Chapter 223

"Don't be nervous. The current Yuetian Group is no longer the top chaebol it used to be. Even if they apply to the Blue House, they will not be able to get the aid for a while. I will contact the Blue House and ask them to try their best. Delay for a few more days." Wu Shixian was quite calm, "When the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders opens, the Yuetian Hotel will change owners, and the Yuetian Group will not be able to change anything even after receiving the aid!"

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Cui Changji remembered that the newly-elected president was in a similar situation to him, and it was only with the help of Miracle Group that he ascended to the throne!Cui Changji said with some emotion, "As expected of the Miracle Group, even the Blue House can say hello! Now I feel completely relieved!"


While Cui Changji and Wu Shixian were talking, Su Canping, wearing a navy blue women's shirt, walked in and said, "Chairman Wu, I just received a call from Shunyang Group. Vice Chairman Chen Yongji wants to make an appointment to talk to you about the new city development project. matter."

"Mayor Cui, look, I just mentioned this matter, didn't Shunyang Group take the initiative to come to your door?" Wu Shixian smiled at Cui Changji who was standing aside.

"Hehe, it seems President Wu expected all of this!" Cui Changji smiled and nodded, feeling even more awed by the strength of Wu Shixian and Miracle Group in his heart.


On Monday morning, Chen Daojun and George came to Marvel as promised and signed a copyright acquisition contract with Perel.Chen Daojun also met the creator of many Marvel heroes—Stanley, a 75-year-old cartoonist. During his long career in comics, he has created many comic characters, especially With the assistance of his partner cartoonist Jack Kirby, he created "Fantastic Four", "Spider-Man", "Iron Man", "Thor", "Hulk", "X-Men", "Doctor Strange", "Super Daredevil" Wait for comic characters.

"Oh, I didn't expect that one day, I would need to sell the copyrights of the comic characters I created to save the company." Stanley looked at the completed acquisition contract and felt very sad.

As the publisher and chairman of a comic company, Stanley has also been rich!I think he relied on these comics and DC to monopolize the comic market in the entire beautiful country. Marvel's market value was as high as billions of dollars. But I didn't expect that the glorious time passed so quickly. The comics industry market continued to slump, and comics Sales have also plummeted.


"Mr. Stanley, I have a small request. Can you sign it for me?!" Chen Daojun asked Stanley with a smile. After ten years of ups and downs in life, Chen Daojun still admires the legendary cartoonist who lived until 2018.

Stanley was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he happily agreed to Chen Daojun's request and generously presented several comic books of the Marvel series with his signature.


"Let's go, next we need you to go to Stanford University in California with me!" Chen Daojun glanced at the bag in his hand and said with a smile, it's time to see the two founders of Google, who is still on the university campus. Li and Sergey.No one would have thought that the two young people who have not stepped out of the campus will make Google bigger and stronger in the next few years, and even become a giant in the global Internet industry!
"Chen, aren't they just two students? Do you need to go there in person?" George was a little confused. In his opinion, two mere students from Stanford University were not qualified to make the top management of Goldman Sachs Group so cautious. Wouldn't it be nice to send a representative to talk to them and agree on the investment amount?
"In the Yanxia country in the east, there is an old saying called 'a thousand pieces of gold buys a horse bone, and a platform starts from the beginning'. Our Goldman Sachs Group attaches great importance to the two students and has given them a lot of investment. Guess what other Internet companies with ideas will think ? Sometimes you have to take a longer view!"

Hearing Chen Daojun's explanation, George could only nod and "acknowledge". Although he had to travel all the way, he would follow Chen Daojun on a business trip to California at his own expense and take a vacation. The internal affairs of the group could also be handled by other people. It feels pretty good to have people handle it!


IMF headquarters.

James looked at Michelle in front of him and said with a smile, "We at Goldman Sachs are very interested in the fundraising plan you announced before. We are willing to pledge 120 billion U.S. dollars."

"...120 billion U.S. dollars? James, are you kidding?" Michelle was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect James to be willing to raise so much money. Is he crazy?
"A total of 220 billion U.S. dollars has been pledged. I can't give you more than half of the pledged amount. I can only give you a maximum of 80 billion U.S. dollars!" For the "big dog" who came to the door, Michelle could only cry Pushing forward, "According to the requirements of the Ministry of Finance of the beautiful country, multiple Wall Street institutions need to subscribe together. With my authority, I will give you a maximum of 80 billion US dollars."

"Why is there such a thing? Are those guys from the Ministry of Finance full of food?!" James was a little depressed. Originally, he thought that Chen Daojun was so optimistic about the economic development of Bangziguo and was willing to invest 100 billion US dollars, so it must be There is a great deal of confidence!He also intends to let Goldman Sachs Group also contribute part of the capital, and together they will pledge to get on Chen Daojun's investment ride, and wait for the future dividends to get income!

As a result, his "beautiful plan" was rejected. On behalf of the Goldman Sachs Group, he took the initiative to send money to the door, a total of 120 billion U.S. dollars!Even got rejected?Can you believe it? !
"We have been old friends for many years, can't you think of a way?" James naturally didn't want the matter to fall through like this, so he used his old friendship and asked Michelle.

"There is no other way! After all, this is the official request of the beautiful country. If our IMF organization does not comply, our organization may go bankrupt tomorrow." Michelle pondered for a while and then said, "If you can bring in other Institutions come to subscribe, and I can operate here to adjust the shares of the two, and then you can use the name of other institutions to subscribe more."

"Can it still be like this?" James' eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that Michelle really had a way, but if he wanted to pull people together, he had to find someone with a reliable relationship!
"This method is fine, but I have to go back and discuss it first. I will give you an answer in two days." James did not express his opinion immediately, he planned to go back and ask Chen Daojun what he meant.If he insists on raising US$100 billion, he can also contact other banks or investment institutions and ask them to help!


(End of this chapter)

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