The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 226 Li Xiuhan’s little thoughts

Chapter 226 Li Xiuhan’s little thoughts

Compared with the "exciting" game between Shunyang Group and Miracle Group, the situation of StarMuseum Company on the other side is much more interesting.

After receiving the call from Miracle Group, Li Xiumou had people make copies of all the overseas songs that Chen Daojun had brought before and sent them to Seahan Company.But in the following days, when Li Xiuhou and Chen Hengjun were chatting, they happened to talk about Seahan Company.It turned out that Chen Daojun had told him about the new product MP3 being developed by Seahan Company before. It can not only play music, but also has a cost and performance-price ratio that beats that of a mini CD player. This is definitely an epoch-making product!

When Li Xiuhou heard that Chen Hengjun praised this MP3 so much, he quickly got his mind on it. If he could get on the bandwagon of getting an MP3 player, wouldn't the singers from his StarMuseum company be able to become popular again?
So the solo singers and group members who stayed in the company, such as Kim Jong Kook, HOT group, and FINKL group members, were all called over. President Li Xiuxian asked them to record all their popular songs in the shortest possible time. into a sound source.

Even those Korean songs that had just been adapted from Japanese songs were asked by the staff in charge of the recording to let them sing it again, and if it was suitable, they would start recording directly.

Such an order made these artists very confused. They had released records before, so why bother?And these Korean songs that have just been adapted, shouldn't they be debugged first, and then start singing?Why are you in such a hurry?

However, due to Li Xiuman's authority in the past, no one dared to refute or question Li Xiuman's order. In addition, these artists did not have any announcements recently, and they were doing nothing while staying in the company, so they simply went to record songs!In less than a week, StarMuseum produced a large number of sound sources.Li Xiuman was very happy, and sent someone to Seahan Company again.

This move made the subordinates who were already a little confused couldn't help but mutter. Miracle Group only asked them to take the song sound sources from Sun Country and Xiangjiang area to Seahan Company. Now they have so many "private goods", which is somewhat unethical. Bar?

In response to this doubt, Li Xiu said calmly, "You have all seen the current domestic economic situation. The people have no money, and their singers and groups have less communication. You have to find a way to generate income, right?"

"If the MP3 produced by Seahan's company can really become a hit, we will not only get a lot of dividends, but also help them increase their reputation. You must know that the singers of the songs brought by Director Chen are all from the Sun Kingdom. , first-line singers over there in Xiangjiang!"

Hearing Li Xiuhao explain the reason for this "sexy operation", these subordinates were completely convinced. Their president had done so many things with great pains, and it was all for the benefit of the company and these artists. If they still had A better way would avoid such "weird" things.


Seahan Company did not go into detail about which country the music sources sent by StarMuseum Company came from. After all, in their opinion, any song they listen to is the same. The main purpose is to test how many songs their MP3 can store?What is the difference between the sound quality and the original sound source?
After a month of continuous debugging and optimization, they successfully completed the final test. Looking at the MP3 playing songs in front of them, the president Moon was a little excited. Unexpectedly, it took less than a year for him to successfully convert the original An inspiration turned into a real product, and the effect of music has exceeded his expectations.

"President, according to our current technical level, this MP3 player can store 40 songs at one time, and after clearing the songs, you can re-download other songs into it. It's just that we also make a music website. When selling these MP3 , guiding those customers to purchase other songs from the music website."

"Making a music website? We are not good at this..." Our company is also somewhat good at electronic products. In the Internet field, they are not much different from laymen.

"Why don't you contact Vice President Wu Shixian and ask him to help you figure out a solution?" Another subordinate suggested that in addition to selling MP3s, this music website that can download songs is also very important. With the sales of MP3s, it will definitely be in It is a huge sensation in the market, and it is likely to become a cash cow for Seahan Company in the next few years. You must not be careless.

"It seems that we can only trouble President Wu anymore!" Moon, who couldn't think of any other way for a while, had no choice but to nod in agreement.

------Dividing line------

When Chen Daojun and George came to Stanford University in California, they were both shocked by the shabby situation of Larry and Sergey.The two of them lived in a simple dormitory, and the environment was a bit dirty.The most valuable thing in the whole room is the somewhat old second-hand computer.But it was in this place that these two genius students developed the Google search engine.

"Sure enough, genius can rise anywhere!" Chen Daojun thought with emotion.Perhaps because they arrived suddenly, these two poor students, who were a little slovenly dressed and didn't even have 300 US dollars in their pockets, looked a little nervous. Shegel originally wanted to take a few of them to the coffee shop outside the school to discuss business, but the words came to his mouth. Bian hesitated again.

Seeing this, George, who had a vicious eye, quickly realized the embarrassment of the two young people, and took the initiative to suggest, "You two, it's a bit crowded here, and it doesn't match the big project we are going to discuss next. Why don't we go Let’s have a cup of coffee outside and chat while you drink!”

Naturally, the two young people did not object, and the four of them soon came to a coffee shop outside the school to chat.

"We are very interested in Google's search engine and plan to invest in the Google company you founded!" Chen Daojun said directly and honestly. In his opinion, these two young people obviously don't have much money now. Maybe as long as they lure them with profit, they will soon be will be able to achieve the purpose.

Larry swallowed with excitement. Although he guessed that Goldman Sachs Group might be optimistic about their Google company and would invest in them, but now that he heard the other party say this with his own ears, he was somewhat at a loss.

Goldman Sachs Group is very famous on Wall Street in the beautiful country. Even in California, they are very clear. If they can really get investment from Goldman Sachs, their Google company will soon be developed!
"Then how much money is Goldman Sachs willing to invest?" Sergel asked calmly, "What do we need to pay?"

Sergel understands that there is no free lunch in this world. If you want to get investment from Goldman Sachs, you must pay a corresponding price.

(End of this chapter)

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