Chapter 243 Embarrassed Chen Huarong
While Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian were chatting, Rachel opened the door and walked in, looked at Chen Daojun with joy, winked at him mischievously, and then said, "Boss, President Wu, Chen Huarong from Shunyang Department Store The president came to visit.”

"Huh? Is my aunt looking for you again?" Chen Daojun looked at Wu Shixian and said with a smirk, "She must have taken a fancy to you, a handsome middle-aged man, right?"

"Ahem, boss, don't talk nonsense! I'm a decent person, don't slander me!" Wu Shixian immediately denied Chen Daojun's teasing, not mentioning that he already had a relationship and might be getting married this year.Just making such dirty rumors will not only affect his reputation, but also offend Shunyang Group and the mayor of Seoul City, which has too much influence!

"I'm just joking, why are you so nervous?" Chen Daojun said with a smile. "Boss, please stop talking nonsense, I can't stand the trouble." Wu Shixian said with some heartache.


"President Wu... Hey, why are you here?" Chen Huarong walked into the office. He originally wanted to talk to Wu Shixian about the acquisition of Yuetian Hotel, and also asked about the company's acquisition precautions, but just now Before I could finish speaking, I realized there was another person in the office!
Chen Daojun, the nephew with whom he had no dealings, was looking at her with a smile, which surprised him, and his good mood died instantly.

"Long time no see, Auntie! Our Shuguang Law Firm has business dealings with Miracle Group. I'll talk to Chairman Wu about something. Is there any problem?" Chen Daojun greeted Chen Huarong with a smile. Now Shuguang Law Firm has become an It is normal for a well-known top law firm to have business dealings with domestic chaebols and large enterprises.

"President Wu, I have something important to communicate with you. Why don't you let Chen Daojun go out first?" Chen Huarong frowned and asked Wu Shixian.

"Of course, no problem." Wu Shixian hinted at Chen Daojun, and then Chen Daojun got up and left the office with understanding.Seeing Chen Daojun walk out of the office, Rachel gloated, "I didn't expect you to be kicked out by Chairman Wu? Hahaha!"

"I'm just cooperating. But according to my estimation, they will invite me in soon." Chen Daojun looked at Rachel who dared to laugh at him and did not get angry. Instead, he smiled and said to her.

"You must be lying, that Chen Huarong is obviously not dealing with you, and they are discussing important things now, how could they invite you in?" Rachel didn't believe Chen Daojun's words at all.She has done a detailed understanding of the interpersonal relationship of the Chen family in the Shunyang Group. The boss Chen Daojun has always been at odds with his second uncle Chen Dongji and aunt Chen Huarong. This cannot be faked.

"Then do you want to make a bet?" Chen Daojun smirked, and made a very "attractive" proposal to Rachel, "If you win, I don't have to pay back the 500 million US dollars I lent you to invest in financial management. If you If you lose, you will have to listen to my arrangements for the next three months!"

"Just bet, I'll win!" Rachel was very moved by Chen Daojun's proposal. If she wins, the 500 million US dollars that she "borrowed" from Chen Daojun earlier will belong to herself, and her small treasury will be saved. The child is abundant!

Inside the office.After Chen Daojun left, Chen Huarong told Wu Shixian the purpose of coming to him this time. "Now our Shunyang Department Store has acquired 30% of the shares of Yuetian Hotel. We plan to hold a shareholders' meeting next week to compete with Yuetian Group for the operating rights of Yuetian Hotel."

"It's just that in terms of company acquisitions, the legal lawyers of Shunyang Department Store are not familiar with this area. I think that Miracle Group has acquired companies many times, so I must be very familiar with it, so I want to come here for consultation. Are there any precautions?"

"Have you already obtained 30% of the shares of Yuetian Hotel?" Wu Shixian did not expect that Chen Huarong would act very quickly. In such a short period of time, he had already obtained so many shares. It seems that Shunyang Department Store has been The funds saved are very sufficient!
"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint President Chen. Our Miracle Group's area of ​​expertise in legal affairs is not corporate acquisitions." Wu Shixian said with a smile, "When we acquired companies before, our Miracle Group also hired people from outside law firms to help! "

"Ask someone to help you from a law firm outside?" Chen Huarong frowned a little. This situation was a little unexpected to her. She was not familiar with those law firms outside!

Seeing Chen Huarong getting confused, Wu Shixian said with a smile, "Actually, the person who can solve President Chen's problem is our Miracle Group, and you have seen it just now!"

"Huh? We met again?" Chen Huarong was a little dazed, she didn't see anyone when she walked over before! ... No, she did see someone just now, but she subconsciously ignored that guy!

"President Wu, the person you're talking about...couldn't be that kid Chen Daojun?" Chen Huarong asked with some embarrassment, but she already had a guess in her mind that it was probably her nephew who went to become a lawyer up!
"President Chen is really smart, and he knows everything right!" Wu Shixian did not hesitate to praise him, and continued, "That nephew of yours is a professional in this field! The Shuguang Law Firm he runs is one of the best in the field of corporate acquisitions. Professional ones also have the highest winning rate!”

Hearing that Wu Shixian admired Chen Daojun so much, Chen Huarong froze completely. She and Chen Daojun had had many conflicts before, and now she was asked to ask Chen Daojun for help. She, Chen Huarong, was afraid that her face would be lost! "President Wu, do you have anyone else to recommend? My nephew... has an average relationship with me. He may not be willing to help me." Chen Huarong said with some embarrassment.

"Ah? Your relationship with him...isn't it good?" Wu Shixian pretended to be surprised and said, "This is not easy to handle. Most of the lawyers who are most familiar with the law of corporate acquisitions are in Shuguang Law Firm."

"Wu Luomin, the lawyer from Shuguang Law Firm, is also good. Unfortunately, Song Cailin, the president of T-shirt merchant department store, came to ask for help yesterday. I recommended Wu Luomin to her. I'm afraid I don't have time to help you now." Wu Shixian said a little said regretfully.

"..." Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Huarong was caught in a tangle.Although they bought a lot of shares in Daoyuetian Hotel in the past few days, the counterattack from the Yuetian Group is also very obvious. They don't know where they got the funds, and they are also repurchasing the hotel's shares aggressively.If the current situation continues like this, it is still unknown whether their plan to annex the Yuetian Hotel by Shunyang Department Store will be successful!

(End of this chapter)

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