The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 269 An accident happened to the Xin family and his son, Daying Group’s reaction

Chapter 269 An accident happened to the Xin family and his son, Daying Group’s reaction
Time passed quickly, in the blink of an eye, a week passed.

The Seoul Public Security Bureau took a lot of effort, and finally managed to pry some information from the mouths of the two foreigners. The other party was a mercenary organization from abroad, who accepted the mission and came to Bangzi Kingdom to kill a person (Wu Shixian).As for the information of the task entrusting person who contacted them, they only found some information about the other party, such as the address or something (later proved to be false).

The staff of the Seoul Public Security Bureau also went to the communication company to inquire about the information immediately.In the end, I learned that the user of the mobile phone number is a staff member of the Yuetian Group, and has left the job not long ago to go abroad.

"Isn't this the same thing that happened in the east and fled in fear of crime?" A captain of the Public Security Bureau said angrily. Based on the current clues, the mastermind behind the scenes is likely to be the Xin family father and son of the Yuetian Group.

It's just that the guys who contacted these two foreign mercenaries have gone overseas, and they really have nothing to do for a while.With insufficient evidence, they really couldn't take any measures against the Xin family and his son.

"Director, what should we do now? Are we going to send someone abroad to arrest that guy?" The captain of the security team who was in charge of the investigation saw the current situation and had no choice at all.

"...The Blue House is watching closely, it is impossible to give us any more time,...just use these two guys to deal with it!" He didn't have a better way to deal with such a difficult matter, so he pondered for a while, and finally Having made a difficult decision, it is more important to deal with the Blue House first, and it is more important to keep my position.

"But... the Miracle Group is not so easy to convince. If they pursue it to the end... we..." Thinking that the victim was the Miracle Group, the captain said with some worry. After offending the Miracle Group, they were in Bangzi Country The situation will not be much better.

"Whether they believe it or not, I believe it anyway!" The director said cheekily.

"...", the captain was a little helpless, the director had already said so, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it!


But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Not long after they reported the investigation to the Blue House, a shocking news suddenly came.

Yuetian Group’s Chairman Xing Hao and Vice Chairman Xin Dongbin had an accident where they lived and were shot to death!Several bodyguards near the residence were also seriously injured and are now being treated in the hospital.

The staff of the Public Security Bureau who received the news were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect such a thing to happen to the Xin family father and son who were arrogant and arrogant in the past and didn't take their Public Security Bureau seriously.While they were gloating, they were also secretly wondering who did the "good thing"?

The sudden death of the two principals of the Yuetian Group caused quite a stir in the Bangzi Kingdom.Many people are speculating whether this is another hired murder. After all, Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group, was also shot not long ago, but he was lucky enough to save his life.

Cheong Wa Dae has been protested by many dignitaries. They demand that Cheong Wa Dae introduce the latest security law to effectively improve the personal safety of the people.Especially for the control of guns, we must strictly investigate!People are absolutely not allowed to own guns, so as to avoid potential safety hazards.

They are a little flustered now, the law and order in Bangzi Country is so bad, if the guns are not strictly controlled, they might be attacked with guns one day!This kind of thing must not happen!

Daying Group.

Chairman Zhu Yirong heard his subordinates report that the Xin family and his son had been killed, and couldn't help laughing, "These two unruly guys really have no brains! Back then, they played tricks on others unscrupulously. Now it's all over." , was killed by others, it is really embarrassing!"

"Father is right. The Xin family's father and son are arrogant towards clowns. They must have offended many people in their usual actions. Now it is reasonable to be retaliated!" said Zhu Mengbi, the eldest son on the side. Li's behavior is also very disgusting. They are obviously big companies in the Bangzi Country, and they are always using black hands to deal with competitors. Their character is too despicable.

Zhu Menggen, the third child next to him, thought of the previous grievances between Yuetian Group, Miracle Group and Baihu Club, and couldn't help but said, "The ones who attacked the Xin family and his son must be Miracle Group and Baihu Club, right?"

Zhu Menggen's words made the atmosphere in the office cool down instantly, and even Zhu Yirong's face became very ugly.This youngest brother is smart, but in terms of sophistication, compared with the other brothers, he is simply trash!It's okay to think about this kind of thing in your heart, but wouldn't you offend the Miracle Group and the White Tiger Society for nothing if you say it?
"Third brother, you must pay attention to evidence! If this gets out, the Miracle Group will have a misunderstanding with our camp!" The fifth Zhu Mengxian said, although with a smile, the sarcasm in his eyes did not say anything And metaphor.

Wu Shixian of Miracle Group was shot before. According to the internal information they obtained from the Public Security Bureau, it was probably the Xin family and his son who did the shooting. However, without conclusive evidence and certification, the Public Security Bureau could not convict the Xin family and his son.

Now that some people have adopted the same method and killed the Xin family father and son, what can the Public Security Bureau do?Not only did the perpetrators not know, let alone others!


Hearing what Zhu Mengxian said, Zhu Yirong looked at Zhu Menggen, the third child, and said in a cold tone, "Be careful what you say in the future! Don't talk nonsense without evidence! Miracle Group is our important partner, so we can't turn against each other!"

Seeing his father standing by Zhu Mengxian's side, Zhu Menggen glanced at Zhu Mengxian with some dissatisfaction, and then said reluctantly, "I see."

Several other people were very displeased when they saw Zhu Mengxian showing off in front of Zhu Yirong again.The second child, Zhu Mengjiu, looked at Zhu Mengxian's proud expression, and thought of the previous cooperation between Daying Group and Miracle Group, which was facilitated by the fifth brother Zhu Mengxian.

The shrewd Zhu Mengjiu quickly guessed that the fifth brother Zhu Mengxian would speak for Miracle Group so actively. Could it be that they have already reached some kind of cooperative relationship?If this is the case, then there will be a good show to watch~!

Now the private struggle for power among the five sons of the Zhu family has reached a fever pitch. As the eldest son, Zhu Mengxu's ability is not bad, but compared with his brothers, he is not particularly outstanding.The most outstanding fifth brother, Zhu Mengxian, is shrewd and capable, and is deeply favored by Zhu Yirong.

This made Zhu Mengxu, who wanted to insist on the "primogenarian inheritance system", very dissatisfied, and worried that the fifth child would eventually tear himself apart completely and compete for the inheritance of Hyundai Group.For the other brothers, Zhu Mengxu was also somewhat wary.

(End of this chapter)

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