The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 246 Pengcheng Real Estate has no takeover

Chapter 246 Pengcheng Real Estate has no takeover
Xiangjiang Starlight Investment Company, General Manager Office.

Hong Zhiqing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she looked at the Hong Kong stock market, which had turned green again.Fortunately, I didn't have the brain to join in the excitement of the stock market at that time, otherwise I would be trapped now and become a leek harvested by capital!

"Mr. Hong, the results of the Pengcheng real estate information you asked us to investigate before are already there." Jiang Sui, the female assistant on the side, handed over a piece of information, and then continued, "Since 1980, the status of Pengcheng Special Economic Zone has After this was confirmed, the land auction prices here increased significantly.”

Hong Zhiqing looked at the materials in her hands and read them carefully.As she read more deeply, she suddenly realized how amazing the housing prices in Pengcheng City, next door to Xiangjiang, had changed in just a few years!
In 1992, Green Lake Villa, a rare villa area located in the "precious area" Henggang, sold for 2600 Hong Kong dollars (approximately 1950 yuan) per square meter, with a total price of only 18 Hong Kong dollars.Shenbao Garden in Luohu sells for 2600 yuan/square meter.

In 1993, housing prices in Luohu rose across the board, breaking through the 7000 yuan mark, and the focus began to shift to Futian.In the same year, for the first time in China, a shopping mall was put on sale. The actual commercial area of ​​Luohu Commercial City was 55000 square meters, which was divided into 1280 shops. m, setting a record for the highest selling price of retail properties in Mainland China at that time.

In 1994, the average price of Longhua Jinxiu Garden was 1900 yuan/square meter, and the average price of Caihong Xindu in Futian was 6000 yuan/square meter. In 1996, the average price of Hua'an Garden in Bao'an District was 2348 yuan per square meter.

After the outbreak of the financial crisis in Xiangjiang this year, many buyers in Xiangjiang were eager to get out of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen property market and sold at low prices to withdraw funds. This also caused the housing prices in Pengcheng to plummet. The current cumulative decline in housing prices has exceeded 50%.Taoyuanju offers a one-bedroom, one-living room for RMB 12.5, and a two-bedroom, two-living room for RMB 15. Regardless of area or orientation, it's equivalent to a cabbage sale.


"It seems that Chen Daojun's previous analysis was correct. The real estate in Pengcheng has huge room for appreciation! However, affected by the financial crisis, the price has plummeted a lot!" Hong Zhiqing murmured as she looked at the information in her hand.

The female assistant Jiang Sui heard the words, "Mr. Hong, shall we contact Pengcheng now? According to the information we have so far, the real estate in Pengcheng has collapsed now! A large number of Xiangjiang investors have withdrawn their capital." Selling the house, the house price fell again and again, and no one took up the offer.”

"You can get in touch first, don't be too hasty. According to the current situation, foreign speculators have not given up their impact on the Hong Kong stock market. And according to the past efficiency of Hong Kong officials, it will take a long time for the stock market and real estate to stabilize. For a period of time. During this period, real estate prices may continue to fall." Hong Zhiqing said very calmly.

According to Chen Daojun's previous analysis, and now that foreign speculators are making a comeback, Xiangjiang officials have no defense at all, and they were directly attacked by the opponent.Before, they were still swearing to announce to the public that they had passed the crisis, but they didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly!

Many listed companies in Hong Kong that were rising were directly hit in the head. Many speculators who were bargain-hunting in an attempt to make huge profits are now complaining. The stocks they bought fell sharply within a few days after rising, and the decline even exceeded the previous increase.


"Okay, Mr. Hong." After receiving Hong Zhiqing's order, Jiang Sui nodded, and soon made a plan. Now that Pengcheng's real estate has plummeted, Pengcheng officials are worried that no one will take over the deal!They can't wait for a local tyrant to buy their real estate in Pengcheng!

The mobile phone placed aside suddenly rang, and Hong Zhiqing, who was working, subconsciously connected the phone, "Hey, dear girl, your sister and brother-in-law are back today, remember to come back early, our family hasn't had dinner together for a long time!"

"Daddy, there are a lot of things going on in the company. I'm afraid I have to work overtime today." Hong Zhiqing replied helplessly.

"You girl, you can do the work tomorrow, but your sister has been home less and less since she got married. If you dare to work overtime today, I will teach you a lesson!" Hong Guidong on the phone was obviously a little Annoyed, this little daughter has gradually transformed into a strong woman since she came out to start a business and run a company, and sometimes she can't speak well.

"Okay, then I'll try to come back early today!" Hong Zhiqing said helplessly when she noticed that Hong Guidong was a little angry.

------Dividing line------

SBS TV Station, Deputy Director's Office.

Mou Xianmin was in the office looking at the reports submitted by his subordinates. "Dong dong dong——!" Suddenly he remembered the brief knock on the door, and Mou Xianmin said without raising his head, "Come in!"

A tall man walked in and saw Mou Xianmin flipping through the information. He did not disturb him. He just sat on the sofa aside and looked at him with a playful expression.

Mou Xianmin read the report for a while and found that the other party did not speak. She looked up curiously and saw that the person sitting opposite her was her fiancé Chen Daojun, whom she had not seen for half a month!
"You... When did you come back? Why didn't you call and tell me?" Mou Xianmin looked a little surprised and then asked happily.

"I came back in the middle of the night last night. I was in a hurry to come back, but when I got home, I found that you were not there..." Chen Daojun said pitifully, as if he had been deeply deceived.

Although he knew that Chen Daojun's expression was a bit exaggerated, Mou Xianmin still explained awkwardly, "Isn't this what you said before? If I am too bored living at home alone, I can go back and stay for two days. I didn't expect you to be so quick. Just come back!"

"How about you and I go to my house tonight and bring things back?" Mou Xianmin smiled slyly. Before Chen Daojun was not here, Mrs. Mou was nagging her in her ears. Now that Chen Daojun is here, she can just pull her up. He went to deal with his somewhat "annoying" mother and saved her!

"...Speaking of which, I haven't seen my mother-in-law for a while. I can go back with you to visit. Anyway, your room has a big bed, so it's no problem for two people to sleep." Chen Daojun said with a smirk, how could he? I don't understand the little Jiujiu in Mou Xianmin's heart. If he rushes to Mou Xianmin's house to pick up Mou Xianmin and carry his luggage as soon as he comes back, isn't this obviously trying to offend his father-in-law and mother-in-law?He wouldn't do such a stupid thing!
Seeing that Chen Daojun didn't play tricks, Mou Xianmin was a little annoyed. This little man is becoming more and more cunning now, and he has been eating him to death, which is too annoying.

Chen Daojun stepped forward and took the report from Mou Xianmin's hand and put it on the table. Then he picked up Mou Xianmin and planned to walk out.But Mou Xianmin had limited resistance, "Stop making trouble, I still have to go to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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