The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 250 Chen Daojun draws cakes, Internet media

Chapter 250 Chen Daojun draws cakes, Internet media

According to the news that Chen Daojun got from the beautiful country this time, ICQ’s new owner has launched a series of optimizations in order to increase ICQ’s profit items. According to the memory of his previous life, this new owner who does not understand instant messaging patronizes Adding various new modules to ICQ, trying to add profit items to ICQ, makes ICQ more and more bloated, and the operation speed is getting more and more stuck.

This self-inflicted and confusing behavior has given other instant messaging software the opportunity to rise!Chen Daojun plans to promote OICQ version 4.0 to beautiful countries and other American countries by the end of this year.At that time, ICQ, which is trapped in a cocoon, can only watch helplessly being beaten by OICQ, a rising star, to seize its market share!

Mou Yongpei and Chen Daojun chatted for a long time, especially about the Internet. He asked a lot.Chen Daojun explained to Mou Yongpei based on the characteristics of the prosperous Internet media in previous lives.

"Traditional media is two-dimensional. The important difference between online media and traditional media is that online publicity is multi-dimensional. It is not limited to plane and text, and it can also be composed of video, sound, or more ways. Combined to convey information, so that people's visual and auditory senses can receive information."

"Online media also has extraordinary timeliness, which can disseminate news events more timely and quickly. Compared with traditional paper newspapers and magazines, as long as the electronic version of the manuscript is uploaded to the website, it can be released to the outside world. Can People who surf the Internet can get information at the first time by browsing the website..."

Following Chen Daojun's eloquent talk, Mou Yongpei nodded from time to time, approving Chen Daojun's analysis very much.It's just that he quickly raised the key question of Internet media, "Where do the funds for the operation of the website come from?... Is it also the same as that OICQ, adding links to advertising spaces on news websites?"

"Uncle is right, it can indeed be done like this!" Chen Daojun said with a smile. In the previous life, many Internet media websites, such as Weibo, Tieba, forums and other websites, did not just rely on increasing advertising space and increasing the company's revenue. The cost of operation is even more profitable, and the traffic is actually realized!
After Mou Yongpei got an affirmative answer, he felt even better.Now the sales of traditional magazines and newspapers have shown a clear downward trend. Many people in the company feel that if this continues, the revenue of their Xiancheng Daily will be greatly affected.

Some young cadres feel that the Internet, an emerging industry, has great potential, and propose that the company's development focus be closer to the direction of Internet media.It's just that they can't come up with any plan for a while, and they don't know much about it. Many old people in the company think that this "transformation" is risky and they should not act rashly.

Originally, Mou Yongpei was a little hesitant about the differences within the company, but now that Chen Daojun, a "pioneer" in the Internet field, is so optimistic about Internet media, he can also try to shift the company's focus to Internet media!


Mou Yongpei pulled Chen Daojun, and the two chatted until the middle of the night.Looking at the radiant Mou Yongpei, Chen Daojun was also speechless for a while. If he knew that his father-in-law could chat so well in the future, he would not mention Internet media if he was killed.Chen Daojun looked at Mou Xianmin who was beside him feeling sleepy and yawning from time to time, so he bit the bullet and said to Mou Yongpei, "Uncle, why don't we stop talking here today, we have something to do tomorrow, let's talk another day?"

"Okay, I was too involved in chatting today, and I forgot the time. You should go to bed early!" Mou Yongpei smiled awkwardly, signaling Chen Daojun to go to rest first.


Not long after returning to Mou Xianmin's room, Chen Daojun lay down.I have been busy all day today, and chatted with my father-in-law-to-be for a few hours. Even though I exercise regularly, I am a little tired.Mou Xianmin didn't care about Chen Daojun's "lying flat" state, but said with some concern, "Dad seems to be very concerned about the Internet. Is there any problem in the development of Xiancheng Daily?"

"Sister Xianmin, don't think about it too much. With the current scale of Xiancheng Daily, what problems can you encounter?" Chen Daojun, who was already lying flat, got up again when he heard Mou Xianmin say this, and said, "It is probably Xiancheng The Daily wants to vigorously develop Internet media, but has no direction, so I want to find someone to understand the situation?"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Mou Xianmin breathed a sigh of relief. Although she is doing well now, Xiancheng Daily is the foundation of the Mou family. If Xiancheng Daily collapses, then her reputation as the daughter of the Mou family will probably be lost. It will also turn into nothing.Although he won't be as embarrassed as Chen Dojun's sister-in-law (Kim Soo-joo), he will inevitably be ridiculed and treated coldly.


------Dividing line-----

Time passed quickly, and the more than 500 billion aid funds promised by the IMF were successively allocated to the Blue House of Bangzi Country in the following two months.The remaining chaebols and enterprises in Bangzi Country all applied for aid from the Blue House, even the few surviving state-owned banks in Bangzi Country applied for aid.After all, the company has been struggling for several months, and the company still hasn't improved at all. After so many days of lingering, if it continues like this, it will have to close down.

After all, going bankrupt or accepting assistance to survive, among these two choices, although the latter is uncomfortable, it is still much better than the former!


Only the Daewoo Group, due to the high debt that was revealed before, the Blue House rejected the Daewoo Group's application for assistance.President Kim Dae-jung negotiated with Daewoo Group Chairman Kim Woo-jung several times.

Afterwards, the two sides reached a consensus that the Blue House would not continue to urge Daewoo Group to repay its debts, and allow Daewoo Group to go bankrupt slowly within 3 years, so as to avoid the sudden collapse of Daewoo Group, causing a large number of foreign bank claims to become bad debts, causing stick The country's second financial turmoil.

This also made Jin Yuzhong relieved. Although he did not receive the aid, he still had a few years to deal with various things.In this way, even if Daewoo Group's eventual bankruptcy is inevitable, he can escape unscathed.It's just that his youngest daughter Jin Xiuzhu's divorce made him a little upset.

Shunyang Group's attitude of "hating the poor and loving the rich" made him very annoyed!At the beginning, Chen Yangji came to him licking his cheeks, saying that the two sides cooperated and joined forces to deal with the Daying Group. As a result, when the financial turmoil came, their Daewoo Group was deeply mired.As the in-laws, the Shunyang Group not only did not help, but also made things difficult for his daughter, which is really deceiving.

 The third update has been released, thank you for your support~! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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