The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 265 You do the first day, I do 1

Chapter 265 You will be the first grader, I will be the fifteenth

Yuetian Department Store, in the president's office.

"Boss, we found out that the guy who contacted the mercenary on the phone is an employee of Yuetian Group! But when our people went to his residence to find someone, we found that guy had been missing for several days!" Huang Mao turned towards the horse. Jia Chang is making a report.

According to Huang Mao's guess, [-]% of this matter was caused by Xin Gehao and Xin Dongbin of the Yuetian Group. The employee who contacted the mercenary ran away, and he must have received the news in advance!

Now that the employee has not been caught, even if the shooting incident was instigated by the Xin family and his son, they have nothing to do with each other for a while.After all, in Bangzi Country, the status of chaebols is much higher than that of low-level figures in mixed societies like them!

"Brother, let me just say, it must have been done by those two bastards of the Xin family. Back then they dared to hire murderers to attack you and President Wu. Now it makes sense to hire foreign mercenaries to shoot President Wu. Among them!" Ma Jiadong said excitedly.

Back then, he wanted to kill that bastard Xin Dongbin directly.But Ma Jiachang and Chen Daojun didn't want to make a fuss and cause trouble for the White Tiger Society.Now it seems that he should have killed the opponent directly at the beginning, so there won't be so many follow-up things!

"...I'll ask the boss first, and then make a decision." Ma Jiachang did not respond to Ma Jiadong's remarks, but planned to ask Chen Daojun for instructions.


After listening to the news reported by Ma Jiachang, Chen Daojun pondered for a moment, and then said, "Since it is confirmed that the Xin family and his son did a 'good thing', of course we must give back! Aren't they looking for mercenaries? We are also looking for overseas Mercenaries, don't be stingy with money, hire more, I want the Xin family and his son to go to hell together!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Ma Jiachang quickly understood that his boss had no patience with the Xin family father and son, and wanted to kill the other party together, so as to avoid future troubles forever!

"Brother, what did the boss say?" Ma Jiadong, Huang Mao and others looked at Ma Jiachang curiously and asked about Chen Daojun's decision.

"Huang Mao, you go to contact the mercenaries who are going overseas, this time we will be ruthless too! The Xin family and his son must pay the price!" Ma Jiachang said with a serious expression.

The two froze for a moment, and Huang Mao said happily, "Okay, boss! I'll let someone get in touch!"


After Huang Mao left the office, Ma Jiadong asked, "Brother, is it possible that the boss has made up his mind to get rid of the Xin family and his son?" At the beginning, they were worried that the other party was a big chaebol in the Bangzi Kingdom, so they did not carry out too much action against the Xin family and his son. violent revenge.

Even if the senior officials of Xin Dongbin and Yuetian Group were surrounded to avenge the attacks on Ma Jiachang and Wu Shixian, they only seriously injured them and did not kill them.At the same time, their criminal evidence was handed over to the Public Security Bureau and the procuratorate, so that they could be punished by law.

But the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate in Bangziguo are really useless. The evidence is convincing. After several months, the Xin family and his son are still at large outside without any punishment. Even if they sue the Xin family and their son, they have not see the result.

"Today is different from the past. The Yuetian Group is not as powerful as it was before. Now that they are attacking the Xin family and his son, who will stand up for them?" Ma Jiachang said with a sneer, "Are you counting on those trash from the Public Security Bureau? In the past few days Well, we even caught the mercenaries who shot President Wu, so what else can that group of trash do except shout slogans?"

Hearing what Ma Jiachang said, Ma Jiadong nodded in agreement. The Public Security Bureau has found nothing about the Xin family's father and son looking for mercenaries to kill people. So as long as they are more cautious when looking for mercenaries, those losers will definitely also investigate. Nothing comes out.

------Dividing line-------

In a small animation production company, the president Zhao Chengyuan is listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"The response to several animated films such as "Detective Conan" and "Brothers of Four Drivers" released in the Kingdom of the Sun last year, as well as "Pokémon" and "The Little Master of China" released this year, has been quite good. We can learn from these few The Ministry will select a few movies and introduce them to our Bangzi country. After dubbing them, they will be broadcast on TV stations and we should be able to get good results!" A middle-aged man reported to Zhao Chengyuan while holding information.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Zhao Chengyuan nodded in agreement. As the most successful animation production country in Asia, Sun Country is an expert in this area.The animation industry in Bangzi Country not only started late, but also failed to train excellent animation producers in recent years.

Zhao Chengyuan, an animation production company, has tried to produce cartoons by itself before, but the results were very dismal. When it was put on TV stations, the ratings were mediocre and it did not create a sensation.

This made Zhao Chengyuan very frustrated and felt that there was no future in the animation industry in Bangzi Country.Until my subordinates suggested that I change my focus and become an animation importer, importing excellent cartoons from overseas and then editing and dubbing them.This turned the company's embarrassing situation around.


Zhao Chengyuan was having more in-depth discussions and work arrangements with his subordinates when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.Zhao Chengyuan subconsciously took out his mobile phone and connected it, only to hear a strange male voice coming from the other side, "Hey, is this President Zhao Chengyuan?"

"I'm Zhao Chengyuan, and you are...?"

"I'm Mou Xianmin's fiancé, Chen Daojun. I learned that you are the president of an animation production company, and I specially got your contact information from her." Chen Daojun said politely, "I bought a lot of comic heroes from Pretty Country. Copyright, I want to cooperate with you to make some comic heroes into cartoons!"

Zhao Chengyuan was a little dumbfounded by Chen Daojun's proposal. Although he learned from his sister that his niece Mou Xianmin had been dating the third-generation son of Shunyang Group for many years and got engaged not long ago.But I never thought that this rich man would find him to make animations!

"Hey, is President Zhao here? If that doesn't work, shall I look for another company?" There was no movement on the phone for a long time, and Chen Daojun thought that the other party's signal was not good or he was not interested in this matter.

"Ahem, I'm here. The adaptation of animation can be discussed, but for specific matters, it is recommended to meet and discuss." Zhao Chengyuan thought for a while and finally agreed.Although their animation production company's ability to produce animation is not very good, but they are familiar with overseas animation production companies, especially the animation production company of Sun Country, they are old acquaintances!

 It's a bit of a text, and the follow-up plot needs to be sorted out. Today, there are two updates for the time being~
(End of this chapter)

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