The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 214 The plan behind Cui Chengyou

Chapter 214 The plan behind Cui Chengyou
Liang Meihua became nervous when she heard the report from her confidant, Section Chief Shen, "You just said that Cui Chengyou proposed to that stinky girl Song Cailin? And she even won the fight?"

"Yes! It's just that Fatty Jin suddenly came over and disturbed the good things of these two people. I was afraid of being discovered, so I left." Section Chief Shen said in a low voice.

"Song Cailin must not be allowed to marry Cui Chengyou. I finally planned to kill Song Jae-hwan. If Song Cailin and Cui Chengyou get married, wouldn't it be that the clothing merchant and department store will be handed over to Zhongyu Group? Absolutely not!" Liang Meihua was a little excited, After so many years of planning, she would go crazy if this stinky girl like Song Cailin gave the T-shirt store department store to the Zhongyu Group as a dowry for free!

"I understand, please continue to pay attention, Section Chief Shen, and notify me in time if there is any trouble." Liang Meihua, who calmed down after a while, told her subordinates.

"Yes! I will continue to pay attention!" Section Chief Shen replied respectfully.


Song Caiying came home in the evening and was in a bad mood.She originally thought that she would finally get along with her boyfriend Cui Chengyou, who she had been dating for many years, and even agreed to his proposal. However, the truth that Uncle Jin told her broke her heart.In just a few hours, my boyfriend's father became the "murderer" who forced his father to death, and my boyfriend became the son of his "enemy"!Such a bloody story could happen to her so suddenly!What should she do?
After thinking about it for a long time, she finally dialed Wu Shixian's phone number, "Hello, is this President Wu? I'm Song Cailin. I have something to ask you for help! I want to investigate the relationship between my father Song Zhaihuan and Zhongyu Group during his lifetime. Is there any problem with the cooperation between them?”

"Oh? Why did niece Song suddenly think of this?" Wu Shixian, who was resting at home, was a little puzzled after receiving the call. It stands to reason that Song Jae-hwan had passed away for several months. Why did Song Cailin ask him to investigate this matter?Doesn't seem to make sense?

"It's like this. According to one of my father's subordinates, my father once asked Zhongyu Group for help, but the other party put forward extremely harsh conditions. He wanted to take the opportunity to swallow the shirt merchant's department store, but my father did not agree..." Song Cailin thought about it With a few words, he told Wu Shixian the news he got from Uncle Jin in detail.

"You think your boyfriend is the son of the chairman of Zhongyu Group, and you don't want to misunderstand him?" When I first supported Song Cailin, I investigated all her details, especially her boyfriend Cui Chengyou. They also conducted detailed investigations. "...Perhaps the reality is so cruel. It is not surprising that Zhongyu Group would want to annex the Clothing Merchant Department Store."

"You must know that in addition to securities companies and real estate companies, Zhongyu Group is also a transportation company. Previously, Miracle Group combined SBS TV Station, Hanjin Shipping, Hanjin Land Transportation and department stores to form a complete industrial chain, and the chain effect produced It is far more than a single company. Zhongyu Group wants to replicate the success of Miracle Group, and it is also reasonable to acquire a large department store.”

Hearing Wu Shixian's analysis, Song Cailin, who was still feeling lucky, asked the last question, "President Wu, did you know about this before?...Why didn't you tell me?"

"...At that time, I didn't expect that you would choose to take on the heavy burden and run a shirt merchant department store." Wu Shixian said calmly, "Now that you have chosen this path, when there are problems in both relationship and career, How to make the most sensible choice is what you have to face."

Wu Shixian's words moved Song Cailin a lot. She didn't expect that Zhongyu Group would really look at their clothing store and department store and wanted to take the opportunity to annex it. Her father Song Zhaihuan would not agree to it even if he died. She foolishly agreed to Choi Seung Woo's marriage proposal!What an irony!


The Cui family’s residence of Zhongyu Group.

Seeing his son Cui Chengyou who came back very late, president Cui Zhengzai said with some dissatisfaction, "Come back so late? You are not doing your job day by day. Don't you know there are many things going on in the group?"

Seeing her son being reprimanded, Mrs. Cui couldn't bear to say, "Okay, since he's back, don't say a few words. Go back and rest early."

"...I proposed to Song Cailin today, and she agreed." Cui Chengyou was silent for a while, and said today's "results".

Cui Zhengzai originally felt that his son was wasting time outside and not doing his job properly.When I heard that his proposal to Song Cailin was successful, I almost thought I had heard wrong.Seeing that his son's expression did not change, he immediately asked to confirm, "Did you really propose? She also agreed?"

"Really, she agreed." Cui Chengyou replied affirmatively.

"Okay! Well done! Hahaha, it seems that it won't be long before the shirt merchant department store will belong to our Zhongyu Group!" Cui Zhengzai was very happy. He didn't expect what he couldn't do by threatening Song Jae-hwan back then. The son actually used another method to get the shirt merchant's department store. This is simply God bless their Cui family!
In the past few years, Miracle Group has grown its retail market share year by year thanks to its ownership of department stores and logistics companies. Even products shipped from overseas can be sold to all parts of the country in a very short period of time, making a lot of money. !As for the logistics company of Zhongyu Group, they could only earn transportation fees, and they were just like tool men, which made him very unwilling!
Thinking of his son's girlfriend's department store, he came up with the idea of ​​annexing the shirt merchant department store, and then borrowing from Miracle Group's operating methods to combine department stores and transportation companies to expand profit points.It's just that Song Zhaihuan's company is about to go bankrupt, and he doesn't agree to mortgage most of the company's shares in exchange for loans. I really don't know what this guy is obsessed with.

Now the president, Song Cailin, seems to have a relationship with Miracle Group. Not only did she spend a large amount of money to repay debts in a short period of time, but she also successfully put the shirt merchant department store on the right track. This is much better than if they directly took over the business and were on the verge of bankruptcy. The shirt merchant department store is much better!

Seeing her husband complimenting her son, Mrs. Cui also approved of the marriage, so she told her son, "Then make an arrangement. Let's make an appointment with Mrs. Song to discuss your marriage with Song Cailin."

"Okay!" Seeing that his mother agreed, Cui Chengyou was very happy.In his opinion, his father's previous threat to Song Jae-hwan to forcibly take away the shirt merchant's department store was too radical and completely unnecessary.As long as it takes a while longer, the marriage between him and Song Cailin is finalized, will the department store still fall into the hands of Zhongyu Group?

 Two updates today, take a break and think about the follow-up plot.Will resume the third update tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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