The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 252 Quantum Fund ran away early again

Chapter 252 Quantum Fund once again ran away early
Now under the impact of short selling by foreign capital, the entire stock market is experiencing severe shocks.Even Sun Hung Kai, the big brother among listed companies in Hong Kong in the past, could not withstand the pressure. Its stock price plummeted, almost halving. Other listed companies were in a worse situation than Sun Hung Kai.


On December 1997, 12, the Hong Kong stock market continued to plummet. On December 20, the Hang Seng Index plummeted by 12 points, and continued this momentum on the 21nd, falling by more than 765.33 points. On the 22rd, worries about the future of the Hong Kong dollar caused the Hong Kong interbank offered rate to rise steadily. On the 1200st, the overnight interest rate, which was only about 23%, soared 21 times. (Note: The time has been adjusted according to the needs of the plot.)
In this market atmosphere, the Xiangjiang stock market suffered a setback for the fourth time in a row, falling by 10%.The official representative of Xiangjiang, Donald Tsang, attended the press conference and stated on the spot that the basic economic factors of Xiangjiang were good, and the stock market fell mainly due to the temporary speculation of external factors. Investors do not need to panic. Xiangjiang officials will take strong intervention measures to stabilize the Hong Kong stock market.


Having said that, foreign speculative institutions headed by Quantum Fund still have not stopped their actions on the Hong Kong stock market.Xiangjiang officials were also thoroughly annoyed, and mobilized a large amount of foreign exchange reserves, trying to defeat the speculative institutions that came to make trouble and drive them out completely.

As tens of billions of dollars of foreign exchange are continuously injected into the stock market, the Hong Kong stock market, which was originally suppressed, is showing an upward trend.The investment department of Goldman Sachs Group, which has been paying attention to this "war of the century", under Eric's order, operating funds worth tens of billions of dollars have been pouring into the Xiangjiang stock market, and continue to buy shares in companies with good performance.In particular, Hutchison Whampoa's stock has become their focus.


After a two-day stalemate, Soros, who found that the situation was getting worse, quickly ordered a second retreat and no longer wanted to fight.As for the other speculative institutions that follow suit, he is too lazy to care about the other party's life and death!
With the massive withdrawal of large amounts of funds from the Quantum Fund, the originally stalemate situation quickly turned into a one-sided trend. Other foreign speculative institutions lost ground after losing their "big brother" and tried to cut their flesh and blood to escape... Hang Seng was still in shock. The index completely turned red, rising by more than 500 points in one day!

On this day, the entire stock investors in Xiangjiang were excited. After suffering for so many days, they finally got the good news of the collapse of foreign speculative institutions. They, Xiangjiang, still won!

Goldman Sachs Investment Division.

Eric and several traders were cheering at this moment. They did not expect victory to come so quickly. The financial war lasted for almost a month. In the end, the Quantum Fund group headed by Soros withdrew and declared failure. Xiangjiang officials once again held on Defended the line of defense and won the victory.

And because they adjusted their strategies, they succeeded in bargain hunting and successfully bought a large number of high-quality stocks at low prices.When the Hong Kong stock market rebounds, they will soon be able to make a profit of 20-30% or even higher. It is so easy to make money!
Eric gloated and said, "I didn't expect that BOSS really guessed it. This guy Soros took the lead and ran away again! It's really cunning! Those agencies that didn't have time to escape are probably eager to kill that bastard!"

"Isn't it? If the Quantum Fund hadn't taken the lead, it might not be so easy for Xiangjiang to win!" The subordinates on the side agreed very much. Soros, the old fox, was really too cunning. If the sign was wrong, he just ran away , not caring about other "teammates" at all!
"Fortunately, we are going long this time, otherwise we may be tricked by Soros again!" Eric nodded and said, "By the way, how much Hutchison Whampoa stock did you buy before? This is the BOSS's name to buy of!"

"Boss, we have received about 35 billion Hong Kong dollars in Hutchison Whampoa stocks. As for Cheung Kong, we have acquired 30 billion Hong Kong dollars in stocks, 25 billion Hong Kong dollars in Hang Seng Bank, and 25 billion Hong Kong dollars in HSBC shares..." The subordinates on the side Taking the statistics just now, he reported to Eric.

Due to the hasty operation time, the total number of stocks purchased by the operation team reached 320 billion Hong Kong dollars (approximately 42.6 billion U.S. dollars), which was less than half of the total funds they could mobilize.

Although it is a pity that I didn't buy more stocks, it will be a big reward to seize such an excellent opportunity to make a profit!


Quantum Fund headquarters.

The subordinate looked at Soros with some embarrassment, "Boss, all our funds have been withdrawn, but the other investment institutions that shorted with us have suffered a lot of losses. I am worried that they will..."

"What is there to worry about? This time we acted and did not contact anyone, nor did we reach cooperation with anyone!" Soros said with a firm look on his old face, "Since there is no cooperation, then What responsibility do we need to bear? They were trapped and lost money, which only shows that they are too greedy and cannot see the situation clearly!"

Soros didn't care about the life and death of those "temporary teammates", and he had to thank those guys.If it weren't for their slow response, even if their Quantum Fund wanted to withdraw funds, they would probably lose a lot of money, thanks to their help to "resist the thunder"!

Seeing that his boss said this, his subordinates stopped saying anything. The leader didn't care anyway, so why should he care so much?

Compared with Quantum Fund's retreat, the situation of other investment institutions is not good.

As one of the top 500 companies in the world, Bear Stearns Bank is very busy at the headquarters of the fifth largest investment bank on Wall Street in this beautiful country. It is one of the "victims" who followed Quantum Fund and participated in the short-selling operation!

CEO James Caan is furious at this moment, and his subordinates are standing aside tremblingly, not daring to speak. "Mom Fuck! This bastard Soros suddenly ran away again? I really want to hire someone to kill this guy!"

It turned out that just now, a subordinate came over with a piece of information and reported to him that due to the sudden withdrawal of the Quantum Fund, the situation in the Xiangjiang stock market changed suddenly. The stock market that was still in a stalemate was quickly taken over by Xiangjiang officials, and Xiangjiang went public. The company's stocks rose across the board. They had followed Quantum Fund in short selling, but they were severely fooled!
According to the Hang Seng Index at the close today, the original investment of 15 billion US dollars in short futures not only gave up all the previous profits, but also lost more than 2 million principal!Fortunately, they reacted in time and forcibly cut off the meat to clear out the cash. Otherwise, they would have lost all their money tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!


In addition to Bear Stearns Bank, Merrill Lynch Investment Bank, Morgan Consortium and many other investment institutions also suffered heavy losses, with losses amounting to more than one billion US dollars overnight.They were very dissatisfied with the behavior of Soros and Quantum Fund's "pitting teammates", and they wished they could find someone to beat Soros every minute!

(End of this chapter)

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