The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 240 Chen Xingjun’s new marriage partner

Chapter 240 Chen Xingjun’s new marriage partner

Just as Chen Daojun got on the plane to Bangzi Country, something unexpected was happening in Bangzi Country's heart.

"You mean, that kid Xingjun wants to get divorced and marry another plutocrat's daughter? Why doesn't that kid come and tell me in person?" Chen Yangji was very dissatisfied with his wife Li Biyu at the moment and was in a bad mood.

"It was you who assigned him this marriage in the first place, but in less than half a year, the Daewoo Group collapsed, and the once powerful Yue family became half-dead now. What do you want that kid Xingjun to think?" Li Biyu was a little bit confused. She looked at her husband angrily and said that Chen Yangji had such good eyesight, but in the end, he couldn't recognize people and directly got his eldest grandson into trouble.

"...Do you think there is a better marriage partner?" Chen Yangji couldn't help but retorted. He really didn't have his sights on the Daewoo Group at the beginning. He didn't expect that the other party was a garbage with "gold on the outside and bad on the inside". It can be said that that guy Jin Yuzhong is so good at pretending that everyone was deceived by him!
"Goo Ji-eun, the youngest daughter of Goo Ja-wook, the chairman of the food company Aiweihong!" Li Biyu quickly named the new marriage partner.Although there are many chaebols and large enterprises in Bangzi Country, there are really not many who have reached the marriageable age and are similar to Chen Xingjun.Moreover, Chen Xingjun remarried after his divorce, which was his second marriage. It was still a bit difficult to marry a woman with more favorable conditions!

"Koo Ja-wook? The younger brother of LG Group Chairman Goo Ja-kyung?" Chen Yangji thought about it for a while, and finally understood what Li Biyu was thinking. It seemed that he wanted to abandon the collapsed Daewoo Group and establish a relationship with the LG Group!
"Will the other party agree?" Chen Yangji was silent for a while, then asked, asking the other party's daughter to marry his divorced eldest grandson Chen Xingjun, obviously the other party was at a disadvantage, how could the other party agree easily?

"Isn't it you? I married Daewoo Group back then, but Daewoo Group collapsed. You, a grandfather, have to take responsibility! Go talk to that Gu Zixu and see if you can make this marriage happen." Li Biyu said angrily, if Chen Yangji hadn't been too hasty at the beginning, how could his favorite eldest grandson, Chen Xingjun, have encountered such a thing?
"Okay, I'll ask someone to ask." Chen Yangji finally agreed to Li Biyu's request. Since his eldest grandson is not satisfied with the marriage and the Daewoo Group has collapsed, there is indeed no need for the previous marriage. , you can consider arranging another marriage for him.


Miracle Group, Vice President’s Office.

Wu Shixian met Song Cailin, the president of Shanshang Department Store, who came unexpectedly.Seeing the anxious look on the other party's face, Wu Shixian smiled and asked, "Did something happen to you girl? So you came here to find me?"

"...Uncle Wu, Shanshang Department Store is in trouble and needs your help." Song Cailin hesitated for a while, but still mustered up the courage to tell what happened in the past two days.It turned out that since her showdown with Cui Chengyou and the marriage completely fell through, Zhongyu Group had also completely fallen out with their Shanshang Department Store.

Originally, Song Cailin was ready to go to war with Zhongyu Group.It's just that she didn't expect that Liang Meihua, the vice president, suddenly turned his back on the battle and chose to help Zhongyu Group to seize the management right of Shanshang Department Store from her.Fortunately, her subordinates got the news in advance and told her.

However, Liang Meihua, who owns 15% of Shanshang Department Store's shares, joined forces with Zhongyu Group, which indeed put a lot of pressure on her.She only has 25% of the department store's shares. Unless she acquires more than 25% of the shares, she can firmly hold on to the company's management rights and prevent them from taking them away.But how could a department store, which had just started to improve, spend so much money to acquire shares in the company?
Song Cailin, who was short of money, had no choice but to find Wu Shixian again, and for fear that Wu Shixian would shirk, she came directly to the door and blocked Wu Shixian in the office.

"You girl is really reckless! There is a tiger in the front and a jackal in the back, and you actually put the tiger and the jackal together?" Wu Shixian was a little helpless. He was not optimistic about the negotiation between Song Cailin and Cui Chengyou, and tore up After breaking face, there is no benefit other than completely angering the other party.

And since the other party wants to persuade Vice President Liang Meihua to cooperate with them, the other party's actions and plans have been brewing for a long time, but this girl is the only one who is stupid and doesn't know.

"Uncle Wu, you have to help me! Otherwise, losing the management right of Shanshang Department Store will be a big loss for Miracle Group! I'm afraid I won't be able to get back a single penny of the funds that helped me before!" Song Cailin was a little anxious when she saw that Wu Shixian didn't agree to help.

"..." Wu Shixian looked at Song Cailin, who looked like a broken jar in front of him, and felt a little dumbfounded.I had no choice but to dig out Wu Luomin's business card from Shuguang Law Firm from the nearby drawer, handed it over, and said at the same time, "I can continue to provide you with the aid, but you still need a professional lawyer who will tell you how to manage the business." What needs to be done in a power struggle? What are the precautions for acquiring company shares?”

Song Cailin was stunned for a moment after taking the business card. She was familiar with Shuguang Law Firm!When she approached Miracle Group for help before, Chen Daojun, who was sitting with Wu Shixian, also gave him one.It's just that the contact person on this business card is Wu Luomin, not Chen Daojun.

"Is this Mr. Chen Daojun's colleague?" Song Cailin asked curiously. She didn't know Chen Daojun's real identity. She thought he was just a member of the Chen family in Shunyang who opened a law firm.

"Colleague? That's right. Originally, Chen Daojun was the most suitable person to ask for this matter, but he has been on a business trip to the beautiful country these days. I don't know when he will come back. There is no problem in asking lawyer Wu Luomin to help you." Wu Shixian was stunned for a moment, then answered with a smile.

Wu Shixian then dialed the landline and called Su Canping who was working outside. "President Wu, what do you want from me?" After a while, Su Canping walked in and asked Wu Shixian.

"Didn't I say before that I would arrange an opportunity for you to exercise your abilities? Now that Shirt Merchant Department Store is in some trouble, do you want to try it?" Wu Shixian asked with a smile.For Su Canping, a young assistant, Wu Shixian admired him very much. Although he usually doesn't like to show off, his handling ability is not much better than Rachel's.

"Shirt merchant department store?" Su Canping was a little surprised, "I have heard my grandma mention this department store before! So this is the current president of the department store?" She looked curiously at the sofa beside her Song Cailin, the other party seems to be in the same grade as her.After Su Canping thought for a moment, he still agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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