The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 213 Song Cailin was proposed to

Chapter 213 Song Cailin was proposed to

Due to the rush of time, Chen Daojun did not bring anyone with him. He just called Wu Luomin to help arrange a flight to Beautiful Country at noon.

On Wu Shixian's side, Chen Daojun called and gave a brief explanation.Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Wu Shixian asked jokingly on the other side of the phone, "Are you sure you don't want to take Rachel with you? If she knew you were going to a beautiful country without taking her, I'm afraid she would complain for days. !”

"I went to the beautiful country this time to deal with urgent matters, and she doesn't understand financial matters. You, the teacher, have time to urge her to learn more professional knowledge, don't just enjoy it!" Chen Daojun rejected Wu Shixian's proposal , This time he has a lot of things to deal with, and he has to negotiate with several Internet companies to see if he can buy shares in these companies in advance.


After Wu Shixian hung up the phone, he jokingly said to Rachel on the side, "I can't help it if the boss doesn't take care of you. I ask you to learn more professional knowledge, but you don't take it seriously..." After Wu Shixian complained like this, Rachel It's a bit embarrassing. Who told her not to work hard before?

Rachel went to Xiangjiang on a business trip with Chen Daojun before, and she experienced the joy of a business trip at public expense. Not only were wages and bonuses paid as usual, but there were also many unexpected benefits, not to mention that she obtained the right to live in a villa and 500 yuan from Chen Daojun. A loan of ten thousand US dollars!Now if Chen Daojun goes to Beautiful Country without her, he will really miss out on a lot of benefits~!

------Dividing line------

Song Cailin, the president of Shirt Merchant Department Store, still chooses to stay in the unit and work overtime after get off work.During this period of time, with the help of Miracle Group, Song Cailin, the daughter of the former president who was airborne, successfully took the position of president of the shirt merchant department store, and even paid off the loan, and the department store gradually got on the right track.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Song Cailin, who was sorting out the data, subconsciously said, "Come in!", and saw a tall, handsome man walking in with a bag.

"Brother Chengyou, why are you here?" Song Cailin looked up and saw her boyfriend appearing in front of her, very surprised.

"Didn't I call you before to ask you out for dinner? You said you would work overtime, so I had to bring delicious food to visit you." Cui Chengyou answered, taking out the packed lunch boxes from the bag one by one, and placed them on the bench. On the table, he opened a bottle of red wine and poured a glass for himself and Song Cailin, "Come and eat quickly, or it will get cold later, and the taste will not be good."

"Well, let me clean up." When Song Cailin heard what her boyfriend said, she happily got up from her desk and came to the sofa. While enjoying the food, she and Cui Chengyou told each other interesting things about this time, laughing and joking. The atmosphere was very harmonious.When Cui Chengyou saw the oil stains on the corners of Song Cailin's mouth, he carefully wiped it with a tissue for her. Song Cailin was even more embarrassed by her boyfriend's considerate behavior.

After drinking and eating, Cui Chengyou packed his things and stuffed them back into the bag.Then he saw Song Cailin, who was blushing, resting on the sofa, hesitated for a moment, then got up and walked out of the office. When he came in again, he had a large bouquet of bright red roses in his hand.

"Cailin, wake up!" Cui Chengyou shook Song Cailin who was on the sofa, and seeing that she was gradually waking up, he directly handed over the flowers.Looking at the roses that suddenly came into view, Song Cailin was at a loss for a while.

Cui Chengyou took the opportunity to take out the engagement ring that he had prepared, then knelt down on one knee and said affectionately to Song Cailin, "Cailin, marry me!" Song Cailin, who was already a little drunk, wanted to refuse, but in the end she said But he said "Okay!" When Cui Chengyou saw this, he directly put the engagement ring on Song Cailin's hand.


When the two of you were talking about each other, a hasty knock on the door suddenly sounded.This made the passionate young couples in the office stop their movements in embarrassment.Song Cailin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was her father's confidant and subordinate, Section Chief Jin, who was also called a middle-aged man by her as Uncle Jin.

Cui Chengyou who was on the side saw other people coming and stopped staying. He said hello to Song Cailin, got up and left.Section Chief Jin looked at Cui Chengyou who was leaving, and then his somewhat ugly expression recovered.Section Manager Jin walked up to Song Cailin and asked with concern, "President, I see you are still working overtime. Do you want to go to the canteen not far from the company to have dinner together? When President Song Zhaihuan is here, as long as you work overtime, you will He often goes there for dinner with us.”

"Thank you, Uncle Jin, I've already had dinner." Song Cailin replied with some embarrassment. She didn't expect that besides herself, there would be other people staying to work overtime.

"Okay....Is that person from Zhongyu Group?" Now that Song Cailin had already had dinner, Section Chief Jin didn't force her anymore, but just thinking of the man just now, he still asked a lot.

"Yes! That's my boyfriend Cui Chengyou. He is the son of Chairman Cui of Zhongyu Group." Song Cailin said a little shyly. She was still immersed in the joy of being proposed by her boyfriend and did not notice Jin Class. A long change in demeanor.

"President Song Cailin, if you can, please don't interact with people from Zhongyu Group in the future." Section Chief Jin hesitated for a while and said firmly, "After the financial crisis broke out, President Song Zhaihuan also went to find Zhongyu Group. Zhongyu Group asked for help, but the conditions proposed by the other party were extremely harsh, requiring President Song to use 80% of his shares as collateral in order to obtain a 1000 billion won loan from Zhongyu Group."

"At that time, the company's debt problem was serious, and even 1000 billion won was just a drop in the bucket. It's just that President Song Jae-hwan would choose to commit suicide in the end." Section Chief Kim said with some regret, "President Song Chae-rim, you said Choi Seung-woo is Your boyfriend, President Song Jae-hwan and President Cui of Zhongyu Group should be future in-laws, but what did they do? They clearly want to take advantage of the fire and annex our shirt merchant department store!"

Section Chief Jin's words completely destroyed Song Cailin's cognition. In her impression, how could Cui Chengyou and the elders of the Cui family, who treated her well, do such a thing?He didn't even think about the friendship between the two parties, and even forced his father to a dead end in order to seize the shirt merchant's department store? !Does Cui Chengyou know about this?Or is he also involved in this matter?Song Cailin had mixed feelings in her heart. Looking at the engagement ring already on her ring finger, it seemed very ironic again!

Outside the office, the middle-aged man who had eavesdropped on the door for a while turned and left.After walking to the stairway, he dialed the phone, "Hello, is this President Liang? I have something to report to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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