Chapter 232 Jobs' Dilemma
"OK, I'll let them get in touch later." George said with a smile.

"Leyan, you did a good job in today's negotiation. I am very optimistic about you! Next time you will participate in the negotiation of Pingguo Company!" Chen Daojun said with a smile to Leyan, although this guy's ability has not yet reached As powerful as in the previous life, but in the previous negotiations, he performed very well. He argued with the other party with reason and evidence, and he did not lose the wind at all. He was much better than many of his peers.

"Thank you BOSS for your appreciation!" Le Yan smiled shyly. Although he performed well on the spot this time, he couldn't do without the help of his uncle George. homework.


While a few people were chatting, Chen Daojun's cell phone suddenly rang. The caller was Eric. He said nervously on the phone, "BOSS, I have news to report to you. The stock market in Xiangjiang Something strange happened again!”

"Huh? Are you sure? Didn't those international speculators all withdraw?...Could it be Soros?!" Chen Daojun was stunned for a while, and soon realized that he dared to kill the carbine and continue to fight with Xiangjiang. There is only that crazy Soros.

It's just that this guy ran away without a word before, and if he came back now, it would be difficult to make a big breakthrough, right?Just like the old saying in Yanxia, ​​"One effort, then decline, and three exhaustion", it is still unknown whether those international speculators who are waiting and watching are willing to take risks with Soros and Quantum Fund.

"Yes, apart from us, the only group that can hold so much capital and leverage the Xiangjiang stock market is the Quantum Fund." Eric said with great certainty, "Should we continue to wait and see, or should we enter the market and short the stock market? "

"... Let's wait and see first. If the shock in Xiangjiang is severe this time and the official response in Xiangjiang is slow, we can follow the Quantum Fund and do something." Chen Daojun pondered for a while, planning to wait and see first and not be in a hurry. In the end, after all, Soros has a "convicted record", if they follow up rashly and get tricked by Soros, then they will be ashamed!

"Okay, I understand!" Eric also understood what Chen Daojun said.

------Dividing line-------

Since April 1985, the resolution of the board of directors of Pingguo Company revoked Jobs' management power. Jobs tried to regain power several times but failed. Frustrated, Jobs finally decided to resign from the board of directors of Pingguo Company on September 4, 1985. After holding a long position and selling his shares in Pingguo Company, he founded NeXTComputer.A few years later, the Windows 9 system developed by Microsoft was born, and the market share of Pingguo Computer plummeted, almost on the verge of collapse.

Since 1990, after Jobs left Pingguo, the company's research and development director has fallen into the hands of Louis Garcia, who has pushed the product line in two directions, namely more "open" and higher prices. He believes that Pingguo Companies should not sell low-end, low-margin products.Jiaxi’s policy has led to higher and higher prices for Pingguo’s products, and its market share has gradually been replaced by Microsoft. Pingguo’s revenue and net profit have continued to decline, and it has started a downhill road that lasted for several years.

Things took a turn for the better in 1997, when the NeXT Computer company founded by Jobs was acquired by Pingguo Company. After discussions, the board of directors, unwilling to sit still and wait for death, pushed Jobs back to the position of chairman, trying to let the former technology tycoon Leading Pingguo Company to rise again.


But the situation faced by Jobs, who once again became the head of Pingguo Company, was not good.He soon discovered that the technology company he founded had, under the leadership of some strange leaders, embarked on the wrong path and was far removed from the original technology company.

Many of the R&D personnel who worked hard with him have left the company to find other jobs. Thanks to a series of bizarre behaviors by the former R&D director, Gashi, Pingguo Company's current product R&D capabilities have been approaching zero.Now they are in urgent need of large capital injections and recruitment of new, capable R&D technicians.

"I used to lead a group of R&D big guys, but now I'm left with a group of R&D weaklings." Faced with the embarrassing situation of lack of money and lack of R&D personnel, Jobs proposed to the board of directors to increase investment and find new R&D personnel. But it was quickly dismissed.Because these shareholders hope that Jobs will make them rich after he takes over, instead of forcing them to pay for it!

When Jobs was having a headache, an investment call gave him hope.According to the office assistant, it was Goldman Sachs who called, saying that they were willing to invest in Pingguo Company and hoped to have a good talk.

Jobs was a little excited about this "sudden" investor, Goldman Sachs Group!This is a well-known investment giant on Wall Street. If it can attract investment from Goldman Sachs, wouldn't the current shortage of money dilemma be solved? !Without much thought, Jobs asked his assistant to reply that he was willing to discuss investment cooperation, and the earlier the negotiation, the better.


Goldman Sachs, James' office.

"Chen, I wasted the effort of the boss on the IMF organization's recognition, but I can help you get it done." James looked at the young man in front of him and said with a smile, "I heard that you have a new one. The investment target, why didn't I hear you talk to me? We agreed to invest together, why don't you call me, an old man?"

"... George is really not strict with his mouth!" When Chen Daojun heard James say this, he still didn't understand. George must have spilled the beans in front of James in order to flatter the leader.It's just that Pingguo Company's current market value is about 21 billion U.S. dollars. Chen Daojun doesn't have enough for himself. How about giving another piece to James?Obviously, there are more wolves and less meat than enough points!
"Well, since you know everything, I won't hide it from you. I plan to invest in Apple and Microsoft. I am very optimistic about these two companies that produce computers, electronic products, operating systems, and supporting software." Chen Daojun Seeing that he couldn't hide it, he simply had a showdown.Since James wants to invest and make a fortune with him, it is also a good way to ask him to help matchmaking. At least the CEO of Goldman Sachs Group will personally intervene. These two companies still have to give some face!
"Pingguo Company? This surprised me a bit. It's just that the risk of investing in Microsoft is a bit high. Their current market value has reached more than 1100 billion U.S. dollars!" James quickly analyzed the pros and cons, and the stock price The investment value of Pingguo, which has fallen to the bottom, is obviously greater than that of Microsoft, which is already at a high level.

 Chapter 3 will be uploaded later.

(End of this chapter)

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