The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 225 Chen Yongji: This is different from expected!

Chapter 225 Chen Yongji: This is different from what I expected!

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Yongji's face froze instantly. Good guy, these guys from Daying Group have already contacted Wu Shixian in advance?Damn it, he got cut off again?

Seeing that Chen Yongji looked a little ugly, Section Chief Jin on the side quickly patted Chen Yongji's thigh out of sight to remind him. Only then did Chen Yongji come back to his senses, "Oh? I didn't expect Daying Group to be with us too. Just as enthusiastic!”

Chen Yongji's nonsense almost made Wu Shixian laugh out of his defenses. The other cadres of Shunyang Group also looked a little worried at the moment. Chen Yongji's words were really embarrassing.Is it really appropriate to say such a lame reason?


The two sides quarreled for a while, and Wu Shixian gradually lost his patience when he saw that Chen Yongji was begging for nothing and wanted to get a part of the construction authority of the new urban development project from him, but he refused to pay the benefits. .In the end, Wu Shixian had a showdown and said, "Our Miracle Group paid a huge price to obtain the qualification for the new city development project from the Seoul official. If President Chen wants to get it from us with just a few words It is not enough to qualify for the construction of the development zone."

Seeing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Yongji stopped wrangling and said seriously, "That's natural. If our Shunyang Group can get the qualification for the construction of the new city, we are willing to pay 2000 billion Korean won as a contribution." Thanks!"

Chen Yongji's "generous" behavior made Wu Shixian laugh, 2000 billion won is just trying to be stolen from him?It's really naive!

"Sorry, it's been an hour since this meeting, and I haven't seen the slightest sincerity from Chairman Chen. Why don't today's negotiations end here? When Chairman Chen has figured it out, let's talk again .I have other things to deal with, so I won't accompany you!"

Just as Wu Shixian was about to get up and leave, Section Chief Jin, who was sitting next to Chen Yongji, stood up abruptly, bowed to Wu Shixian and said, "I'm sorry, President Wu, for delaying your work for another 10 minutes, we at Shunyang Group will definitely He sincerely wants to cooperate with Miracle Group!"

"Oh? Are you sincere?" Wu Shixian was startled by Section Chief Jin's sudden move, and then looked at him with a playful expression and asked, "Then according to what you said, were you perfunctory with me in the past hour?"

"No, we definitely didn't mean that!" Chen Yongji heard Wu Shixian put on such a big hat, and quickly explained, "It's just that the current financial situation of our Shunyang Group is not optimistic, and we urgently need projects like the development of new urban areas. Profit for the group!"

Wu Shixian was a little curious, "Even so, after your Shunyang Group obtained the construction qualification for the new city development project, where did you get the funds to build the new city? Did you get a loan from the bank? Don't you think that the current Bangzi Country Does the bank still have the ability to provide loans? Or should we borrow money from Cheong Wa Dae? If we accept the aid provided by the IMF, then the price is too high, right?"

"..." Hearing Wu Shixian's inquiry, Chen Yongji was a little dumbfounded. Even Section Chief Jin was confused. At first, they thought that Miracle Group got a loan from the Seoul government or a certain bank through this project. , Could it be that the Miracle Group still used their own money? !If this is the case, then they are so actively fighting for the construction qualification to advance money to build a new urban area?Fuck, they seem to have misunderstood something from the start!
"...President Wu, in view of the shortage of funds in our Shunyang Group, I thought of another way!" Seeing Wu Shixian's impatient look, he had a flash of inspiration, and soon an idea came up, "We can Assign the engineers and workers of the Shunyang Construction Company to the Miracle Group in the form of employment to participate in the development and construction of the new urban area, and share the pressure for the Miracle Group!"

At this moment, Chen Yongji feels like a mute eating Coptidis chinensis, unable to express his sufferings!He never expected that Miracle Group would play this kind of trick. He just took the name of a new city development officially authorized by Seoul, put money in to buy large-scale land, summoned construction companies, and contacted Daying Group to purchase it. When will construction companies in Bangzi China need to be responsible for building materials?Shouldn't I get the project and go to the bank for financing? !

Damn, I almost forgot again, the banks in Bangzi Country are about to go bankrupt!Now that the matter is imminent, it is impossible to repent, and now I can only bite the bullet!


Hearing what Chen Yongji said at the end, Wu Shixian smiled and nodded, "This method is good and very feasible. We can continue to talk."

After more than 20 minutes of negotiation, Miracle Group and Shunyang Group reached a cooperation on the new city development project.The Miracle Group will pay wages to the Shunyang Construction Company, and mobilize the construction worker team of the Shunyang Construction Company to go to the new urban area to carry out construction work.


After leaving the Miracle Group Building, Chen Yongji felt a little annoyed. If he had known about this new urban development project without official investment and bank loans, he might not have been so active in "tossing". The Yang Group is afraid that it will have another debt!

It is impossible to complete the construction of the new urban areas without the support of 4-5 million US dollars.Moreover, it will take a certain amount of time to transfer the land in the future. Calculated in this way, the repayment period will be at least 3-4 years. How can Shunyang Group have spare money to put it in one place and spend so many years? !
"Vice President, I made a mistake. I really didn't expect Miracle Group to undertake the new city development project in this way!" Section Chief Jin apologized from the side.

"It has nothing to do with you, not only you, I'm afraid everyone will not think of it. I can only blame Miracle Group for being too rich! After purchasing a large number of company shares from our Shunyang Group and Daying Group, there are still enough funds You have already spent almost 25 billion US dollars to undertake the development project of the new urban area, right?"

Chen Yongji felt a little emotional. Under the background of this financial turmoil, all chaebols suffered heavy losses, and the company's financial situation was in jeopardy.Only the Miracle Group, this "wonderful work", not only has no losses, but can also get so much money, which is too enviable!

"Yes! Their Miracle Group's purchase of company shares from our Shunyang Group alone is almost 10 billion U.S. dollars, and the Daying Group's purchase should only be a lot more." Section Chief Jin nodded in agreement, feeling very satisfied in his heart. I am speechless. I have advanced the funds for the project myself. Seoul officials and banks do not need to contribute. No wonder Mayor Cui will hand over this project to Miracle Group!
(End of this chapter)

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