The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 239 Chen Daojun: Le Yan, remember to find George if you encounter any problems!

Chapter 239 Chen Daojun: Le Yan, remember to find George if you encounter any problems!
Chen Daojun finally agreed to George's request and gave him two bottles of fine wine, which made him happy for a while.


Ambrosio, who completed a photo shoot in Europe, is still back.Chen Daojun went to the airport alone to pick her up and brought her back to his villa in New York. As soon as he entered the door, the two who hadn't seen each other for several months soon became passionately intertwined.A battle without gunpowder lasted for a long time.


Caressing the beauty in front of him, Chen Daojun felt a little emotional. After not seeing him for a few months, Ambrosio seems to have "grown up" a lot! "Could it be that she has some secret?" Chen Daojun murmured in his heart, if there was one, Chen Daojun would really like to show it to Mou Xianmin.Mou Xianmin, his childhood sweetheart, looks good, but the curve of his figure is not as obvious as that of Ambrosio, which makes Chen Daojun a little regretful.


Chen Daojun took out the wine Ron had given him before and poured a glass for Ambrosio. "Wow, this wine tastes so special! I like it very much!" Columbia Valley Merlot wine has a unique smoky flavor and rich black cherries. The taste quickly captured Ambrosio's mind.

"There are still many things to do in Bangzi Country. I will go back in two days. I will leave this villa for you to live in." Chen Daojun sipped his red wine and said to Ambrosio.After taking back all the real estate mortgaged to Morgan Bank, Chen Daojun moved back to this villa in Manhattan.

As the core of New York, Manhattan Island has the smallest area among the five boroughs, only 57.91 square kilometers, but more than one-third of the 500 largest companies in the beautiful country have their headquarters in Manhattan. [-] of the [-] big banks and the headquarters of major monopoly organizations have set up a central stronghold here.It also concentrates the essence of the world's finance, securities, futures and insurance industries.

When Chen Daojun purchased this property, he thought it was very close to Wall Street and had huge room for appreciation.It's just that he didn't stay in the beautiful country for a long time. Instead of leaving this villa vacant, he might as well let his lover live here, which can be regarded as a little benefit for her!

"Really? This is really great!" Ambrosio was a little excited, and directly kissed Chen Daojun hard on the face.Although she doesn't know the specific value of this villa, it is definitely worth a lot to be located in this location.Based on the brand endorsements and advertisements she has received so far, I am afraid she will have to struggle for many years before she can afford it? !

"I'm going back to Asia in a few days, and I don't think I'll be here for a while. It would be a waste if the villa here is just vacant! Why don't you live here and take care of it for me." Chen Daojun caressed Ambrosio said with a smile on his smooth back.

"...You're going back so soon?" Ambrosio was a little surprised. She just returned to the beautiful country today, but Chen Daojun would leave in a few days. This was obviously beyond her expectation. She originally thought she could be with him. Chen Daojun got along well for a while!

"Can't you stay with me for two more days?" Ambrosio said coquettishly.

"...It's not impossible, let's start today!" Hearing this, Chen Daojun showed a smirk, and before Ambrosio could react, he picked her up and walked towards the room.Although Master Ambrosius tried to resist, who is Chen Daojun's opponent?


------Dividing line------

When Chen Daojun went to the airport to board the plane, only Chen Qiaozhi and Leyan came to see him off.As for Ambrosio?This girl had sex with Chen Daojun in the villa for two days with the idea of ​​draining Chen Daojun dry. When Chen Daojun left, she was still catching up on sleep!

"Chen, I really miss you!" George said with some emotion, the days of making money and spending time with Chen Daojun these days are so pleasant!Especially since Chen Daojun still pays for the outing, this feels really great!

"...Okay, stop pretending! If you really can't bear to leave me, come to Bangzi Country to find me during the holidays!" Chen Daojun smirked and continued, "We girls from Bangzi Country still like the gentlemen from Beautiful Country!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, George's eyes lit up, but Le Yan, his eldest nephew, was still beside him. He didn't dare to show it too obviously. He just smiled and replied, "Oh, really? If I have a chance, I will definitely go to Bangzi Country to enjoy it." Experience it!”

... Le Yan at the side could only stand aside quietly as if he didn't hear the conversation of the two old SPs in embarrassment.

"Leyan, I asked James for a position as a manager assistant. During this time, you should study hard with George and work hard! After a while, I will set up an investment company in the beautiful country. Will the investment company be profitable? , It depends on your ability!" Chen Daojun is very optimistic about this subordinate with good ability and down-to-earth personality.

"Boss, are you kidding me?" Le Yan never expected that Chen Daojun would be so optimistic about him, and would even open a separate investment company for him to be in charge of. This... such a boss is simply too powerful!

"Chen, Leyan is still young. Would it be too hasty for you to let him take charge of an investment company? What if he can't grasp it..." Hearing Chen Daojun's plan, George was not jealous, but worried.It's a good thing to be respected, but with Leyan's current ability, if he encounters a difficult problem, he may easily fall over.Once the investment company is screwed up, the consequences for Leyan may not be good.

"So during this period of time, you have to train him well!" Chen Daojun raised his eyebrows at him, and said meaningfully, "And if he encounters problems and can't solve them, isn't there an uncle like you? Is it possible that you still Can you stand by and watch?"

"...Chen, you are so unkind!" George looked confused, good guy, the relationship is to use Le Yan to hold him, a cheap uncle, and help him with the work together!Chen Daojun is too calculating!
"Uncle, you will definitely help me, right?" Chen Daojun's suggestion made Leyan's eyes shine. His experience was indeed lacking, but he also had an awesome uncle George!As a middle-level cadre of Goldman Sachs Group, George is well-known for his connections. As long as George is willing to help, he will definitely be able to solve the problems he encounters when running an investment company in the future!

"Ahem, based on our relationship, I will definitely help you." George looked at Leyan with a hopeful look on his face, but in the end he couldn't refuse.Chen Daojun on the side smiled very proudly. This guy George had received a lot of benefits from him before, and he was very happy.Little did he know that he had already planned it, and this advantage was not so easy to take advantage of!

(End of this chapter)

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