The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 244 Chen Daojun: Isn’t this very simple?as long as face is big enough

Chapter 244 Chen Daojun: Isn’t this very simple?As long as you have enough face~

"Please ask President Wu to help make peace." Chen Huarong hesitated for a while, and finally decided to give in. The most important thing was to acquire the Yuetian Hotel.

"That's no problem." Wu Shixian called the landline and told Rachel, who was working outside, to bring Chen Daojun in because she had something to discuss. After Rachel hung up the phone, she looked at Chen Daojun next to her with some disbelief, " did you know they would invite you in?"

Chen Daojun shaved Rachel's nose and smiled proudly, "It was just a random guess. I originally thought I was going to give you the 500 million US dollars, but I didn't expect good luck to be on my side. In the next three months, You have to be obedient! Hahaha!"

Seeing Chen Daojun's "arrogant" look, Rachel wanted to beat up the guy who was showing off in front of her. It was so irritating!


"Is there something wrong with President Wu calling me in?" Chen Daojun asked seriously, ignoring Chen Huarong who was standing aside.

"Ahem, don't I want to introduce a business deal to you, Mr. Chen?" Wu Shixian said shamelessly, "President Chen happened to have some business acquisition matters that he wanted to consult, so I thought of you immediately."

"Oh, is that so?" Chen Daojun was a little curious when he heard the words, and then said to Chen Huarong whose face was a little stiff, "Auntie, are you in trouble? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Chen Daojun was not sarcastic and looked concerned, Chen Huarong couldn't help but feel relieved.She glanced at Wu Shixian beside her and found that his expression was calm and showed no change at all.Then he took a deep breath and said in a calm tone, "Our Shunyang Department Store is acquiring Yuetian Hotel, but Yuetian Group is not sitting still and is now buying shares of Yuetian Hotel like us."

"I want to know, besides acquiring those shares on the market, is there any other way that can help me completely win the operating rights of Yuetian Hotel?"

"It's simple. Before the financial crisis, the development idea of ​​domestic enterprises was to take 20-30% of the company's shares to the bank as collateral, and then receive large loans from the bank to use as company expansion and operating funds. "Chen Daojun explained calmly, "The situation must be the same for Yuetian Hotel. As long as we get those shares from that bank, this problem will be solved."

"Is it that simple?" Chen Huarong was a little unbelievable. She didn't think that she could easily convince the bank to transfer the Yuetian Hotel shares to her just by virtue of her reputation as the president of Shunyang Department Store and the daughter of Shunyang Group. ah!Moreover, most of the funds available to Shunyang Department Store have been consumed at present, and it is estimated that the acquisition of about 12% more shares will be used up.

However, according to the information previously investigated by the assistant, in the shareholder list of Yuetian Hotel, KB Bank holds 18% of the shares, which she may not be able to afford with her current funds!And whether the other party is willing to sell the company's shares is still a question.

"It depends on whether your reputation is big enough, aunt?" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "If it is grandpa or a big shot like President Wu who comes forward, I think no matter which bank it is, they will be willing to help."

Hearing Chen Daojun's somewhat ridiculing words, Chen Huarong was a little embarrassed. Although what he said was right, it was a bit disrespectful to say it in front of her!How come she is also the president of Shunyang Department Store, so she doesn't want to lose face? !

"President Wu, why don't you help me communicate with KB Bank and ask them to sell me the shares of Yuetian Hotel at a low price?" Chen Huarong also reacted at this moment, and said cheekily to Wu Shixian.

"..." Wu Shixian was a little speechless. Good guy, in the end, this matter fell on him again? ...Okay, then he, the "taken advantage of", can only reluctantly agree.

Just when Wu Shixian was about to speak, he saw Chen Daojun raise his eyebrows at him, "Huh? Does the boss have anything else to say?" He swallowed the words that originally came to his lips.He was a little curious as to what Chen Daojun had planned.

"Auntie, sometimes the shares don't have to be bought. The same purpose can be achieved in another way, and the price is much smaller." Chen Daojun looked at Chen Huarong and said seriously, "Instead of buying the shares from banks at a low price, shares, it’s better to ask Chairman Wu to help and let KB Bank entrust the voting rights of the shares it holds to you.”

"By doing this, the bank will not suffer any losses, and aunt, you will still be able to get more share support to help you win the right to operate the Yuetian Hotel."

Chen Daojun's suggestion made Chen Huarong's eyes light up. Chen Daojun's method was obviously more suitable for her current situation.It is really risky to ask her to use all the remaining funds on the company's books to gamble and acquire the shares of Yuetian Hotel. If Shunyang Department Store encounters some problems, the capital chain will soon be broken, and then the chicken will be stolen. If she doesn't lose a lot of rice, her losses will be huge.

"This is a good proposal. I choose this!" Chen Huarong said happily. Now that he can have the opportunity to get things done with less money, why should he spend more money?

"President Wu, I would like to ask you to come forward and help convince KB Bank to temporarily hand over the voting rights of Yuetian Hotel to me." Chen Huarong said excitedly, if he can get the voting rights of shares from KB Bank, then Her company shares will reach 48%. As long as she acquires more than 2% of the company shares, the Yuetian Hotel will be hers!
"I can give it a try. As for whether KB Bank is willing to give our Miracle Group some thin noodles, I'm not sure." Wu Shixian said with a smile.Although it was said modestly, none of the three people present believed that the current KB Bank could reject the rising Miracle Group.


After Chen Huarong left, Chen Daojun looked at Wu Shixian curiously and asked, "I remember that Miracle Group's legal affairs are also good at corporate acquisitions, right? Not long ago, that guy came to our law firm to discuss and communicate with Wu Luomin. Up?"

"Although this is the case. But how can there be any reason to borrow the group's exclusive lawyers?" Wu Shixian said seriously, "And now the largest law firm in the country, isn't it just the dawn of your boss? If you don't agree, You can also refuse.”

"...Well, how can there be any reason to extrapolate the fat sheep that came to my door?" Chen Daojun said helplessly, "And if Chen Huarong's acquisition of Yuetian Hotel failed, how could she have the courage to fight with Chen Yongji and Chen Huarong? Is Chen Dongji challenging the succession rights of Shunyang Group?"

 Chapter 3 will be sent out later, please wait~
(End of this chapter)

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