The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 266 SBS TV station is busy and happy

Chapter 266 SBS TV station is busy and happy
As more and more companies receive aid funds from the Blue House, factories in Bangzi Country gradually resume production, and a large number of workers return to factory work.In order to stimulate domestic economic consumption, several TV stations in Bangzi Country have also received notices from the Blue House, requiring TV shopping programs to be included in TV station programs to promote domestic economic consumption.

This made several TV stations a little dumbfounded. You must know that they had no experience in this area before!This suddenly forces them to create TV shopping programs. What if it affects the ratings of other programs?Many TV stations are worried.

The representative of the Blue House seemed to have noticed the concerns of several TV stations, and said with a smile, "You can learn from SBS TV station! The TV shopping programs they produce are very effective, and they are also sponsored by many manufacturers! "

When Li Huanwen heard what the Blue House representative said, he just smiled politely and did not make any reply.In his opinion, the Blue House's orders cannot be refused, and they just need to comply with them and cooperate with them.

SBS TV station, as the first TV station in China to create TV shopping programs, is naturally familiar with this aspect.And recently, with the support of Miracle Group, popular products from Yuetian Food, Amore Cosmetics, Shunyang Department Store, T-shirt Merchant Department Store, Yuetian Department Store and overseas products imported by Hanjin Shipping have been continuously featured on SBS TV's TV shopping program.

The advertising fees and slot fees provided by these companies have allowed SBS TV station to make a lot of money, not to mention other additional revenue.As soon as the TV shopping program started every day, order calls came in continuously, and the orders kept rising as if there was no upper limit.

Even the original Hanjin Land Transportation Company could not bear such a large volume of express delivery for a while.Representatives of Hanjin Land Transportation Company even expressed that they need other transportation companies to help divert the traffic. Otherwise, they would not be able to complete all the transportation on the same day with such an exaggerated express volume!
Li Huanwen, the director of SBS TV station, quickly contacted Ma Jiachang after consulting Miracle Group.After a brief communication, the two parties quickly reached a cooperation. SBS TV station will transfer the overflow express delivery to Baihu Logistics Company, and they will help share the growing total express delivery orders!

Of course, Ma Jiachang readily agreed to such a good thing, without hesitation at all!Since the annexation of Yuetian Department Store, although Baihu Logistics Company has received a lot of delivery orders from the department store.But it is not enough to feed hundreds of employees, or even make a profit!

Zhongyu Group, in the president’s office.

Cui Zhengzai listened to the report from his subordinates. 31% of their shares in Zhongyu Express had fallen into the hands of the T-shirt merchant department store, which made the almost 60-year-old chairman of the group furious!
Originally, Zhongyu Group was supposed to annex the T-shirt merchants and department stores, and become a major moneymaker like Miracle Group, which had department stores and transportation companies, making money from both ends!As a result, not only did they fail to acquire the company, but the company counter-attacked and successfully bought a stake in Zhongyu Express, making it clear that they wanted to annex Zhongyu Express in reverse!
"That stinky girl, did you think that she would dare to provoke our Zhongyu Group after getting close to the Miracle Group?" Cui Zhengzai said angrily. In his opinion, Song Cailin was just a junior in his early 20s. The Zhongyutong athletes rely on the support of the Miracle Group behind them, giving them financial support!

Although he said this, Cui Zhengzai felt very unhappy. He regretted it a little. He should have urged his son Cui Chengyou to marry Song Cailin as early as possible. Then after their Zhongyu Group and the Clothing Merchant Department Store merged in disguise, they and the Miracle Group There is also a cooperation in disguise, which is much better than competing with the shirt merchant department store and Miracle Group now!

It's just that now that things have developed like this, even if they want to stop, Shirt Merchant and Department Store won't agree, right? !

"Chengyou, have you sold the shares of T-shirt merchant department store? We must sell it as soon as possible and withdraw cash, so that we can have enough funds to acquire the shares of Zhongyu Express!" Cui Zhengzai looked at his son in front of him with a somewhat uncomfortable look. Resistant.

Although they also applied for aid funds from the Blue House.However, it would be a waste if the funds obtained from selling shares to foreign institutions were used to acquire shares in subsidiaries to withdraw funds.

He asked Cui Chengyou to sell off his shares in the T-shirt merchant department store a few days ago, but it seems that this guy hasn't withdrawn the funds yet.If this drags on, their Zhongyu Express will be taken away by the T-shirt merchants and department stores!

Cui Chengyou saw his father who was losing his temper and said coldly, "Now that Shangshang Department Store has received help from Miracle Group, who dares to accept the stock of Shangshang Department Store? Go against Miracle Group?!"

Speaking of which, if Cui Zhengzai, a father who cheated his son, hadn't forced Song Zhaihuan to death, he would have embraced the beauty by now!The Clothes Merchant Department Store will also be Song Cailin's dowry, and it will also go to their Zhongyu Group.As a result, Cui Zhengzai's operation destroyed the good cards and turned him into the kind of character he is now!
Hearing his son's mocking answer made him very angry and wanted to refute, but he couldn't find any other reason or excuse, so he had to grit his teeth and pretend that he didn't hear it.


T-shirt department store.

Ever since they made up their minds to take over the Zhongyu Express Company, Song Cailin and Su Canping have worked hard, hoping to successfully acquire the company from the chaebol through their own efforts.For them, it is a rare opportunity to face the chaebol head-on and defeat each other!

"Assistant Su, Lawyer Wu, now Zhongyu Group is one of the companies that has received Cheong Wa Dae aid in the subsequent batches. Now their funding problems have been alleviated. Our plan to acquire Zhongyu Express may fail!" Song Cailin was a little unwilling. said.

The Cheong Wa Dae divided the aid into three parts according to the strength of the national enterprises, and the first batch was given priority to the state-owned banking institutions to ensure that the banks can continue to maintain.The second batch is for the top 10 chaebols in Bangzi Country, and the third batch is for chaebols and large enterprises outside the top 10 in Bangzi Country.

Moreover, the first two took up almost 80% of the aid funds. As for the third batch of chaebols and enterprises, the amount of aid funds received was not high, and the funds received by a single company were less than 4 million US dollars.


"President Song, don't worry, even if Zhongyu Group receives the aid, the money will not be allowed to be used for corporate mergers and acquisitions." Wu Luomin said with a smile, "This money is not so easy to get! According to the IMF and Cheong Wa Dae According to the aid agreement reached there, all aid funds can only be used to develop and operate the company itself and cannot be used for other purposes."

(End of this chapter)

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