginning, he was forced by his father and grandfather to get married. He thought that at least the other party was the daughter of the top chaebol of the Daewoo Group, and he could help him in his career anyway, so he reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

As a result, just a few months after getting married, the Daewoo Group exploded!That rich father-in-law became a "liable man" overnight, with a huge debt of tens of trillions of Korean won!Even if the entire Daewoo Group is packaged and sold, it is not worth so much money!It would be a ghost if this damn thing could still come out!


"...Two days ago, my father called us to explain things. He said he would leave a sum of money for us overseas. Even if Daewoo Group goes bankrupt in the future, we don't have to worry." Looking at the indifferent husband, Jin Xiuzhu mustered up her courage and said to Chen Xingjun.

"Daewoo Group is gone, how much money can he leave to you? How many billions or tens of billions of won?" Chen Daojun snorted, his tone a little cold, "Okay, I'm going out to the party, don't wait for me! "Chen Xingjun checked the time, stood up and walked out, completely ignoring Jin Xiuzhu's intention.

Following Chen Xingjun's departure, Jin Xiuzhu looked at the bank card that her father had given her in her hand, feeling a little sad in her heart.Kim Woo-joong called them home before, and each child was given 2 million US dollars, so that they don't have to worry. Even if Daewoo Group really goes bankrupt in the future, they can still live a prosperous life. If they have the ability, they may be able to make a comeback and rebuild. Daewoo Group.But when I talked about this with my husband Chen Xingjun just now, he was ridiculed by the other party.

She had heard people say before that some chaebol's daughters did not live happily after marrying each other.Originally, she didn't take it seriously. After all, she is the daughter of the chairman of Daewoo Group. Although she looks ordinary, her family background is strong enough. Even if her husband doesn't like him, he won't neglect her.

But with the advent of the financial turmoil, Daewoo Group exploded because of its high debt, and her treatment in the Chen family also plummeted.The mother-in-law who was very polite to her before, now ignores her at all, and even dislikes her.For family dinners on weekends, Chen Xingjun will not take her to Zhengxinzhai.

Chen Xingjun, who was originally pretty good to her, seems to have become a different person since he learned about the situation of Daewoo Group. Not only does he ridicule her every day, he often stays up at night. Even when he comes back late at night, she can smell Chen Xingjun's clothes. To the smell of women's perfume.


Faced with such a husband's family and husband, is it necessary for her to continue to stay here?After being silent for a long time, Jin Xiuzhu plucked up the courage and dialed the phone. As the voice from the other end came, Jin Xiuzhu choked and said, "Dad, I want a divorce!"


Inside the private room of Hongdae Bar in Seoul.

Chen Xingjun is drinking with his father's confidant, Section Chief Kim.As cups of shochu poured into his mouth, Chen Xingjun, who was already in a bad mood, confided in his heart, "At the beginning, my father and grandpa forced me to marry an older woman because she had a strong family background and could help me. Successfully inherit Shunyang."

"But what's the result?! Daewoo Group's debt is tens of trillions, and bankruptcy is only a matter of time! Is this the result of sacrificing my marriage?" Chen Xingjun was very unwilling, and the marriage was still an exchange of interests, a strong alliance.But to him, after less than a year of marriage, the Daewoo Group will disappear, so where is he going to reason!

"Perhaps they were all deceived by Daewoo Group?" Section Chief Jin consoled him, "Before this, weren't the media bragging that Daewoo Group is the largest multinational company in Asia? It is the pride of our country!"

"I think neither the president nor the vice president expected Daewoo Group to be so proud, right?"

"Then what should I do? Now facing that hateful woman every day is like a year!" Chen Xingjun drank another glass of soju and asked Section Chief Jin beside him.

"...If you can find a more suitable marriage partner, the chairman and the others should agree to your divorce." Section Chief Jin thought for a while and said calmly, "The previous marriage was based on the strength of the Daewoo Group, and now the Daewoo Group If it's broken, the marriage with Daewoo is not that important."

When Chen Xingjun heard this, his face showed a hint of joy. It would definitely be a good thing if he could divorce and remarry.But for a while, where should he go to find a more suitable marriage partner?
"Xingjun, you can talk to the chairman's wife about this matter. The old lady has always been doting on you, so she should take the initiative to arrange it for you!" Section Chief Jin put forward his suggestion in a timely manner.

"Okay! I'll go to Zhengxinzhai to find grandma tomorrow!" Chen Xingjun, who got the solution, felt much better, and even took the initiative to toast to Section Chief Jin.

----split line----

Early the next morning, Chen Daojun, who was still asleep, was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone. He picked up the phone in a daze and answered, "Chen, the situation is not good! Quantum Fund's sudden withdrawal of capital seems to be giving up short selling. We We are rushing to get the funds out."

Chen Daojun, who was still sleepy at first, was shocked when he heard what George said, and he woke up completely, "That old guy Soros suddenly withdrew his capital? Is it true?!"

In his impression, in response to the financial turmoil in Xiangjiang, Soros led the Quantum Fund team and fought with Xiangjiang officials for more than a year. Why is it only a few months now? Running away?This script is wrong!
"Breakfast is ready, get up and eat!" Mou Xianmin came to the room, intending to call Chen Daojun to get up.Unexpectedly, this guy has already woken up, and who is still calling.

"Stay stable, if the situation is not right, cash out as soon as possible! I will fly to the beautiful country today!" Chen Daojun's tone was a little dignified, that was more than 300 billion US dollars, if there was a mistake, where would he go if he lost his principal? cry?

After Chen Daojun hung up the phone, quickly got dressed and got up, Mou Xianmin, who was leaning on the door frame, asked curiously, "Who was the one who called just now? Did something happen in the beautiful country?"

"It's George. Wasn't he shorting the stock market in Xiangjiang before? Soros, who was cooperating with us, suddenly ran away. I have to rush over today to deal with it." Chen Daojun explained while putting on his coat.

"Can't it be later? Are you in such a hurry?" Mou Xianmin was a little reluctant. They just reconciled last night, and today this guy is going to run away!

Chen Daojun stepped forward and kissed Mou Xianmin hard, and said with a smile, "I have staked all my wealth on your man. If I lose a lot, I won't have any money to support you in the future!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Who wants you to support me!" Mou Xianmin rolled his eyes at Chen Daojun and said with some shame and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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