The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 260 Wu Shixian’s Little Girlfriend

Chapter 260 Wu Shixian’s Little Girlfriend

Chen Daojun chatted with Park Chung-hee, the daughter of Doosan Group, for a while. It turned out that Wu Shixian had known Park Chung-hee at a party the year before last, but the two sides did not have much interaction.

However, from a chance encounter in a bar last year, Oh Se-hyun met Park Chung-hee, who was in some trouble. After a wave of heroic rescues, this young girl with little experience in the world developed a good impression of Oh Se-hyun, a middle-aged gentleman.

In subsequent contacts, Wu Shixian relied on his humorous conversation, profound knowledge, and various heart-warming tricks to quickly coax Park Chung-hee into elation and completely fall in love with Wu Shixian, a charming gentleman.

It's just that the age difference between the two is seven or eight years, and Wu Shixian and Park Zhengxi have been dating quietly all the time, and no one else knows.

Recently, Park Chung-hee's parents seem to be planning to help her arrange a blind date and marriage, which makes Park Chung-hee a little worried. She plans to show off to her parents in a while and confess that she and Wu Shixian are dating.But I didn't expect something like this to happen to Wu Shixian today.She was so anxious that she didn't care about anything else and hurried to the hospital, eager to know about Wu Shixian's condition.


After a while, the door of the emergency room opened suddenly, and a doctor came out. Chen Daojun hurriedly stepped forward to surround him, "How are the people inside? Are there any problems?"

The doctor glanced at them, and then said with emotion, "The bullet didn't hurt the internal organs, and it has been taken out now. It's just that the injured person lost a lot of blood. We have arranged for a blood transfusion for him, and his life is no longer in danger!"

Hearing what the doctor said, everyone felt relieved, and the big stone hanging in their hearts fell to the ground. Chen Daojun said to Rachel and Park Zhengxi, "Since nothing happens, let the others go back first. It's okay for so many people to spend time here." use."

Rachel nodded, and greeted several group employees and security guards on the side, telling them to go back first. Rachel also signaled to Park Chung-hee who was at the side, telling her to go back and rest first.But Park Zhengxi refused, and said with firm eyes, "He is injured, I want to stay and take care of him!"

Looking at the persistent Pu Zhengxi, Chen Daojun was also a little envious. He didn't expect that the old man Wu Shixian who was ridiculed by him last year would find a woman who cared so much about him. He is really lucky!

------Dividing line------

Jiangnan District Baihu Social Institute.

After receiving the news, Ma Jiachang immediately convened an emergency meeting with the middle and senior managers within the society.

"Everyone, a very bad thing happened today! Wu Shixian, the vice president of the Miracle Group, an ally who helped our White Tiger Society to establish a company and acquire Yuetian Department Store, was attacked and assassinated with a sniper rifle. He is still being rescued in the hospital now. , this incident happened on our territory!"

As soon as Ma Jiachang finished speaking, all the boys in front of him were instantly filled with indignation. After the previous fierce battle, their White Tiger Club had become the largest club in Seoul after killing other clubs.The other party not only did this kind of thing within their jurisdiction, but also used a sniper rifle. This was not only a slap in the face of their White Tiger Society, but also a provocation!
"Boss, give your order. Let's go and find out the bastard who broke the rules. If we don't beat him to death, where will we put the face of our Baihu Society?!" Huang Mao said excitedly.

As Huang Mao took the lead, the others were also filled with righteous indignation, clamoring to make the other party look good!Many of them knew that Miracle Group had lent them funds so that Baihu Society could buy Yuetian Department Store with money.

After their boss Ma Jiachang was attacked, Miracle Group also helped them back up.Now that the allies are in trouble, how can they stand idly by? !


Following Ma Jiachang's order, thousands of members of the White Tiger Society took action quickly, and the entire Seoul became "boiling" for a while.

The director of the Seoul Public Security Bureau, who was off work, suddenly received a call from his subordinates and learned that the Baihu Society, the largest society in Seoul, was taking action again. Thousands of members seemed to be searching for someone.This made him panic for no reason, and then he asked his subordinates what happened today?
The subordinate browsed through the information and then reported, "At around 4 o'clock this afternoon, the Miracle Group called the police, saying that their vice president Wu Shixian was shot and is currently being treated in the hospital!"

"What? The vice-chairman of the Miracle Group was shot?!" The Chief of the Public Security Bureau couldn't hold back for an instant, good guy, no wonder there was such a big commotion!

"Director, what should we do now? If something happens to these guys from the White Tiger Club, we will be in trouble!" The subordinate said with some concern. Although the White Tiger Club has begun to transform, there are still a large number of people. Adding all the personnel together, there is no 1/4 of the number of members of the White Tiger Club!

"What can we do? Cold salad!" The director said a little carelessly. There are so many people in the Baihu Society. Apart from praying that the other party will not do anything excessive, what else can they do?

The news that Wu Shixian had been shot quickly spread to the ears of the major chaebols and powerful people.On the one hand, they lamented Wu Shixian's misfortune, and on the other hand, they were shocked by the other party's cruelty. Someone actually dared to shoot the vice president of the group with a sniper rifle.

You must know that Bangzi Kingdom does not allow individuals to own guns, let alone sniper rifles!After all, no one wants their own safety to be threatened.If individuals are allowed to hold guns, they will be suddenly shot by the enemy with guns if they don't keep them together!


President Kim Dae-jung, who had already rested, got a report from his subordinates and was furious when he learned that Wu Shixian was shot. You must know that the current Miracle Group is the No.
When this kind of thing happens, it will not only slap the official face of the Bangzi Kingdom and cause panic among the dignitaries in the country, but it may also cause pressure from the Pretty Kingdom!

You must know that former President Roh Tae-woo put pressure on Miracle Group on behalf of Hanjin Group when Miracle Group acquired Hanjin Land Transportation. As a result, he received an official note from Meiliguo, accusing Bangziguo of bullying Meiliguang’s Korean companies!
He didn't want to experience such a thing, so he immediately called his subordinates and asked them to issue a statement as soon as possible. At the same time, he asked the Public Security Bureau to arrest the murderer as soon as possible. This would not only give Miracle Group an explanation, but also reassure those powerful people!
Early the next morning, the Blue House issued a notice. The spokesperson said that they were very angry at the shooting incident that happened last night. They would urge the Public Security Bureau to arrest the murderer as soon as possible.
 Today, the unit organizes to donate blood, so there will be two changes for the time being. (д;)
(End of this chapter)

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