The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 249 Chen Daojun: Good luck, got through the loophole

Chapter 249 Chen Daojun: Good luck, got through the loophole
"Daojun, how is your stay in the beautiful country during this time? I heard that the Internet industry in the beautiful country has developed rapidly in the past two years. Many Internet companies have exceeded tens of billions of dollars! Compared with the peak The Daewoo Group in that era (before the thunderstorm) was even more powerful!" Sitting on the sofa, Mou Yongpei asked Chen Daojun curiously.

"It's okay to be in the beautiful country these days. I just deal with some investment matters with some friends there. However, the development speed of Internet companies in the beautiful country is a bit exaggerated!"

Chen Daojun nodded with a smile and continued, "The revenue of those Internet companies is not high, but by highlighting the huge registered users and market share in the annual report, the company's market value continues to skyrocket, from the original few dollars per share, all the way up. Up to tens of dollars or even hundreds of dollars per share!"

Chen Daojun's words undoubtedly stimulated Mou Yongpei. Mrs. Mou and Mou Xianmin who were originally on the TV show were also dumbfounded. The currency unit Chen Daojun mentioned just now was the US dollar, not the Korean won, right?Isn’t this increase too outrageous? !

"Daojun, are you telling the truth? Are Internet companies really so profitable? Then can we..." Mou Xianmin said excitedly.

"Sister Xianmin, don't think too much about it!" Chen Daojun hugged Mou Xianmin and said with a smile, "Internet companies in the beautiful country at least have portals on the Internet, as well as Internet-related projects and many Internet R&D personnel. How can SBS TV station have this condition?"

Although Mou Xianmin was a little unconvinced when she heard what Chen Daojun said, she also understood that what Chen Daojun said was true. There were less than 100 million Internet users, let alone professional Internet R&D personnel.

"Daojun, I remember that the popular instant messaging software OICQ is a product of Nexon, right?" Mou Yongpei was not frightened by Chen Daojun's words, but instead brought up another matter.

Hearing what Mou Yongpei said, Chen Daojun was a little surprised. He did not expect that Mou Yongpei, who is engaged in the media industry, has such a keen sense and noticed the OICQ software so quickly. You must know that it has been less than 4 months since Nexon released OICQ. !
"I also saw that many young people in the company are using this software, so I went to find out more about it." Mou Yongpei saw Chen Daojun's surprised look and said with a smile.At the beginning, he did not expect that OICQ would be the masterpiece of Chen Daojun's company.

After he downloaded and installed it himself, after trying to use it a few times, he found that this thing is not only convenient to use, but also free!This made him astonished, such a conscientious software does not charge, no wonder it can capture a large number of loyal users so quickly!
"Daojun, you OICQ provides free download and installation, aren't you afraid that Nexon will lose money?" Mou Yongpei finally asked his doubts. In his impression, Chen Daojun was very smart and didn't seem to be making losses. People who make a lot of "stupid things"!

"Maybe my uncle didn't notice that we actually placed advertisements on this OICQ!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Currently, Nexon has received advertising orders from many manufacturers, and the quotes are all good!" Chen Daojun said calmly, " Not to mention profit, breaking even is more than enough!”

Mou Yongpei's eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Daojun in surprise, complaining even more in his heart, "You guy is still saying that Internet companies have no foundation in Bangzi country and lack of R&D personnel... but he started doing it quietly, and even Balance of payments? What nonsense?!"

Mou Xianmin also looked at Chen Daojun in disbelief. Chen Daojun was still complaining about her wishful thinking before, but she didn't expect that this brat would quietly start it on his own and achieve good results. Isn't this mocking her? ?

"Ahem, when we developed the OICQ instant messaging software, there was a certain element of trickery." Seeing that the two of them didn't believe it, Chen Daojun explained with a smile, "I discovered it when I was studying in the beautiful country. There is an ICQ instant messaging software with good functions and many registered users, so I plan to come back and develop a similar one.”

"Coincidentally, the company that owns this ICQ, for some unknown reason, did not register the relevant copyrights in Asia or even European maps, so when our Nexon company was developing, we directly borrowed ICQ to accelerate We have monitored the research and development process and made a series of optimizations." Chen Daojun said calmly that he didn't think there was anything wrong with the previous "copying" behavior.

After listening to Chen Daojun's description, Mou Yongpei said with some emotion, "No wonder Nexon was able to launch the OICQ software so quickly, and it gained a large number of users in just over two months. It turned out that it was already in the beautiful country. It’s been verified!”

"You are such a thief! Aren't you afraid that the companies in Beautiful Country that own ICQ will cause trouble for you?" Mou Xianmin rolled his eyes at Chen Daojun and asked with some worry. After all, the companies in Beautiful Country are nothing. Damn it, if the other party knew that Chen Daojun was trying to steal their money, how would they give up?

"Don't worry! The OICQ we developed has obtained patent copyrights in many countries in Europe and Asia. Even if ICQ wants to enter Europe and Asia in the future, it will not be able to do anything to us! According to the first-come-first-served rule, they can only Admit defeat!"

Chen Daojun smiled proudly. He sincerely wanted to acquire ICQ at the beginning. If the founders of ICQ hadn't been so aggressive with him and blamed him for being wronged, he would not have thought of starting a new business and directly grabbing ICQ's wool. .Speaking of which, I really want to thank those founders!

Seeing Chen Daojun's confident look, Mou Yongpei also understood what Chen Daojun meant. After all, whoever registers the patent copyright first is the original one. This is the default unspoken rule in the patent laws of various countries. After the founder of ICQ developed ICQ, he failed to apply for ICQ patent copyright in other countries and regions in time, leaving a loophole.And Chen Daojun happened to discover this loophole and profited from it!
"You guy, you're really lucky!" Mou Xianmin said with a sour tone. Chen Daojun was like a pie in the sky. She prostituted an Internet project with great potential for nothing. Why didn't she have such good luck? Woolen cloth? !

Seeing that Mou Xianmin looked a little displeased, Chen Daojun smiled and did not provoke her anymore. Although OICQ was originally developed with the help of ICQ, with continuous optimization, the latest version of OICQ has reached 3.0, and its performance exceeds that of ICQ. street!
 Chapter 3 will be uploaded later~
(End of this chapter)

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