The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 231 Negotiation successful, Chen Daojun’s new goal

Chapter 231 Negotiation successful, Chen Daojun’s new goal
Goldman Sachs' large conference room.

Kony, the representative of Sun, brought three subordinates to Goldman Sachs to discuss cooperation and investment with the representative of Goldman Sachs Group headed by Chen Daojun.

Chen Daojun brought George, Le Yan and an assistant from Goldman Sachs to the meeting.The previous Google company was just an empty shell, and there were only two students, Larry and Sergey. Chen Daojun didn't think that two young people like "Flicker" needed high negotiating skills, so he didn't bring Leyan.


"Thank you for coming here from California to participate in this investment meeting. We will never let you make this trip in vain." Le Yan said first.Before participating in the meeting, George specially told Leyan to seize this opportunity and perform well.If he can successfully win this investment negotiation and get Chen Daojun's approval, then he will definitely be reused by Chen Daojun in the future!
Hearing what Le Yan said, Kony's expression relaxed a lot. As a well-known investment institution on Wall Street, he thought at first that Goldman Sachs would be more difficult to deal with, and his attitude would be arrogant. It seems that he was overthinking.

"Mr. Leyan, you are welcome. It is our honor at Sun to be favored by Goldman Sachs." Kony replied with a smile, "Our company's main products are workstations and servers. It has been 1986 years. We launched the first multi-processor desktop computer SPARCstation 11 system in the market in 1992... Recently, we have successfully developed and plan to launch a 10-bit processor at the end of the year. At the same time, we have optimized JAVA this year and developed a I got JAVA64..."

Listening to Kony talking about the brilliant achievements of their Sun company and the projects they are currently promoting, Chen Daojun's impression of this Sun company gradually became clear.As one of Microsoft's main competitors, Sun's turnover rose from 1986 million US dollars to 2001 billion US dollars from 2.1 to 183, with an average annual growth rate of 36%, and this rapid development has been maintained for 15 consecutive years. In [-], apart from Microsoft, only Intel and Cisco had done it.

It's just that since the economic bubble was burst in 2001, Sun's situation has taken a turn for the worse. In the fiscal year of 2002 (until June 2002), his turnover dropped by 6% compared to 2001, and his profit even went from a net profit of 2001 million in 9 to a loss of 5 million!Unable to find a stable source of profit and new growth points, this also made Sun's situation more difficult, from the most valuable company in Silicon Valley to the company with the lowest per capita market value.

"However, there are still several years to go before the Internet economic bubble burst in 2001. During this time, we can catch a ride on Sun's ride and make a fortune!" Chen Daojun soon had a plan in mind, but now Sun The company's market capitalization is close to 2 billion US dollars. If you want to win a large amount of shares, you may have to pay a lot of money!


"Goldman Sachs intends to acquire 7.5% of Sun's shares at a price of US$10 billion!" After a long preparation, Leyan put forward the most ideal purchase price according to the price he had prepared in advance.

"U.S.$10 billion to acquire 7.5% of the shares? This offer is too low, sorry for our difficulty. According to the current market value of Sun, at least 14 billion U.S. dollars is required!" Kony shook his head and rejected Leyan's offer.Although the company is currently short of funds, but the company's market value is there, there is really no reason to sell the shares at a low price.

"Mr. Coney, you also said that it is the market valuation. The market valuation of your Sun company is indeed 200 billion US dollars, but what about the revenue? What about the net profit? Can it be 5% of the market value?" I was concerned, but I asked a few very heart-warming questions. Although many Internet companies are reluctant to raise them, or even deliberately avoid them, the company's revenue and profit are still extremely important evaluation indicators for a listed company.

"This... we will definitely be able to achieve next year's revenue~!" Kony replied with some embarrassment, but he said this with a guilty conscience, and he himself did not believe that Sun could really do it.

"Mr. Kony, who can say for sure what will happen in the future? You also know that Sun's market value is overvalued now, and the acquisition price cannot be calculated based on the current market value." If you don't buy it, you still insist on your previous price.


The two sides debated for a long time in the conference room on the issue of the purchase price. After more than half an hour of stalemate, Leyan won 11.5% of Sun's shares at a price of 7.5 billion US dollars. Chen Daojun was quite satisfied with this result.After all, as long as you hold it for three years and don't worry about anything, the 7.5% of the company's shares will skyrocket to more than 80 billion US dollars!

After the negotiation ended, George couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Chen Daojun in a low voice, "Chen, is Sun's investment cost-effective? How about I also buy some of their stocks?"

Chen Daojun looked at George, who was a little excited, and said with a smirk, "Sun's stock is generally good, and you can hold it... But in terms of the cost performance of investment, I have something more suitable!" In his heart , the current Pingguo is much more valuable than Internet companies such as Microsoft, Sun and Yahoo.

The market value of Pingguo reached its trough in 1997. In the second quarter, the market value was only 21.7 billion US dollars, while Microsoft was 1141 billion US dollars at that time.However, after Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in July 1997, Pingguo was rejuvenated with the revolutionary technological innovation of real products.

With the popularity of iPods, iPads, iPhones, Mac computers and notebooks, Pingguo's stock price began to rise.The financial data has repeatedly hit new highs, the cash reserve exceeds 2012 billion US dollars, and the huge Pingguo ecological chain has taken shape.In 6235, it set a market value record of US$2020 billion. On August 8, 19, the market value of Pingguo Company exceeded US$2 trillion for the first time.


"Chen, tell me quickly! I still have 5000 million US dollars to invest! I can count on you to live the rest of my life!" Hearing what Chen Daojun said, George's eyes lit up, and his mood became even more excited up.According to his understanding of Chen Daojun, since he dared to say that, it must be true.After all, he was very confident in every previous action, so the investment can be 100% profitable, and he has never missed it.

"Let them contact Pingguo Company and tell them that Goldman Sachs is willing to invest!" Chen Daojun didn't directly tell George the best investment target, but the smart George quickly realized it, especially when Chen Daojun specifically mentioned it before. He was very optimistic about the Jobs guy. "Could it be that the best investment target is Pingguo Company?!"

(End of this chapter)

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