The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 261 Plan to recruit retired soldiers for special forces

Chapter 261 Plan to recruit retired soldiers for special forces
Watching the news broadcast on TV, Chen Yangji's face flashed a look of disdain. In his opinion, it would be a ghost if he could catch the murderer with this group of gangsters from the Public Security Bureau!

Mr. Li at the side took the opportunity to say, "President, according to the information we have received, the vice president of Miracle Group, Wu Shixian, is out of danger and is currently recuperating in Asan Hospital."

"Dad, should we send someone over to visit?" Chen Yongji on the side asked. In his opinion, the cooperative relationship between Miracle Group and them is very important. Now that Wu Shixian has had an accident, they should go visit. It is better to provide help in times of need than to add icing on the cake. , it is easier to win the favor of the other party.

Chen Yangji looked at Chen Yongji, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Go to Eshan Hospital to visit yourself!"

"Yes!" Chen Yongji said happily.Chen Yangji asked him to visit Wu Shixian, clearly asking him to get closer to Wu Shixian. If he could win over Wu Shixian, the head of the Miracle Group, his chances of inheriting the Shunyang Group would definitely increase greatly!


In the middle of the night, Chen Daojun returned to his residence a little tired. Looking at Mou Xianmin who had not yet rested, Chen Daojun stepped forward and hugged him, and then asked gently, "Didn't I call you before to tell you that you don't have to wait for me and go to bed early?"

"Aren't I a little worried? You said President Wu was shot. How is he doing now? Is there no problem?" Mou Xianmin hugged Chen Daojun with his backhand and asked curiously.

She is also very clear about the relationship between Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian. As Chen Daojun's spokesperson, she is also very important to Chen Daojun.She was also a little lucky that Chen Daojun had been standing behind the scenes, otherwise he would probably have been shot today!
"Wu Shixian is out of danger now. His girlfriend is accompanying him now!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Speaking of which, Wu Shixian actually hooked up with the daughter of Doosan Group. It's really amazing!"

"Huh? The daughter of the Doosan Group? The third generation of the Pu family seems to be only in his 20s, right?" Mou Xianmin was shocked by the news. She remembered that Wu Shixian should be 34-35 years old. How old was the daughter of the Doosan Group? Years old?

"So, our President Wu is still very attractive!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

"Pfft——! Indeed, I never thought President Wu would be favored by young girls!" Mou Xianmin couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere gradually became more interesting. The two were very moved by Wu Shixian and Park Zhengxi's gossip. Interested, chatted for a while.


Sitting on the sofa, Chen Daojun hugged Mou Xianmin and said with emotion, "But what happened today reminded me that our security measures are still not enough! Although it is illegal for individuals to possess guns in China, I can’t stand those lawless guys using guns to cause trouble!”

"So, you want to...?" Mou Xianmin looked at Chen Daojun with some surprise, he probably wanted to make a big move, right?
"I want the security company to recruit some good retired soldiers, preferably special forces. Letting them serve as bodyguards is definitely more reliable than ordinary bodyguards, and it can also prevent things like today from happening." Chen Daojun is very pleased He quickly remembered that the ace bodyguards of the top tycoons and professional security companies in his previous life were all from the army, which gave him some ideas.

"Can this work? Maybe the government will make arrangements for these people?" Mou Xianmin was a little puzzled. In his opinion, once those outstanding talents such as special forces retire, the Bangzi Kingdom official should arrange a way out for them. Chen Daojun can intercept them. Is Hu successful?
"Let's give it a try! If it doesn't work in Bangzi Country, you can go to Xiangjiang or Sun Country and look for it!" Chen Daojun said with a smile. These days, as long as the money is in place, there are really not many things that can't be done!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Mou Xianmin nodded in agreement, learning from the mistakes he made and gaining wisdom.If President Wu had personal bodyguards, even if the other party used a gun, he would not be able to succeed so easily.


In the morning of the next day, in a certain ward of Asan Hospital, many big figures arrived one after another. They came from different institutions, but they all had the same purpose.

It's just that too many people were stopped outside by the patrolling medical staff, and only a few people entered the ward and saw Wu Shixian inside.


"President Wu, I didn't expect such a thing to happen after two days of absence. It's so true that people were caught off guard!" The first person to enter the room was Zhu Mengxian from the Daying Group who came to the hospital early in the morning. For Wu Shixian, an "ally" , Zhu Mengxian attaches great importance to it.

In his opinion, once Wu Shixian dies, it is still unknown whether the vice president of Miracle Group will continue to support him.If the other party turns against him and refuses to recognize him, it will be difficult for him to compete for the management rights of Daying Group!
"Luckily, it's nothing serious. It makes President Mengxian worried." Wu Shixian coughed twice and said a little weakly.Seeing this, the nurse on the side quickly handed over the prepared water glass, signaling for him to drink some water and take a break.

Wu Shixian had long expected that the organization that had business dealings with Miracle Group would come to visit him after receiving the news, so the first thing he did after waking up was to persuade Park Zhengxi, who was by his side, to go home and rest, lest this girl Seen by the representatives of the chaebols and enterprises, she made up her mind!
After confirming that Wu Shixian was fine, Zhu Meng chatted politely with him for a few words before getting up and leaving.Besides visiting Wu Shixian, he has other important matters to attend to, so it is impossible to stay here for a long time.

------Dividing line------

Yuetian Department Store, President's Office.

"Did you find any clues during the investigation? Who is the other party?" Ma Jiachang, who was sitting on the sofa, received a call from his subordinate and asked in surprise.

"Boss, we have targeted a suspicious crook! During the period when Chairman Wu was shot, that guy was haunting a building near the Miracle Building with a suitcase, and according to the monitoring of the building, It’s very tightly covered, it’s obviously trying to cover up!” The subordinates reported their progress on the phone.

"It's good to have a clue. If you want to see a person alive, you must see a corpse!" Ma Jiachang's tone was very tough. Chen Daojun had told him before that he must find the murderer and the mastermind behind the scenes. Such a hidden guy must Find him out and kill him completely, so that he won't be harmed again!

"Okay, boss!"


After Ma Jiachang hung up the phone, Ma Jiadong who was sitting by the side couldn't help complaining, "Brother, in my opinion, the Xin family and his son of the Yuetian Group must have done it! Back then they had the guts to hire murderers, and now they hire murderers again It’s also normal!”

Ma Jiachang took out a cigarette, and Ma Jiadong subconsciously took out a lighter and lit it for his brother, then took a puff and said leisurely, "That's true, but 'catch thieves and stolen goods, and catch cheaters and couples', if you take Without evidence, how can the other party admit it?"

(End of this chapter)

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