The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 229 Pingguo and Microsoft are about to take off

Chapter 229 Pingguo and Microsoft are about to take off
"Rather than being optimistic about these two companies, I am more optimistic about Jobs and Bill!" Chen Daojun said confidently, "Jobs returned to Pingguo this year, and may develop new products soon. After all, the Pingguo he led before As a result, new products will be launched every few years, causing quite a stir.”

"As for Microsoft, under Bill's insistence, the operating system Windows 95 they launched in 95 has been continuously optimized in the past two years (Windows 97 is the unofficial name of Windows 95 OSR2. operating system. Now that computer penetration continues to increase, more and more users will use this operating system. Microsoft will definitely be able to occupy most of the computer market share with this system! By then Microsoft Its market value can also rise with the tide!"

After listening to Chen Daojun's analysis, George quickly had an idea, and said to Chen Daojun with a smile, "Chen, based on our relationship, when you invest in these two companies, you have to bring me along!"

"Talk to Eric when the time comes, let's operate together with him." Regarding George's request, Chen Daojun naturally had no intention of objecting. Anyway, they are all teammates in the same camp. They make money and share benefits together, and become a community of interests. more stable.

-----Dividing line------

In Yanxia Kingdom, a bustling commercial street in the imperial capital, there is a long queue at a newly opened mobile phone store.Many people even came all the way from the neighboring city, trying to purchase several new "miracle" mobile phones here.

Since last month, Yanxia Miracle Group has advertised aggressively on the TV channel to promote this "miracle" mobile phone. The price is only 1/3 or even 1/4 of the current mobile phone, and the monthly rental fee is extremely cheap.The only disadvantage is that inter-provincial calls cannot be made, and the signal will become worse when the two parties on the call are far away.

But these two shortcomings are not a problem at all for many people.After all, in this era, the money in the pockets of frequent inter-provincial and international business trips is more than enough to buy a mobile phone.And those people who have lived in a city for a long time quickly fell in love with this new super cost-effective mobile phone, and flocked to buy it.


"Uncle in front, if you don't want to buy it, don't stand here. There are many people waiting to buy it!" The young man at the back saw an old man in front of him asking the waiter to hold a Miracle mobile phone. I also tried to bargain, but the waiter was not happy, and the two sides got into some trouble.

When the young man said this, the old man was still a little unconvinced, "Who said I won't buy it? It's just that the price is too expensive. I want to bargain." Naturally, the people lining up behind were not happy. This is not a wholesale market. The price is clearly marked, and they won't accept bargaining at all.And even after all this trouble with this old man, it’s still a question of whether those at the back of the queue can buy a machine!

Following the old man's "acting as a demon", the originally smooth mobile phone sales suddenly stagnated. Seeing that the situation was not good, the manager of the specialty store decisively called the security guards and invited the old man who was "provoking trouble" out. With no obstacles, people flocked forward to buy mobile phones.


In less than a day, the store sold out thousands of Miracle phones.Seeing this, the store manager quickly contacted the supplier and asked the other party to make up the shipment as soon as possible.

The hot sales of Miracle mobile phone stores are also staged in Shanghai, Lin'an, Pengcheng and other cities.The Yanxia Miracle Headquarters, which received feedback on the sales situation in various places, was also immersed in shock at the moment.


In the meeting room of Yanxia Miracle Group.

"I didn't expect the effect of the advertisement to be so good. After a few TV advertisements, Miracle Mobile's reputation was immediately established!" The director of the marketing department said with a smile.

"Isn't it! Those mobile phone stores in the past could sell hundreds of units a month, which is already very impressive. However, the sales volume of our mobile phone stores is still growing. Those mobile phone manufacturers are probably going to vomit blood because of their anger! Hahaha !”


Everyone was happy, but the head of the marketing department was a little worried, "Mr. Li, the sales of this miracle phone have greatly exceeded our expectations. More than 5000 phones have been sold in the past two days. I'm afraid our inventory won't last long. ah!"

According to the original plan, the first batch of 3 miracle phones was used to test the water.Although there were a lot of advertisements, they didn't know what the sales would be.The mobile phones originally planned to send nearly [-] units to several cities should be able to sell for a while, but the sales volume was too amazing, far exceeding their expectations.

"This is not a big problem. I will contact Bangzi Country later and ask them to transport another batch of mobile phones as soon as possible." Now that the sales performance is so good, Li Taiyong naturally does not want to cause sales to stagnate due to inventory problems.

When Bangziguo Miracle Group contacted them before, they were not sure how the sales of this mobile phone would be. Now that the mobile phones are selling well and the revenue is amazing, they will naturally be happy to continue supplying them in large quantities.


With the gradual stabilization of the stock market, real estate prices in Xiangjiang have stopped falling. The price has fallen by 45% from the previous high, which is almost cut in half.

In Starlight Investment Company, Hong Zhiqing looked at the real estate analysis report in her hand and was a little confused. According to the current situation, international speculators have left the market one after another. Xiangjiang seems to have weathered this financial crisis, and the real estate market has reached its bottom. It will probably rebound in the future.

But her intuition told her that these international speculators should not be so easy to deal with. They didn't lose much money in this financial war, and they obviously still have the strength to fight again.

"Mr. Hong, several real estate sales agencies over there called to ask if we are still willing to buy luxury villas? Those sellers seem to see the stock market stabilized and don't want to sell." The subordinate on the side said a little embarrassed.

"...Wait, I'll make a call and ask." Hong Zhiqing still decided to ask Chen Daojun, the big boss behind the scenes, and as a senior executive of the Goldman Sachs Group, she might have some inside information.


"Hey, is this Chen Daojun? I'm Hong Zhiqing, and I have something to decide. It's like this, the stock market in Xiangjiang..." Hong Zhiqing quickly called Chen Daojin and described the current situation to Chen Daojun After a while.


"So you want to ask me, have those international speculators really retreated, and has the financial crisis in Xiangjiang passed?" Chen Daojun asked back with a smile.

"Yes, I think you are a high-level executive of the Goldman Sachs Group, and you are well-informed, and you may have some inside information!" Hong Zhiqing said expectantly.

"Then I suggest you continue to wait and see. Soros and Quantum Fund suddenly retreated in this financial war. Most likely they had some plan. They gained a lot from this operation and did not lose anything. There is a high probability that they will come back. !”

 The periodontitis relapsed, and the pain lasted for three days, but I still couldn't bear it.I went to the hospital yesterday to see the dental department, and I waited in line for a long time.The codeword has been delayed, and Chapter 3 will be issued later.Sorry~(д;)
(End of this chapter)

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