The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 227 Chen Daojun: I'm sure of you!

Chapter 227 Chen Daojun: I'm sure of you!
"The requirements are also very simple. We can invest 350 million US dollars, but we need 70% of Google's shares. The Google search engine price is 150 million, and you can retain 30% of the shares."

Chen Daojun quickly made an offer. Although in his opinion, a mere 350 million US dollars was just a drop in the bucket for him, it should be more than enough to acquire the shares of the newly established Google company.

"I don't agree with your proposal! The Google search engine we developed is worth at least 1000 million U.S. dollars!" Segel retorted. The resistance is higher, and it still retains its own sanity.

"It's good for young people to have ideas, but it's counterproductive to be overconfident and overestimate yourself." George said with a smile on the side, "You must also know now that the search engine you developed is good, but it has no light There are funds for promotion, operation, maintenance and optimization, but it is all in vain.”

"With up to a year's work, others can develop similar products. With the operation of capital, they can quickly seize a large number of users and the market, and latecomers can only eat scraps. This is the cruelty of reality!"


George's words made Larry and Sergey silent for a long time. Although George's words didn't sound very nice, what he said was the truth.At present, the effectiveness of the search engine they have developed is still unknown.But Yahoo, which has similar functions to it, has taken off and become a giant in the industry.If they want latecomers to catch up, they will definitely need the support of capital along the way, otherwise they can only be buried in this small corner of California.

"For 600 million US dollars, we will give you 70% of the shares!" Sergeyel and Larry discussed quietly for 2 minutes. They finally agreed to accept investment from Goldman Sachs Group. However, in terms of investment amount, both of them felt that Goldman Sachs gave The price is low, so we need to raise the price.

"Mr. George, we can accept investment from Goldman Sachs Group, but the price you offer is too low. We want 600 million US dollars to give you 50% of the shares!" Sergeal looked at George and said firmly.

"It's interesting. Today's students are really ambitious! Do you think we will agree?" Chen Daojun, who was watching the show on the side, took the initiative to speak. When he heard Chen Daojun take the initiative to speak, George was happy to sit back and watch Chen Daojun's negotiation skills.

Since George had been "hosting" this negotiation before, and Chen Daojun looked about the same age as them, the two subconsciously regarded Chen Daojun as George's assistant.Now it seems that the young man Chen Daojun is the leader of this negotiation? !

"Then what do you think?" Sergey asked in a tit-for-tat tone.

"500 million US dollars, 70% of the shares! I think other than Goldman Sachs, no investment institution is willing to offer a higher price!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "How about, if you agree, you can sign the contract now, The investment funds can be transferred to your company account tomorrow!"

Hearing that Chen Daojun made a step back, Segel didn't intend to accept it immediately, "It's too little! 600 million, I'll give you 60% of the shares!"

When Chen Daojun heard this, he ignored Xie Gale and said to George on the side, "It seems that our trip was in vain. Let's go, we can consider going back!" Although George didn't understand Chen Daojun's words, Meaning, but still stood up to leave.

"Wait! We can still talk!" Sergey was a little confused. It was obvious that someone from the Goldman Sachs Group came to the door. He just took the opportunity to raise the price and seek more benefits for him and Larry. Thinking that Chen Daojun didn't follow the routine, why don't we talk about it? !
"500 million US dollars, 70% of the shares, if you can accept it, you can sign the contract, if you can't, you can withdraw it. What else is there to talk about?" Chen Daojun said a little arrogantly, he was sure that no one would be willing to invest millions of dollars except him US dollars are given to two poor students who have not yet graduated. This kind of investment is no different from wasting money.

Seeing Chen Daojun biting the price to death and refusing to budge, Segal and Larry agreed after exchanging glances.Originally, they expected to get an investment of 2-300 million US dollars, which is considered good. Now they can have 500 million US dollars, even if they lose 70% of the shares, but for the two who are still poor students, this is already a fortune A huge sum of money.


After signing the contract, George smiled and said to the two of them, "Now we are partners with a common goal. After the funds arrive tomorrow, I hope you can get the company up and running as soon as possible. As for this Google search engine, I think the only way is to start the company as soon as possible." Only by promoting it and gaining a large number of users can its value be reflected.”

"Your proposal, we will consider it carefully." Sergey replied with a smile. Although he is an IT researcher, his vision is still very accurate. The Internet industry in the beautiful country and the world is still in the initial stage of development. , if you don't take advantage of the early development now, it will be too difficult to catch up later, and you may be suppressed by your peers.


On the way back, George laughed and teased, "Chen, aren't you afraid that the two college students won't give in in the end, and the negotiation will collapse?" In his opinion, Chen Daojun's negotiation skills are too straightforward. There is no room for choice, and the two sides are likely to directly negotiate and collapse.

"They will give in! They are used to living the lives of ordinary people. If they had the opportunity to become rich overnight and become millionaires, I would be excited if it were me. After all, such opportunities are not always available! "Chen Daojun said with a smile. He had realized this when he saw Larry and Shegel in the dormitory before.

Recall that shortly after the establishment of Google in their previous life, Larry and Sergey spent more than a year running around in order to attract investment before they managed to get hundreds of thousands of dollars as start-up capital. You can imagine what the two of them were like. How unpopular!Of course, these two young people are indeed powerful. With such a small amount of investment, in just a few years, they led Google to continue to grow, and even finally surpassed the previously unattainable industry giant-Yahoo. Trample the past miracle of the Internet under your feet and become a new legend!
Hearing what Chen Daojun said, George also remembered the scene he saw in the dormitory before, and nodded thoughtfully.


"Boss, I have good news for you!" The mobile phone next to him suddenly rang. Chen Daojun subconsciously answered the call and recognized the other party's identity as soon as he heard it. It was Wu Shixian from Miracle Group.

(End of this chapter)

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