The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 251: Hutchison Whampoa relies entirely on the support of its peers

Chapter 251: Hutchison Whampoa relies entirely on the support of its peers

It turned out that after Chen Yongji was reprimanded by Chen Yangji because of Chen Xingjun's desire for divorce, he immediately called Chen Xingjun and told him his father Chen Yangji's request.

Looking at his impatient son, Chen Yongji said with a bit of resentment, "This marriage was facilitated by your grandfather. If you have ideas, at least you should endure it for a while! You have only been married for a few months Divorce is about to happen, if word of this gets out, the Chen family in Shunyang will be disgraced!"

Chen Xingjun had a sullen face and did not speak. In his opinion, he was too naive at the beginning and believed Chen Yangji and Chen Yongji. Even though Jin Xiuzhu was average-looking and older than him, he still married each other for the sake of the Daewoo Group. .

Now that the Daewoo Group is about to close down, the family background that the chaebol daughter is proud of is gone. Chen Xingjun not only has no help to him, but it will even become a burden to him. Why should he maintain this marriage?Chen Yongji and Chen Yangji just stand and talk without pain in their backs. Faced with a woman they hate every day, their days are like years!


Chen Xingjun didn't listen to a word of Chen Yongji's words. After returning home, he had a showdown with Jin Xiuzhu. When Chen Xingjun proposed to divorce Jin Xiuzhu, he hoped that both parties could divorce. At the same time, for the sake of the face of the two families, it would not be made public after a year.Jin Xiuzhu didn't object. After all, she was also very disappointed with Chen Xingjun's husband. It would be a relief for him if she could get a divorce sooner!
When Chen Xingjun took out the divorce agreement, Jin Xiuzhu did not hesitate at all, and calmly signed the divorce agreement, and then said calmly, "Now that the divorce agreement has been signed, from today onwards, we will not They are husband and wife again!" Then he turned around and went to the room, took out the luggage that had been packed before, and left under Chen Xingjun's astonished gaze.

Chen Xingjun looked at the divorce agreement in front of him, feeling a little uncomfortable.Although his goal was achieved and this painful marriage ended, he also offended his grandfather Chen Yangji very much and did not follow his orders.Is it worth it to do so?He didn't know what to think.


When Jin Yuzhong came back at night, he saw that his youngest daughter, Jin Xiuzhu, had returned. His wife looked a little annoyed, why didn't she understand what happened?It must be that his daughter was bullied again at Chen's house in Shunyang, and thinking of his daughter calling him before, saying that he wanted a divorce, Jin Yuzhong also had a headache.

"...Dad, I have already signed a divorce agreement with Chen Xingjun." Jin Xiuzhu was silent for a while, and said calmly to her father Jin Yuzhong, "The Chen family in Shunyang has nothing to do with us now!"

"I'm sorry, my good daughter!" Jin Yuzhong said with some shame when his daughter said this. He never thought that his beloved little daughter would encounter such a thing. If he has a chance in the future, he will definitely make Shunyang Group look good!

------Dividing line--------

The Hong Kong stock market is still very volatile.Foreign speculators, after seeing the situation where the Quantum Fund Group was locked in a fight with the Hong Kong authorities and seemed to have an advantage, decisively mobilized funds to enter the market again, trying to snipe the Hong Kong stock market and make huge profits.And Hong Kong officials are also very troubled by the comeback of international speculators.

They had obviously fought back, but not long after, the other party regrouped and ran out to cause trouble, and they wouldn't stop at all.Hong Kong officials can only bite the bullet and continue to mobilize funds and foreign exchange reserves to fight against the opponent.

After all, once Xiangjiang's stock market collapses completely, then the entire financial defense of Xiangjiang will be completely disintegrated at that time, and the wealth accumulated by Xiangjiang for decades will be ruthlessly plundered by these foreign speculators!

Miracle Group meeting room.

Chen Daojun, Wu Shixian and Rachel are having a video conference with Goldman Sachs headquarters inside.Eric on the opposite side took the lead and said, "BOSS, now Quantum Fund has received a large amount of financial support from unknown sources and is aggressively shorting the stock market in Xiangjiang. According to the current situation, they may not be able to hold on. Should we follow in and join in the fun?”

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "In theory, there is no problem, but what if the old fox Soros retreated halfway with the Quantum Fund?"

"No way?! This old guy still dares to do this?" Eric was a little shocked. If it really happened as Chen Daojun said, if the Quantum Fund suddenly ran away again, then this short-selling plan might not be successful. .After all, many speculators who wait and see will no longer trust Quantum Fund if they escape halfway "over and over again".If the hearts of the people are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team!

"Actually, we don't have to go short. We can also try to go long, buy the bottom, wait for the Hong Kong stock market to pick up, and make a fortune!" Le Yan, who was sitting next to George, said, they are investing, as long as they can make money. , as for the operation process, is it important whether the short or long method is adopted?It does not matter!
Hearing what Leyan said, George and Eric were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the newcomer Leyan would come up with such an idea!However, this method is very feasible, and the risk is much smaller than short selling. They only need to wait for the two parties to decide the winner before entering the market to "clean up the mess". Xiangjiang's foreign exchange reserves are as high as tens of billions. It is obviously impossible to completely defeat it.

Chen Daojun also nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Leyan's method is good. The previous short-selling plan has been terminated. It doesn't matter whether it is short-selling or long-selling in the future. Making money is the most important thing!"

Hearing Chen Daojun say the same thing, Eric and George also reacted, right?As long as it makes money, it doesn’t matter whether it is long or short!

"Chen, according to your request, we have collected all the information on the listed companies in Xiangjiang. More than half of the top-ranked companies are real estate companies. After the financial crisis broke out in Xiangjiang, the stock price plummeted by 5%, and the losses were quite serious. But some One company is in good condition, and they invested in the real estate of Yanxia Emperor Capital, where it is said that they have invested 20 billion US dollars." George reported to Chen Daojun.

"Huh? That company?" Chen Daojun was a little stunned. Are there any survivors of the financial crisis among the listed companies in Xiangjiang?

"It's Hutchison Whampoa Company!" George quickly read out the name of the company, and Chen Daojun quickly realized, isn't this the company of Li Jiacheng, the richest man in Hong Kong later?

This Hong Kong business tycoon became famous two years later. The share price of Orange Company in Lijiacheng soared due to the battle between Vodafone and Mannesmann.It was finally sold by Li Jiacheng for HK$1650 billion. Li Ka-shing's investment was only HK$100 billion, and he made a profit of more than HK$1500 billion!

(End of this chapter)

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