Chapter 230 New investment direction
Chen Daojun's words made Hong Zhiqing feel lucky. Fortunately, she made the call carefully and did not rush to agree to buy those expensive properties, otherwise she would really have to hold on to a lot of money.

"Besides real estate, what else is worth investing in?" Since now is not the best time to invest in the real estate industry, Hong Zhiqing does not want to miss out on investments in other fields. She still has hundreds of millions of dollars in her hands that she has not spent. She felt a little sorry for Chen Daojun's attention.

"Zhiqing, there is something wrong with your way of thinking. The real estate in Xiangjiang is really unstable now, but right now, the real estate in Yanxia Imperial Capital, Shanghai Stock Market, and Pengcheng near Xiangjiang is still at a low ebb. You can try it! "Chen Daojun quickly gave a new investment direction. Although there are many listed companies with good performance in Xiangjiang's stock market, but the old guy Soros, he can't tell when he will kill his horse and continue to stir up trouble. It's better to be more cautious, and wait until it is completely stabilized before considering the Xiangjiang stock market.

"Imperial Capital, Shanghai and Pengcheng? Do housing prices in these places have the potential to rise?" Hong Zhiqing is a little confused. In her impression, the economy in the north does not seem to be as prosperous as Xiangjiang. Is it really worth investing?

"Of course! Perhaps within ten years, these cities will have a population of tens of millions. By then, the housing prices in these cities will rise steadily and reach an astonishing price!" Chen Daojun, who is familiar with Yanxia's future development, is very confident Said.

"Okay, then I'll go to Pengcheng first." Hong Zhiqing nodded thoughtfully, seeming to agree with Chen Daojun's point of view.

------Dividing line------

Beautiful Wall Street, Morgan Bank.

James looked at the cunning Bruce in front of him and said with some dissatisfaction, "Old man, can't you do me this favor? Besides, you don't need to pay. I just went over to help get a quota. When the time comes, our Goldman Sachs Group will recognize it." Just raise the funds.”

"James, don't try to fool me. If there is no benefit, you old guy will respond to the call of the IMF organization so actively and participate in this aid fundraising?" Bruce didn't respond to James' proposal, but asked back "Isn't this your new investment plan?"

"Ahem, this is considered." James was stunned for a moment, and then he continued with a little cheek, "Chen proposed it on his own initiative, saying that he was very optimistic about Bangziguo and was willing to pledge 100 billion US dollars. This is not the first time I thought of you Is this an old friend? Let’s make money together!”

Bruce couldn't help but twitched on his face, the old guy James is simply not a human being!You agreed to work on a profitable project together, but then you started doing it secretly again?

As soon as Soros and Quantum Fund withdrew their funds, Goldman Sachs also began to withdraw their funds. Bruce originally wanted to follow Goldman Sachs to make a fortune in Xiangjiang, but he didn't expect it to end so soon. If he didn't see nearly 40 billion US dollars in his hands , has nearly doubled the craftsmanship, he must have a good talk with the old guy James.

"Then what I heard is that the IMF organization hopes that multiple institutions will jointly contribute 220 billion U.S. dollars instead of one or two institutions alone?" Bruce sneered, directly exposing James' lie.Previously, the IMF organization sent invitations to many institutions in the beautiful country, but many institutions are still waiting to see. Many institutions are still a little uncertain about whether they can get an equivalent return on investment for "aiding" the sticky country.

However, since Chen Daojun took the initiative to propose funding, he must have hinted that this "aid" must be able to earn a lot of benefits.And as a native of Bangzi Country, she must be much clearer about the companies and chaebols in Bangzi Country than foreigners like them.

"...Since you have already guessed it, then I will say it directly. Chen intends to raise 100 billion US dollars, and our Goldman Sachs Group also intends to raise 20 billion US dollars. If you Morgan Bank has an idea, you can also subscribe together. It’s just that the ugly words are in the front, investment is risky, and this investment will last for several years, and no one can guarantee whether it will win or lose.” James said seriously.

"Huh! You don't need to tell me that I know this. Do you want us to cooperate with Morgan Bank to raise funds? Of course, but this time we have to raise 30 billion U.S. dollars!" Bruce realized Chen Daojun's investment vision. After gaining strength, I became a lot more courageous!
Opportunities to make big money don't come around all the time.He was a little annoyed before. If he had invested US$30 billion or US$40 billion when he followed Chen Daojun in shorting Asia Finance, wouldn't he have gained US$60 billion or even US$80 billion?Now that another opportunity to "make big money" comes, he will take the gamble no matter what.Anyway, even if all this money is lost, they will lose 10 billion US dollars, and their Morgan Bank can afford to lose!
Looking at the arrogant Bruce, James is very envious. Although Goldman Sachs manages a lot of funds, most of them are used for short-term investment and financial management. This is also destined that Goldman Sachs will not invest a large amount of funds in projects with a long payback period. On the one hand, avoid capital turnover problems.

"No problem. It's fine as long as we can sign up together. Let's meet with Michelle in the afternoon to finalize this matter. I don't want to delay for a long time and be preempted by others." James said with a smile.

"Okay." Bruce nodded, agreeing with James.


Investment Division of Goldman Sachs Group.

The staff who had been keeping an eye on the Xiangjiang stock market soon discovered new anomalies.The Hang Seng Index and listed company stocks, which had continued to rise with the support of Hong Kong officials, suddenly fell again, and the magnitude of the decline became increasingly obvious.

"Boss, the stock market in Xiangjiang seems to be in trouble again! It seems that some institutions are continuing to short-sell, and the entire market is still falling." The operator on the side hurriedly came to Eric to report his findings.

"Huh? Is there another institution doing short selling?" Eric was stunned for a moment, remembering Chen Daojun's previous analysis of Quantum Fund and Soros, and he quickly reacted, "The one who did it was probably Quantum Fund! In addition to Soros, That guy Ross, how can other international speculators have the courage to face the Hong Kong authorities alone?"

"Then what should we do now? Should we wait and see or enter the market and continue short selling?" The subordinate couldn't help but ask.

"Slow down for now. I'll report it to the boss. Let's see what he says." They had just escaped from the "battlefield" of Xiangjiang. Eric was undecided as to whether they should go in again and fight back. He planned to ask for permission. Chen Daojun.

(End of this chapter)

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