The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 222 Wu Shixian: Don’t panic, wait until they come to your door!

Chapter 222 Wu Shixian: Don’t panic, wait until they come to your door!

Chen Daojun's words made Chen Yongji, who had already made the plan, very depressed. You must know that he had finally made up his mind and was willing to trade with Chen Daojun with the shares of the company under his name, but in the end, Miracle Group took the lead?This is so frustrating!

"How about, uncle, you should contact Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group. He seems to be quite easy to talk to." Chen Daojun said a little "naively".

"I understand, I still have some things to deal with, so hang up first." After Chen Yongji hung up the phone, he couldn't help but cursed, "Axiba! This Wu Shixian reacted so quickly, and he actually got Chen Daojun in advance. The land was bought!”

Chen Xingjun and Section Chief Jin beside them were dumbfounded. They thought they could get the land from Chen Daojun and obtain the construction qualification of the development zone. Unexpectedly, the other party beat them one step ahead!

Seeing that his plan had failed, Chen Xingjun was also very annoyed at the moment, and even cursed Chen Daojun, "This kid, how could he sell the land to the Miracle Group? Doesn't he know that the Shunyang Group also needs this piece of land? It's really hard work thing!"

"Shut up!" Chen Yongji's expression changed when he heard Chen Xingjun's words, and he reprimanded, "That piece of land belongs to Chen Daojun, who he sells to is his business, it's our late contact, not his problem."

If Chen Xingjun's words got out, he would lose face as an elder, and the fourth child would probably have objections.Is it because they contacted late and were preempted by the Miracle Group, and then blamed the nephew who donated to the family for not selling the land to him?If it was him, he wouldn't dare to refuse easily the Miracle Group's request, let alone a brat like Chen Daojun?

"Vice President, if we want to participate in the new urban development project, we can only talk to Miracle Group." Section Chief Jin analyzed calmly.

"Hmph! How could Miracle Group agree to our proposal? Give up the benefits again?" Chen Xingjun mocked from the side.

"Vice President, we still have a chance! According to my speculation, even if Miracle Group wins Yuetian Construction, if it wants to complete the construction and development of such a large area of ​​wasteland in a short period of time, Yuetian Construction alone cannot do it. If you can't do it, you will definitely need the help of other construction companies." Faced with Chen Xingjun's ridicule, Section Chief Jin was not angry, but continued to elaborate on his analysis.

"... Section Chief Jin's analysis is correct. We were too impatient before. We ignored this point!" Chen Yongji suddenly realized.Since Cui Changji wants to take this new city development project as his political achievements, then the Miracle Group as a partner must hurry up and even shorten the construction period.They are likely to outsource part of the project to other construction companies. In this case, wouldn't they have an opportunity for Shunyang Group? !

"Director Jin, contact Miracle Group for me. I want to talk to Vice President Wu Shixian!" Chen Yongji regained his confidence at this moment and said calmly.

"Yes!" Mr. Jin replied respectfully.


"Dad, I don't understand! Didn't you say that the Miracle Group robbed the new city development project? They should be our opponents, why did Section Chief Jin contact them?" Chen Xingjun didn't understand why Section Chief Jin only With just a few words, Chen Yongji's attitude changed 180°, turning his face is faster than turning a book!
Looking at his son who was still in a state of confusion, Chen Yongji patted his shoulder and said earnestly, "In the shopping mall, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Now that Miracle Group is rich and powerful, we Shunyang Group need opportunities You have to surrender to difficulties with funds and bow your head in exchange for greater benefits, and you can’t act on impulse!”

Hearing what Chen Yongji said, Chen Xingjun nodded helplessly. He didn't expect that a top chaebol like Shunyang Group would also need to swallow their anger and rely on other people's "charity" to tide over the difficulties. This is completely different from what he imagined!

Miracle Group meeting room.

"Vice President Wu Shixian, after calculations by the design department, the currently designated new urban development project covers a huge area. I am a little worried. Can Yuetian Construction under the Miracle Group be fully completed within two years?" Cui Changji said a little Worrying, as a major sign of his campaign for mayor, if the new urban development project is delayed for too long, it will have a great impact on his approval rating.

"Mayor Cui, don't worry, since we dare to promise, we are sure. At present, the Daying Group has called and said that they are willing to cooperate with us to provide construction materials for the new urban development project." Wu Shixian said with a smile, "I think other groups will not sit still in two days and will take the initiative to contact us."

"Ah? Daying Group took the initiative to contact you?" Cui Changji was a little surprised. In his impression, Chairman Zhu Yirong of Daying Group has always been strong and domineering, even more so than his father-in-law Chen Yangji.How could such a powerful figure allow the Daying Group to bow down and cooperate with the Miracle Group?

"Yes, it was Zhu Meng of Daying Group who contacted us first. He even hoped that if there was a chance in the future, he could get part of the construction sub-project." Wu Shixian said with a smile.He didn't expect this to be the case before, and it wasn't until he contacted Chen Daojun on the phone to discuss and analyze that he finally understood.

It is because the requirements put forward by the IMF are too harsh. These top chaebols are unwilling to be controlled by foreign capital, so they are still looking for opportunities to stand up.Therefore, these guys are likely to be eyeing new urban development projects.It's just that Miracle Group is too powerful now and they can't match it at all. They can only communicate/negotiate with Miracle Group in a tactful way to try to get a piece of the pie.


"As expected of the Miracle Group, so I can rest assured." Cui Changji nodded with a smile, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart, he had to find the right partner like him if he hugged his thigh!Chen Yangji, the father-in-law, has hung him up for more than ten years. He has always been a big-ass prosecutor, and he has never supported him in his official career.How honest is Wu Shixian, the vice president, who made a request directly and honestly. As long as he is willing to cooperate, he will be directly promoted to the mayor of Seoul City, and he can help him to improve his political achievements. It is more reliable than his relatives!

"By the way, there is another personal matter that I would like to ask President Wu." After Cui Changji finished talking about the business, he remembered his wife Chen Huarong's explanation and asked shamelessly, "Now Huarong is purchasing shares of Yuetian Hotel on a large scale. But. But We heard the news that the Yuetian Group has applied for aid funds from the Blue House. If the Yuetian Group receives the aid funds, I am afraid they will deal with Shunyang Department Store immediately, right? President Wu, look..."

 Two updates today, let me take a break... There are too many things in the unit, and the amount of code words has been affected...

(End of this chapter)

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