The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 264 Good News from Nexon Company

Chapter 264 Good News from Nexon Company
After being rushed to express condolences by Cui Changji and Chen Huarong, Chen Yongji discovered that Chen Huarong and his wife were very familiar with Wu Shixian, and it was not like a normal business relationship.

This made Chen Yongji's face a little ugly. He came here this time with the intention of helping Wu Shixian in a timely manner and getting closer to Wu Shixian, but judging from this posture, the other party seems to be getting closer to Chen Huarong and Cui Changji!
Although he was in a bad mood, in order to achieve his goal, Chen Yongji was still patient and listened to the chat of the three, smiling from time to time.

Seeing Chen Yongji with a stiff smile, lying on the hospital bed, Wu Shixian seemed to have not noticed it, and his expression was normal.After chatting with Chen Huarong and his wife, Wu Shixian also chatted with Chen Yongji.

Chen Yongji said that he came to visit Wu Shixian on behalf of Shunyang Group and wished him a speedy recovery.Wu Shixian also said thank you politely!


More than 20 minutes later, the four people left the ward. Chen Yongji looked at Cui Changji and Chen Huarong who looked proud, and said in a calm tone, "The group still has a lot of things to deal with, I will go back first.", without waiting for the two of them. After reacting, he took Section Chief Jin and left without looking back.

"It seems that we came at the right time! Otherwise, we would have been preempted by Chen Yongji!" Chen Huarong looked at the two of Chen Yongji who were leaving, with a smug smile on his face. She naturally knew what Chen Yongji was up to!
"Whatever, anyway, no matter how courteous Chen Yongji is, it's useless! Our friendship and cooperation with President Wu have lasted for many years." Cui Changji said with a smile, "There are still many things waiting in the office. I'll deal with it, and I'll go back first!"

"Okay, you go first! Prepare a big meal tonight and wait for you to come back!" Chen Huarong was in a good mood, and said to Cui Changji with a smile.

------Dividing line--------

Nexon Gaming Entertainment Inc.

"President, the three games we have reproduced, "The Legend of Zelda", "Pokémon: Red/Green" and "Mario Kart", have completed two rounds of internal testing, and no bugs appeared during the testing process. It’s ready for public testing!” The person in charge of the R&D department reported to Jin Zhengzhou the latest progress of the R&D team.

"This is really good news~!" Jin Zhengzhou said happily. After several months of research and development, it can be considered as a public beta launch.Nintendo over in the Kingdom of the Sun has been urging them several times in the past few months, and is very anxious to get these reissued games!

"President, the current development progress of OICQ has reached version 4.0. The interface, icons, and chat boxes of OICQ have been optimized to varying degrees. Compared with the ICQ in the beautiful country, our performance in all aspects is far better. Surpass them. And next week, we will be able to update and optimize the new version!" The leader of the OICQ R&D team said happily.

"Great job! In this way, we can officially push OICQ to the European market!" Jin Zhengzhou couldn't help but get excited when he thought of the plans and arrangements that Chen Daojun had mentioned to him before.

Although the largest multinational company in Bangzi Country...Daewoo Group is already in decline, if it can become a top-level multinational company like Daewoo Group, expand its business to the European and American markets, and earn a lot of dollars and pounds, it will be comparable to that in Asia. "Small place" is too bullish to dominate!

Chen Daojun, who was originally in the law firm, received a call from Kim Jong-ju. When he learned that the game developed in cooperation with Nintendo could be launched, he was very happy.Others may not understand, but he who has the memory of later generations clearly knows that the IP of Pokémon is in the future, and it is the second best-selling series of video games in the world, second only to Nintendo's Super Mario series!

It has hundreds of millions of fans around the world. Especially under the influence of Pokémon animation and movies, young people and even gray-haired elderly people have become fans of Pokémon.There are even white-haired elderly fans in the Kingdom of the Sun. In order to catch their favorite Pokémon in the AR mobile game, they ride their bicycles and bring thirty mobile phones with them!

"President Jin, please communicate with Nintendo and let these computer games be put on the market as soon as possible! Nintendo must be waiting impatiently?!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.Thinking of being able to use Sun Kingdom's games to harvest Sun Kingdom's fans, there is still an inexplicable sense of joy!I have to thank Nintendo for giving them this opportunity!
"No problem!" Jin Zhengzhou was also very happy. After all, as the market for handheld games, Nexon is the only company to enter the Sun Kingdom with computer games!


After hanging up the phone, Chen Daojun soon had a new idea.The Pokémon series of games expanded the influence of Pokémon through anime and big movies, thus driving the Pokémon series of games.Then, can he do the same for the copyrights of heroes from Marvel?

At present, Chen Daojun has complete copyright and series of stories mainly including "Iron Man", "Thor", "Hulk", "X-Men", "Doctor Strange", "Super Daredevil", etc. According to the progress of the previous life, in Marvel After selling many copyrights, the film change copyright of "Spider-Man" was acquired by Columbia Pictures, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment.


This trilogy of Spider-Man movies has brought Sony billions of dollars in box office share and peripheral revenue. It can be said to be a huge profit!
"Since Sony can do it, can't I also start adapting it and turn the copyrights in my hands into animations or movies and cash in?" Chen Daojun soon had a bold idea in his mind, but he didn't know much about making movies. I’m not good at it, so I have to find professionals to do professional things!


Chen Daojun quickly came up with a countermeasure, and immediately dialed the phone, "Hello, dear sister Xianmin, I have something to ask right now."

"What's going on?" Mou Xianmin asked subconsciously.

"I heard you say before that my uncle opened an animation production company?" Chen Daojun asked curiously.

"Yes, why do you suddenly care about this?"

"I want to ask my uncle for help with something!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "I bought the copyrights of many comic heroes in the beautiful country before, and I plan to find someone to adapt them into animations."

Hearing Chen Daojun's weird idea, Mou Xianmin didn't say much, and then said, "Then I'll send you my uncle's contact information later, you can contact him!"

(End of this chapter)

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