The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 245 Chen Yangji’s dissatisfaction

Chapter 245 Chen Yangji’s dissatisfaction
In fact, no matter what Chen Huarong's attitude towards him is, Chen Daojun doesn't care, as long as he can help this arrogant aunt up, let her fight with Chen Yongji and Chen Dongji, and get Chen Yangji's attention.Whether it's the Miracle Group's help or the IMF's aid, they don't think deeply about the possible risks involved.


"By the way, Seahan Company has mass-produced MP3 players and is expected to reach 3 units next month. However, they have not yet determined their follow-up sales plans. The current domestic economic situation is not very optimistic. , President Moon feels that domestic sales may not be very good. He prefers to sell MP[-] to countries such as the Sun Country and Hot Summer." Wu Shixian reported the news from Seahan Company to Chen Daojun.

"This guy is really unreasonable! With such a small amount of production, if shipped to the hot summer, I'm afraid it will be sold out in a few days!" Chen Daojun was a little speechless. The output was only 3 units a month, so he considered this kind of problem. Is not too look down on the value of MP[-]?

"Let them expand their production! At least reach the monthly output of 3 units before considering this kind of issue!" Chen Daojun said with a bit of a bad tone, "As for the music website, I will urge Nexon Game Entertainment to complete it as soon as possible! "

"The Internet R&D personnel in the beautiful country have almost been found, and they will come to Bangzi country to report next week!" Chen Daojun recalled the situation that the head of the personnel department of the Goldman Sachs Group told him before leaving, and subconsciously said
"That's good. I'll pass on your thoughts to President Moon!" Wu Shixian said with a smile, "Speaking of which, Yanxia Kingdom's purchasing power is really amazing. The new mobile phone we sold on behalf of the past two weeks has already been completed." More than 4 units have been sold! It is indeed a populous country!"

"That's true! Our country, Sun Country, Tai Country, Xinjiapo... have all been hit by the financial turmoil, only Yanxia has hardly been affected, and the purchasing power of the people is amazing!" Chen Daojun nodded and said with some emotion .

In later generations, just by buying gold, the aunts of Yanxia Kingdom can cause the global gold price to rise; tourists from Yanxia Kingdom can travel abroad to buy luxury goods, causing luxury brands to sell out and increase prices. You know how scary it is!


After Chen Daojun left Miracle Group, he did not return to the law firm, but went directly to Nexon.There, there are game development and OICQ, the instant messaging software that he cares most about.

Seeing the arrival of Chen Daojun, Jin Zhengzhou was a little surprised. Chen Daojun had gone to the beautiful country on a business trip, and now he not only came back suddenly, but also went to the game company to "inspect", which caught him off guard.He looked very embarrassed, like a student who had not completed his homework and was suddenly asked by the teacher to check his homework.

"The company's game research and development progress is still progressing. However, due to the impact of the financial crisis, the domestic sales of several previously developed games are not very optimistic, and they are all supported by overseas markets." Kim Jong-joo was a little embarrassed. Said, "However, the situation here at OICQ is a bit unexpected. Many companies have already called to invite people to advertise on OICQ. There are still three units currently under negotiation."

"This is really good news!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "But how is the music website going? Seahan's MP3 has entered the stage of mass production, and the construction of the website cannot be left behind!"

"Don't worry, boss, the music website is not that difficult. The R&D department has built the website two days ago. It's just that you requested to add paid links and song download channels to it. It's still being adjusted. It's estimated that there will be a few more It’s almost a day’s work.” Jin Zhengzhou said confidently, for game developers like them, it is still very easy to build a website!

------Dividing line------

Inside the office of the president of Shunyang Group.

Chen Yangji looked at his eldest son Chen Yongji and asked with an indifferent expression, "Xingjun's child is getting divorced. Do you know?"

When Chen Yongji heard what Chen Yangji said, his respectful expression immediately froze. Chen Xingjun wanted a divorce?Why didn't he know? !No one has ever told him about it!
"Father, I don't know about this!" Chen Yongji said with some embarrassment. According to his meaning, if Chen Xingjun mentioned the divorce to him, he would definitely not agree.

Not to mention that Chen Xingjun's marriage was brokered by Chen Yangji himself. They were about to get divorced just a few months after they got married. Where would they put their Shunyang Chen family's face?I'm afraid it will become the laughing stock of Bangzi Kingdom!
"It was your mother who told me. It must have been the child Xingjun who told her about it." Chen Yangji said coldly, "It's just that child Xingjun disappointed me so much. Since I'm not satisfied with this marriage Why don't you have the courage to tell me in person, and you still need to use someone else's mouth to report this matter to me? Is it the old man who is not human?"

Hearing what Chen Yangji said, Chen Yongji couldn't help but sweat for Chen Xingjun, and said in his heart, "With your temper, let alone Xingjun, I dare not tell you, God knows what you think?"

Chen Yongji didn't make any noise. He was afraid that what he said was wrong and would offend Chen Yangji again, so he simply stood aside and pretended to be an ostrich.Chen Yangji felt a little disappointed when he saw that his son did not dare to speak out. Although the eldest son was filial, he was not very capable and his vision was even worse.I originally thought that my eldest grandson, Chen Xingjun, was a diamond in the rough, but I didn’t expect that this kid didn’t even have the courage to give him advice in person. Can such an heir really run the Shunyang Group well?

Thinking of his physical condition, Chen Yangji was shaken by the "primogenarian inheritance system" he had always insisted on. As far as Chen Yongji and Chen Xingjun's current virtues are concerned, the Shunyang Group has been passed on to them. It is very fragrant!

"...You tell Xingjun that the divorce matter is slowing down, at least not this year!" Chen Yangji was silent for a moment, and then said, "As for his marriage partner, I will look for it again...let him take care of himself."

"Yes, dad!" Chen Yongji didn't expect that Chen Yangji actually agreed, but judging from his tone, he seemed to be very dissatisfied with Chen Xingjun's behavior.But it’s right to think about it carefully. After all, Chen Xingjun and Jin Xiuzhu’s marriage was the result of Chen Yangji’s hard work in convincing the other party to let Lieutenant General Jin Yu’s daughter marry his grandson. The two sides joined forces to deal with the Daying Group.

As a result, the Daewoo Group suddenly collapsed. The eldest grandson, who had high hopes for Chen Yangji, could not bear any loss. He hurriedly said that he wanted a divorce. Wasn't this a slap in Chen Yangji's old face and made the outside world laugh?
 Unknowingly, I have written 50 words. Thank you to all my brothers and sisters for your support along the way~! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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