Chapter 215 follow-up plan

As the funds that hit the Hong Kong dollar and the stock market continued to withdraw, the Hong Kong stock market, which had been in decline for nearly four months, finally saw a small increase. Many investors were so excited that tears filled their eyes. They were hoping for the stars and the moon. By the time this day arrived, the cumulative decline had exceeded 4% compared to the peak of the Hang Seng Index.


When Chen Daojun arrived in Beautiful Country, it was already the morning of the next day.The person who came to pick him up was George, an old acquaintance. He looked a little solemn and said, "Chen, the matter is a bit urgent. Let's go to the headquarters for a meeting first."

"...You're too cruel! I haven't even had breakfast yet!" Chen Daojun felt helpless when he heard that George was so thin. The food on the plane didn't taste very good, and he hadn't eaten much for several hours. , I have to continue the meeting, too much!

"Haha! I brought you KFC burgers and fried chicken! You can eat them on the road later!" George said with a smirk. Delicious fried chicken and burgers paired with Coke are best for people who are busy with work and don't have time to eat. The main reason why he gradually gained weight was because of his regular meals.

Hearing what George said, Chen Daojun didn't say anything more. If you have a stutter, it's enough to fill your stomach first. After all, there are still important things waiting for him to deal with.


Investment Division of Goldman Sachs Group.

Originally, Eric and others were concentrating on the changes in the Xiangjiang stock market. When they heard a series of footsteps, they looked up curiously and happened to see Chen Daojun and George walking slowly.

"BOSS, you're here!" Eric quickly left his station and stepped forward to greet Chen Daojun, "Now the Xiangjiang stock market has shown an overall upward trend with the support of Xiangjiang officials. If we hadn't discovered In time, all the short futures were delivered. I am afraid we have lost more than one billion US dollars now!"

"Well done!" Chen Daojun patted Eric on the shoulder and consoled him, "It's the biggest blessing that we didn't lose money. There are many opportunities to make money. At worst, just invest in other places to make money!"

"Okay, BOSS!" Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Eric felt a little nervous at first, but he also relaxed a lot. Now the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the income has not met expectations. As the actual operator, Eric feels the pressure in his heart. It is not small.


The Xiangjiang stock market continued to rise in the afternoon, and the market value of the Xiangjiang company shares held by Eric's team also rose accordingly, and everyone's faces were filled with smiles.

After 3:[-] p.m., James called relevant personnel for a meeting in the conference room. As the initiator of the short-selling plan, Chen Daojun was dragged by George to attend the meeting.


"The Quantum Fund replied, saying that it is a strategic retreat, and they will find an opportunity to enter the market and continue to short the Hong Kong dollar. Let us not think too much." James is quite dissatisfied with the statement given by the Quantum Fund, if not He called to question him, but he was afraid that Soros, the bastard, wouldn't even give him a reason.

Hearing what James said, Chen Daojun sneered, "Soros, the old guy, the reasons he made up are too perfunctory, right? Even if it's a strategic retreat, don't you say hello to your allies?"

"Yes! If our people hadn't discovered it in time, we would have suffered a lot of losses this time!" George said angrily. Fortunately, they had always acted cautiously. They also arranged for someone to keep an eye on the currency market, futures market and stock market, so there was no Got tricked by Soros.

"BOSS, with the current situation, I'm afraid it will be impossible to earn more profits in Hong Kong's stock and currency markets for a while. What should we do next? We can't let these tens of billions of dollars lie in our accounts. , just leave it like this?" Now that the short-selling plan has almost failed, Eric, as a trader, asked Chen Daojun about his next plan.

"It doesn't matter, since Xiangjiang's stock market has no place to make profits for a while, we can first gradually withdraw funds and invest more funds in the Internet industry. I have a hunch that it may not take long. Internet companies will There will be a wave of explosive growth!" Chen Daojun said his plan with a smile, investing in Pingguo, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and other companies at this stage, the benefits they can earn far exceed this year's short-selling actions.

"I agree!" Hearing that Chen Daojun wanted to invest in Internet companies, James agreed to Chen Daojun's proposal without hesitation. After all, Chen Daojun asked him to help identify elite talents in the Internet industry before, and he also subconsciously asked his subordinates to do some research on this industry. Investigate and understand.The conclusion he got surprised him. At present, the beautiful country alone has tens of millions of Internet users, and this number is still growing.

The success of emerging Internet companies such as Yahoo and Amazon also made him understand that these companies are highly sought after by capital.As long as there are good products and concepts, the market value can continue to rise in a short period of time, reaching the terrifying level of tens of billions of dollars.They want to enter the Internet industry and get a piece of it, which is absolutely feasible!
Seeing that James and Chen Daojun were both optimistic about the Internet field, George and Eric naturally had no objections. Anyway, they just needed to act according to the orders.


After get off work, under Chen Daojun's strong request, George took Chen Daojun to a nearby restaurant to cook.Chen Daojun, who had been busy for several hours and didn't have a good meal, was already very hungry.

"Chen, do you think it's still possible to short Xiangjiang's stock market?" George asked curiously, looking at Chen Daojun who was quickly cooking.

"Maybe there will be, but it's hard to say this kind of thing." Chen Daojun used a knife and fork to quickly cut off a piece of steak, and continued, "But Soros suddenly played this, and the cooperative relationship between us has been announced. Broken. Even if Soros and the others try to find opportunities to short the Hong Kong dollar or even Hong Kong stocks later, I am afraid that the probability of failure is greater. After all, it is Hong Kong with more than 900 billion US dollars. All institutions cannot be integrated. If they want to It’s hard to beat it in the financial markets.”

"Okay, then I will pull out the funds as soon as possible." Hearing what Chen Daojun said, George no longer struggled. Since Xiangjiang stock market may have no chance to operate in the future, it is better to withdraw as soon as possible and follow Chen Daojun and the others. Invest in Internet companies, and you can still make a lot of money!
"George, you guys really know how to use public money for personal gain!" Chen Daojun quickly realized that the reason why George cared so much was because he had probably invested a lot of money in it!

"Ahem, I also believe in the judgment of you and James! And Eric's trading ability is the best in our Goldman Sachs investment department. If I don't follow suit, it won't be a waste of opportunity!" George righteousness Said sternly.

(End of this chapter)

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